Evaluation of a geometry-based knee joint compared to a planar knee joint
Anders Sandholm | Cédric Schwartz | Nicolas Pronost |
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | Aalborg University | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Virtual Reality Lab | SMI | Virtual Reality Lab |
Mark de Zee | Michael Voigt | Daniel Thalmann |
Aalborg University | Aalborg University | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
SMI | SMI | Virtual Reality Lab |
Abstract :
In this paper, we present a comparative study between two knee joint models. The two kinematical models are analyzed on a gait motion, and we evaluate their influence on the joint reaction forces. The first model is mainly based on the femoral and tibial geometries of the subject while the second one lies on statistical properties. We show that we are able to predict the lateral, anterior and longitudinal moments.
Keywords :
Knee joint - Inverse kinematics and dynamics - Joint reaction moments
Paper :
Paper from the Proceedings of 3D Anatomical Human Summer School 2010: