
PhD Thesis

  • Summary: my PhD thesis (defended in Dec. 2005) is entitled “Content accessibility: personalization of user's interactions with content and user's content presentation”. Personalization of user interfaces for browsing content is a key concept to ensure content accessibility. This personalization is especially needed for people with disabilities (e.g. visually impaired) and/or for highly mobile individuals (driving, off-screen environments) and/or for people with limited devices (PDAs, mobile phones, etc.). In this direction, personalization mechanisms, based on a user requirements study, are introduced in his PhD thesis. These mechanisms result in the generation of adapted multimodal user interfaces for browsing XML-content using user and context profiles. These on-the-fly generated user interfaces can use several modalities for increasing communication possibilities: in this way, interactions between the user and the system can take place in a more natural manner.
  • Examination committee: Cécile Roisin (referee), Jocelyne Nanard (referee), Florence Sèdes (examiner), Nadine Vigouroux (examiner), Régine André-Obrecht (supervisor), Nadine Baptiste-Jessel (co-supervisor).
  • Related articles:
    • B. Encelle, N. Jessel, F. Sedes. Adapted Multimodal End-User Interfaces For Xml-Content. In book Multimodal Human Computer Interaction and Pervasive Services, 2009.
    • B. Encelle, N. Jessel, F. Sedes. Personalization of XML Content Browsing Based on User Preferences. In Journal of Access Services 6(). 2009.
    • Encelle, B. and Baptiste-Jessel, N. A process based on the representation of end-user requirements for generating adaptable user interfaces for browsing XML content. Proc. Proceedings of the 11th international conference, {KES} 2007 and {XVII} Italian workshop on neural networks conference on Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems: Part {III}, 2007. 1000-1007.
    • Encelle, B. and Baptiste-Jessel, N. A transformation framework for building personalized user interfaces for browsing XML content. Proc. Proceedings of the 2007 international workshop on Semantically aware document processing and indexing (SDAPI), 2007. 49-57.
    • Encelle, B. and Baptiste-Jessel, N. Generating Adaptable User Interfaces for Browsing XML Documents User Interfaces Adaptation Using User Profiles of Applications Policies. Proc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS), 2007.
    • Encelle, B. and Baptiste-Jessel, N. Personalization of user interfaces for browsing XML content using transformations built on end-user requirements. Proc. Proceedings of the 2007 international cross-disciplinary conference on Web accessibility {(W4A)}, 2007. 58-64.
    • Encelle, B. and Jessel, N. Personalization of information browsing user interface: evaluation of the user policies concepts. Proc. {IADIS} International Conference {WWW/Internet}, 2006.
    • Encelle, B. and Baptiste-Jessel, N. (2004). Adapting Presentation and Interaction with XML Documents to User Preferences. 3118, 624-624.
    • Baptiste-Jessel, N. and Tornil, B. and Encelle, B. Using SVG and a Force Feedback Mouse to Enable Blind People to Access 'Graphical' Web Based Documents. Proc. ICCHP, 2004. 228-235.
    • Encelle, B. and Baptiste-Jessel, N. Adapting presentation and interaction with XML documents to user preferences. In International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), Paris, France. 2004.

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CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon