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Angela Bonifati I am the Chair of the EDBT Executive Board and Association (2020-2025). I am a member of the VLDB Endowment Board of Trustees (2024-2029). I am the Program Chair of IEEE ICDE 2024 (demo track) and the General Chair of ACM DEBS (Distributed and Event-Based Systems) 2024 I am a member of the ACM Sigmod Research Highlights Committee (2023-2026) and the Jim Gray Dissertation Award Committee (2024). Research Interests: I am interested in several interdisciplinary areas of Artificial Intelligence and Data Management, specifically in graph databases, knowledge graphs, data integration, data curation, data management for machine learning and machine learning for data management. Precisely, my current research interests are on the interplay of structured (relational) and semistructured (graph-oriented) data paradigms. In particular, I am currently working on several data management topics, such as AI-assisted data science, data integration, data quality, data analytics, querying and indexing, databases for machine learning and gender analysis. For many of these topics, I am interested in problems that lead to multidisciplinary applications (such as those for medical, life sciences, mobility and environmental data). Awards: I have received several distinctions for my research contributions. Recently, I received the prestigious 2023 IEEE TCDE Impact Award for "For contributions to the active and interdisciplinary areas of graph databases, knowledge graphs and data integration and their impact on data-intensive systems." I received a Best Industrial Paper Award at ACM Sigmod 2023, a Best Regular Paper Award at ICDE 2022 and a Best Regular Paper Runner Up Award at VLDB 2022. For the latter paper, I also received the ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award, which recognizes projects across premier database conferences that "exemplify core database research, address an important problem, and have the potential of significant impact." I have been nominated IUF (French University Institute) Senior Member in 2023. Previously, I have been nominated French Scholar 2020 for the multidisciplinary aspects of my research at Peter Wall Institute, Canada. I am the recipient of several Endowed Research Chairs (2011-2013, 2018-2021 from University of Lille and INRIA Grenoble, respectively). Recent Keynotes: In 2024, I will be a lecturer at the VLDB Summer School and a Keynote speaker at the ADBIS Conference. In 2023, I was a Keynote speaker at CODS/COMAD 2023 (International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data), at the DOLAP Workshop co-located with EDBT/ICDT 2023, at the DASFAA conference 2023, at the Alberto Mendelzon Workshop (AMW) 2023 on Foundations of Data Management and at IEEE DSAA (Data Science and Advanced Analytics) Conference 2023. Moreover, I have been a Lecturer at the ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science in July 2023. Funding: My research is supported by the French national research agency under the 2015, 2018, 2021 and 2022 ANR (Agence Nationale de la recherche) collaborative research programme. Among the others, I am the Principal Investigator of the ANR Project QualiHealth (2019-2024), the PI of the HyGraph ANR/DFG project (in partnership with Univ. of Leipzig & ScaDS.AI) (2022-2025). I a WP leader in the ANR project VeryGraph (2021-2025) in partnership with ENS, PSL University (Paris) and LIG CNRS (Grenoble). I am also a member of the H2020 EU project Qualitop in partnership with the Civil Hospitals in Lyon. These grants focus either on on applying data management techniques to multidisciplinary domains or on future challenges of graph data management. My research is also supported by gifts from several companies, such as Oracle Labs, Neo4j etc. and by French Institutes, such as Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), IDEX (Initiative of Excellence) and Institut Carnot LSI. An up-to-date list of my publications can be found on DBLP.
Querying Graphs (with G. Fletcher, H. Voigt and N. Yakovets) Synthesis Lectures on Data Management (Morgan & Claypool Publishers) 2018 ![]() Schema Matching and Mapping (with Z. Bellahsene and E. Rahm) (Springer Data-Centric Systems and Applications) 2011 and its google scholar (thanks to E. Rahm) Professional Activities (last 5 years):
Responsabilités (in French):
You can contact me at one of the following e-mail addresses: angela[doT]bonifati[aT]gmail[doT]com angela[doT]bonifati[aT]univ[dasH]lyon1[doT]fr This file last modified Saturday February 17, 2024 |