CoursesI am responsible or regularly involved in the following programs and courses at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France).
- Master program: MEEF NSI
- DIU program: Diplôme Inter-Universitaire "Enseigner l'informatique au Lycée"
- Master 1 course: M1IF37 : Animation en synthèse d'image
- Master 2 course: M2ID3D ACAMP : Animation, corps articulés et moteurs physiques
- Bachelor course: LIFAPSD : Algorithmique, Programmation et Structures de Données
- Bachelor course: LIFAP4 : Conception et développement d'applications
- Master project: Physics-based model optimization from captured motions [thesis].
- Master project: Etude de stratégies d’optimisation pour la prédiction de mouvement de personnages virtuels [thesis].
- Master project: Etude de stratégies de contact pour l’animation physique de personnages virtuels [thesis].
- Master project: Predictive simulation of virtual characters' motion using a muscle model [thesis].
- Master project: De l’imagerie médicale au squelette en mouvement [thesis (FR)].
- Master project: Real-time gait control for partially immersed bipeds [thesis].
- Master project: Adaptive Geometrical Action Line for Musculoskeletal Simulation [thesis].
- Master project: Real-Time Collision-aware Musculoskeletal Model for Virtual Human Animation [thesis].
- Master project: Hierarchical development of physics-based animation controllers [thesis].
- Master project: The 5/10 Method - A method for designing educational games [thesis].
- Master project: Unified Platform for Subject-specific Neuromuscular and Finite Element Simulations [thesis].
- Master project: Skeletal similarity based automatic joint mapping for performance animation [thesis].
- Master project: Online full-body motion reconstruction [thesis].
- Small project: Disparity map reconstruction from stereoscopic images [report].
- Small project: Simple Pose Controller for Muscle Actuated Characters [report].
- Small project: Competitive choices on actions in motion graph [report].
- Small project: Virtual Characters and Dynamic Fluid Interaction [report].
- Small project: Implementation of a momentum-based distance metric for motion graphs [report].
- Small project: Automatic ragdoll creation from 3D models [report].
- Small project: Experiments on a level set method for ductile fracture [report].
- Small project: Muscle activity - From D-Flow to RAGE [report].
- Small project: Physical fatigue assessment for virtual character animation [report].
- Small project: Muscle Activation Database [report].
- Small project: Realtime Visualization of Water Simulation Output [report].
- Small project: Automatic Processing of Motion Capture Data [report].
- Literature review: A Literature Review on Real-Time Musculoskeletal Model for Injury Simulation on 3D Human Characters [review].
- Literature review: A Literature Review on Virtual Character Assessment [review].
I was responsible for the following courses at Utrecht University (The Netherlands) as part of the Game and Media Technology Program.
- Master course: Game Physics
- Master course: Game Engine Programming
- Master course: Elementary Maths for GMT
- Master course: Literature Review for Game and Media Technology
- Master seminar: Simulating the World
- Bachelor course: Image Processing
I was also involved (praticals, tutorials or project supervision) in the following courses.
- Bachelor course: Game Programming
- Bachelor project: Introduction Project in Game Technology
- Bachelor project: Game Technology Software Project
- Bachelor project: Research Methods for Game Technology