
  • Invited talk at the 18th Cloud Control Workshop, Skåvsjöholm, Stockholm, June 2025.

  • Invited at the French-German dialogue "Is Artificial Intelligence gender biased? How women reinvent a more ethical approach to AI", Munich, May 2025.

  • Invited keynote at the 2024 Women in Computer Science Workshop, "The Many Faces of Federated Learning", Cameroon, December 2024.

  • Invited keynote at the ComPAS 2024 Conference, Nantes, France, July 2024.

  • Invited keynote at the Summer school & Days on distributed learning, Lyon, France, September 2023.

  • Invited at Workshop - Women in Big Data, IBM Zurich, Switzerland, June 2018.

  • Invited talk at CNRS GDR RSD - ACM SIGOPS France Winter School on Distributed Systems and Networks, "Dependability and Privacy in the Era of Big Data", Pleynet, France, March 2018.

  • Panel speaker at the 36th IEEE SRDS 2017, "Reliability and Security in the era of Big Data and IoT", Hong Kong, China, September 29, 2017.

  • Invited talk at the 9th Cloud Control Workshop, "Benchmarking Big Data Distributed Systems", Örsundsbro, Sweden, June 2016.

  • Invited talk at Dagstuhl Seminar, "Model-Driven Algorithms and Architectures for Self-Aware Computing Systems", Dagsthul, Germany, January 2015.

  • Invited talk a the Conference on Embedded and Distributed Systems (EDiS), "Benchmarking and Evaluating Big Data Systems", Oran, Algeria, November 2015.

  • Invited talk at the ICAR Summer School on Cloud Computing, "Dependability and Performance of Hadoop MapReduce", Grenoble, France, August 2013.

  • Invited talk at the Workshop SLA Management in Cloud computing, in conjunction with the ComPAS Conference, "Service Level Agreement for Cloud Computing: Towards a Control – Theoretic Approach", Grenoble, France, January 2013.

  • Invited talk at Dagstuhl Seminar, "Security and Dependability for Federated Cloud Platforms", Dagsthul, Germany, July 2012.

  • Invited talk at the Workshop on Dependability Issues in Cloud Computing, in conjunction with the IEEE SRDS Conference, "SLA and Quality of Service for Cloud Computing", Irvine, California, USA, October 2012.

  • Invited talk at HADAS-LIG Seminar, "MyCloud - SLA and quality of service for Cloud Computing", Chartreuse, France, April 2011.

  • Invited talk at the Workshop in honor of Jean-Pierre Verjus, "Quality of Service of Distributed Systems: A Control-Theoretic Approach", Grenoble, France, November 2010.

  • Invited talk at ACM SIGOPS France Journée Thèmes Emergents, "AOP-Based Caching of Dynamic Web Content", Lille, France, September 2005.