My research interests are focusing on Adaptive Interactive Systems, trying to improve System Accessibility, Usability and Utility to users. I am interested in human-computer interaction engineering, document and knowledge engineering, technology enhanced learning, AI and machine learning. Application domains are related to education, culture and health (mainly visual impairment).
My research work focuses on the adaptation of computer systems to their usage contexts and aims at proposing models/processes/tools to identify, characterize this notion of context and guide the adaptation of systems.
I have mainly carried out work dealing firstly with digital accessibility and, more recently, with usage/behavior analysis for the redesign/adaptability of systems.
Projects below are first listed by scope (international, european, national, others) and then by date.
SILVER (2016-2018) - Singapore Innovative Living Environment.
CONTRAPUNCTUS (2006-2009) - Preservations and unification of new and existing Braille Music digital sources for a new access methodology.
LAMBDA (2002-2005) - Linear Access to Mathematics for Braille Device and Audio-synthesis.
PLAY2 (2000-2003) - Storage of various music input, conversion of different Braille syntax into sound, graphic, Braille output and telematics access.
APPLI (2019-2020) - Mobile applications for heritage visits
SIM2B (2016-2019) - Simulate To Be.
HUBBLE (2015-2019) - HUman oBservatory Based on anaLysis of e-LEarning traces.
AMISIA (2016-2018)
RobotPopuli (2012-2014)
Spectacle en ligne(s) (2013-2014)
CLAIRE (2012-2014) - Community Learning through Adaptive and Interactive multichannel Resources for Education.
ACAV (2009-2011) -Annotation Collaborative pour l'Accessibilité Vidéo - Collaborative Annotation for Video Accessibility.
Webcontent (2006-2009)
Visiteurs (2020-2021) - Video-based methods to Study International sTudents’ Experiences of the URban Space.
AVEC (2012-2013) - Accessibilité des Vidéos culturelles aux pErsonnes en situation de handiCap visuel - Accessibility of Cultural Videos to People with Visual Impairment.
SantéNET (2018-2019)
ADVENE - Annotate Digital Video, Exchange on the Net
NatBraille - Not Another Transcriptor