Rihab AYED

PhD Student in Graph Databases Search


I am PhD student of a joint doctoral thesis between the Université de Lyon 1 (France) & University of Carthage (Tunisia Polytechnic School, Tunisia). I am a member of DB (Database) research Group of the LIRIS lab.

My phD work is about "Aggregated Search in Distributed Graph Databases".

Mes two phD advisors are :
  • Mohand-Saïd HACID (Prof., Université de Lyon 1, LIRIS, France)
  • Abderrazek JEMAI (HDR, University of Carthage, SERCOM, Tunisia)
I also work in collaboration with Dr Rafiqul Haque. My PhD work is performed within the scope of the CAIR (Contextual Aggregated Information Retrieval) project that is funded by the ANR .

Research Field

In this research, we are interested in investigating issues related to query evaluation and optimization in the framework of aggregated search.

Aggregated search is a new paradigm to access massively distributed information. It aims to produce answers to queries by combining fragments of information from several sources. The queries search for objects (documents) that do not exist as such in the targeted sources, but are built from fragments extracted from the sources. The sources might not be specified in the query expression, they are dynamically discovered at runtime.

In our work, we will consider data dependencies to design a framework to optimize query evaluation over distributed data sources.

Research Project

My PhD work is part of the CAIR project (Contextual Aggregated Information Retrieval), which one of its main goals is to propose a complete scenario of an Aggregated Information Retrieval System.