Définition et réalisation d'outils de modélisation et
de calcul de mouvement pour des humanoides virtuels
Nicolas Pronost |
University of Rennes 1 |

Définition et réalisation d'outils de modélisation et
de calcul de mouvement pour des humanoides virtuels
Abstract :
Understanding and animating human motions are closely related to approaches of analysis ans synthesis. These approaches raise crucial problems in many scientific fields such as biomechanics, anthropology and animation. Obtaining realistic animated motions is a highly delicate and complex issue when evaluated by the trained human eye. We study and realize in this thesis a complete and coherent chain of analysis and synthesis of human locomotions which certifies the respect of motion realism criteria. This chain is made up of a method of kinematical adaptation, of a dynamics process of validation of this method and of a method of forward dynamics synthesis. We propose for each of these three parts, methods of human modeling, methods of motion modeling and methods of motion computation. We focus our work on methods of normalisation and manipulation of a database of motions.
Keywords :
Motion analysis and synthesis - Kinematical adaptation - Inverse and forward dynamics - Human and motion modeling
Thesis :
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Talk :
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BibTeX :
author = {Nicolas Pronost},
title = {Définition et réalisation d'outils de modélisation et de calcul de mouvement pour des humanoides virtuels},
school = {University of Rennes 1},
year = {2006},
month = dec