
Research Team

  • SICAL (since 2014) - Situated Interaction, Collaboration, Adaptation and Learning. Research topics: Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) environments, Human Computer Interaction, Adaptation
  • SILEX (2008-2014) - Supporting Interaction and Learning by Experience. Research topics: Knowledge dynamics and traced experience, Co-desing of situated TELS, Interactive Adaptive Systems

Research Focuses

My research interests are focusing on Adaptive Interactive Systems, trying to improve System Accessibility, Usability and Utility to users. I am interested in human-computer interaction engineering, document and knowledge engineering, technology enhanced learning, AI and machine learning. Application domains are related to education, culture and health (mainly visual impairment).

My research work focuses on the adaptation of computer systems to their usage contexts and aims at proposing models/processes/tools to identify, characterize this notion of context and guide the adaptation of systems.
I have mainly carried out work dealing firstly with digital accessibility and, more recently, with usage/behavior analysis for the redesign/adaptability of systems.

Scientific supervision/students


  • Abir-Béatrice Karami, SIM2B project, co-supervised with Karim Sehaba (2016-2019)
  • Abir-Béatrice Karami, RobotPopuli project, co-supervised with Karim Sehaba (2012-2014)
  • Thomas Steiner, Spectacle en ligne(s) project, co-supervised with Pierre-Antoine Champin and Yannick Prié (2013-2014)
  • Magali Ollagnier-Beldame, ACAV project, co-supervised with Yannick Prié (2009-2011)

Ph.D. student

  • Madjid Sadallah (université de Béjaïa - Algeria), “Models and Tools for Usage based e-Learning Documents Reengineering”, co-supervised with Yannick Prié (defense: april 2019)

Master's Thesis students

  • Louis Guillotin, Computer Science Master/AI Program, “Mesure de l’engagement sur une activité de visualisation interactive de vidéos 360°”, co-supervised with Elise Lavoué and Audrey Serna, 2020-2021 (ongoing)
  • Jean-Baptiste Guimbaud, Computer Science Master/AI Program, “Développement d’outils décisionnels pour l’assistance à la reconception - analyse des usages d’un dispositif de médiation du patrimoine”, co-supervised with Karim Sehaba, 2019-2020
  • Yingdong Liu, Cognitive Sciences Master/CHI Program, “L’application MIA Confort permet-elle aux utilisateurs d’avoir une expérience satisfaisante ?”, co-supervised with Karim Sehaba, 2017-2018
  • Washim Ahmed, Computer Science Master/DS Program, “Analyse de situations à partir de traces pour des jeux adaptatifs”, co-supervised with A.B. Karami and Karim Sehaba, 2016-2017
  • Kawtar Ousguine, Computer Science Master/AI Program, “Assistance aux usages à travers le partage d’expériences tracées”, co-supervised with Karim Sehaba, 2015-2016
  • Stuart Hallifax, Computer Science Master/AI Program, “Conception de scénarios pédagogiques dans un contexte collaboratif à travers des tables interactives”, co-supervised with Karim Sehaba and Jean-Charles Marty, 2015-2016
  • Jose Francisco Saray Villamizar, Computer Science Master/AI Program, “Towards an interactive film visualization system for people in disability situation: video-annotation adaptation during visualization”, co-supervised with Yannick Prié and Pierre Antoine Champin, 2009-2010
  • Olivier Helleu, Cognitive Sciences Master/Applied Cognitive Sciences Program, “Recherches et expérimentation pour la perception active par des non-voyants”, co-supervised with Yannick Prié, 2008-2009

Others students supervised

  • Tz'Ayik Fort, first year master's degree in Computer Science, “représentation de connaissances dans le domaine de la E-santé”, 2017-2018
  • Virginie Zuccolotto, first year master's degree in Cognitive Sciences, “étude de la modalité préférentielle de traitement de l'information chez des personnes aveugles”, co-supervised with Magali Ollagnier-Beldame, 2010-2011
  • Nasthasia Kovacs, first year master's degree in Cognitive Sciences, “Le temps de pause : alternative à la surcharge cognitive des personnes aveugles dans l'accès aux vidéos enrichies sur internet”, co-supervised with Magali Ollagnier-Beldame, 2010-2011
  • Michael Schubert, first year master's degree in Cognitive Sciences, “Compréhension de séquences filmiques modifiées avec des icônes sonores par des non-voyants”, co-supervised with Magali Ollagnier-Beldame and Yannick Prié, 2009-2010


Projects below are first listed by scope (international, european, national, others) and then by date.


SILVER (2016-2018) - Singapore Innovative Living Environment.

  • Discarded - (funding/Type: National Research Foundation (Singapore) / CNRS)
  • Consortium: CNRS, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Ministry of Health of Singapore (MOH), Singapore government agencies (IHIS, HDB, URA), AP-HP (France)
  • Description: Research program proposal on intelligent environments for helping the elderly


CONTRAPUNCTUS (2006-2009) - Preservations and unification of new and existing Braille Music digital sources for a new access methodology.

  • Funding/Type: European Union, FP6-IST Programme
  • Consortium: Université Paul Sabatier Irit-Tobia (France), Biblioteca Italiana Per I Ciechi “Regina Margherita” - Onlus (Italy), Dedicon (Holland), Arca Progetti S.R.L. (Italy), Organización Nacional De Ciegos Españoles. Cidat (Spain), Royal National Institute of the Blind (UK), Le Centre De Transcription Et D'édition En Braille (France), Veia Progetti Srl (Italy), Unione Italiana Ciechi (Italy), OOO “IPTK “LOGOS VOS” (Russia), European Blind Union (France), Conservatorio musicale di Padova (Italy)*
  • Description: Preservations and unification of new and existing Braille Music digital sources for a new access methodology

LAMBDA (2002-2005) - Linear Access to Mathematics for Braille Device and Audio-synthesis.

  • Funding/Type: European Union, FP5-IST Programme
  • Consortium: Université paul sabatier (France), ACAPO - associacao de cegos e ambliopes de portugal (Portugal), biblioteca italiana ciechi “regina margherita” onlus (Italy), centro servizi amministrativi di vicenza (Italy), european blind union (France), ooo iptk logos vos (Russia), organizacion nacional de ciegos espanoles (Spain), the dodecanese association of disabled people (Greece), unione italiana dei ciechi (Italy), universität stuttgart (Germany), university of york (Uk), veia progetti s.r.l.(Italy)
  • Description: Linear Access to Mathematics for Braille Device and Audio-synthesis.

PLAY2 (2000-2003) - Storage of various music input, conversion of different Braille syntax into sound, graphic, Braille output and telematics access.

  • Funding/Type: European Union, FP5-IST programme
  • Consortium: Université paul sabatier (France), ACAPO - associacao de cegos e ambliopes de portugal (Portugal), biblioteca italiana ciechi “regina margherita” onlus (Italy), city university london (UK), consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Italy), mta kfki reszecske- es magfizikai kutatointezet (Hungary), organizacion nacional de ciegos espanoles (Spain), unione italiana dei ciechi (Italy)
  • Description: Storage of various music input, conversion of different Braille syntax into sound, graphic, Braille output and telematics access.


APPLI (2019-2020) - Mobile applications for heritage visits

  • Funding/Type: PRIME CNRS 80
  • Consortium: LIRIS, Centre Norbert Elias (Avignon), Histovery, Palais des Papes, Avignon Tourisme
  • Description: Studies of visit practices integrating ICT

SIM2B (2016-2019) - Simulate To Be.

  • Funding/Type: FUI
  • Consortium: LIRIS, Laboratoire GRePS (Université Lyon 2), Artefacts Studio, SBT
  • Description: Simulation of emotional and social behavior for non-playing characters in video games and serious games.

HUBBLE (2015-2019) - HUman oBservatory Based on anaLysis of e-LEarning traces.

  • Funding/Type: ANR
  • Consortium: LIG, LIRIS, LabSTICC, LIUM, IFÉ-S2HEP, LINA, STEF, OpenClassrooms
  • Description: Creation of an observatory for the construction and sharing of massive e-learning trace analysis processes.

AMISIA (2016-2018)

  • Funding/Type: Défi CNRS AUTON
  • Consortium: LIRIS UMR5205 (Lyon), LabSTICC UMR 6285, Laboratoire Cognition and Action Group UMR-MD4 8257 (Paris-Descartes), LIMOS UMR 6158 (Clermont-Ferrand), HAVAE EA 6310 (Limoges), Institut des Sciences du Mouvement Humain UMR 7287 (Marseille), Université de Toulon (UFR STAPS)
  • Description:Innovative multidisciplinary approach to monitoring incentive strategies for the maintenance of autonomy.

RobotPopuli (2012-2014)

  • Funding/Type: FUI
  • Consortium: LIRIS, ENSTA ParisTech, Gamagora, Adeneo Embedded, Awabot, Artefacts Studio
  • Description: The objective of this project is to create an advanced robotics platform, with adaptive behavior, for innovative interactive applications (games, agenda, assistance, etc.).

Spectacle en ligne(s) (2013-2014)

  • Funding/Type: ANR Corpus
  • Consortium: LIRIS, IRI-Centre Pompidou,INRIA Grenoble, CERILAC-Paris 7, Ubicast, théâtre des Célestins, Festival d'Aix
  • Description:The aim of this project consists in a/the development of a corpus of live performances (that includes the video capture of all rehearsals) b/tools for analyzing this corpus.

CLAIRE (2012-2014) - Community Learning through Adaptive and Interactive multichannel Resources for Education.

  • Funding/Type: Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir, AAP e-Education 1
  • Consortium: LIRIS, INRIA Grenoble, SimpleIT (OpenClassrooms)
  • Description:We work within this project on an authoring tool for generating self-assessment exercises, but also on rich media content creation, dynamic annotation of educational content, behavioral analysis and visualization of profiles.

ACAV (2009-2011) -Annotation Collaborative pour l'Accessibilité Vidéo - Collaborative Annotation for Video Accessibility.

  • Funding/Type: DGCIS, AAP Web innovant
  • Consortium: LIRIS, EURECOM, Dailymotion
  • Description:This project is dedicated to improving web video accessibility through annotations, mainly aimed at hard-hearing, deaf and blind people.

Webcontent (2006-2009)

  • Funding/Type: ANR (RNTL)
  • Consortium:
  • Description: Content management platform for the Semantic Web.


Visiteurs (2020-2021) - Video-based methods to Study International sTudents’ Experiences of the URban Space.

  • Funding/Type: Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir/Labex ASLAN
  • Consortium: LIRIS, ICAR
  • Description: Explore the value of using 360° cameras and immersive environments to capture international student enrollment in the urban space of the host country.

AVEC (2012-2013) - Accessibilité des Vidéos culturelles aux pErsonnes en situation de handiCap visuel - Accessibility of Cultural Videos to People with Visual Impairment.

  • Funding/Type: Région/ARC 2
  • Consortium: LIRIS, ELICO
  • Description: Improve the accessibility of cultural videos for the blind/visually impaired.

SantéNET (2018-2019)

  • Funding/Type: SATT Pulsalys
  • Consortium: LIRIS, SantéNet, centre hospitalier Saint Jean de Dieu
  • Description: Project of maturation of a personalized chronic pain management application (e-Health).

ADVENE - Annotate Digital Video, Exchange on the Net

  • Advene is a project on video annotations, hypervideos, models and tools for video active reading, etc. The Open-Source Advene software runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It features the Cinelab / Advene2 model for Hypervideo description and Exchange.

NatBraille - Not Another Transcriptor

  • Partners : Université Pierre et Marie Curie, MACIF, MESR, AVH, INSHEA
  • Description : Universal braille translator, back-translator and formatter
research.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/09 14:33 by admin Encelle Benoit ()

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