| Array () |
| Empty.
| Array (const Box &, int, int, int) |
| Create the array structure.
| ~Array () |
| Empty.
Array | Extract (int, int, int, int, int, int) const |
| Extract an sub-array.
int | VertexSize () const |
| Return the size of the array.
int | VertexSize (int) const |
| Get the size of the array for every axis.
Box | Cell (int) const |
| Return the geometry of the cell.
Box | Cell (int, int, int) const |
| Return the geometry of the cell.
Vector | CellCenter (int, int, int) const |
| Return the center of the cell.
void | Scale (const Vector &) |
| Scales the array structure.
void | Scale (const double &) |
| Scales the array structure.
Box | GetBox () const |
| Get the box of the array.
Vector | CellDiagonal () const |
| Return the cell diagonal.
double | CellVolume () const |
| Return the volume of a cell.
Vector | Vertex (int, int, int) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a point on the lattice.
int | GetSizeX () const |
| Get the size of the array for x axis.
int | GetSizeY () const |
| Get the size of the array for y axis.
int | GetSizeZ () const |
| Get the size of the array for z axis.
int | CellSize () const |
| Return the size of the voxel.
int | CellSizeX () const |
| Get the size of the voxel for x axis.
int | CellSizeY () const |
| Get the size of the voxel for y axis.
int | CellSizeZ () const |
| Get the size of the voxel for z axis.
bool | IsEmpty () const |
| Detect if the array is empty.
Box | UnitCell () const |
| Return the geometry of a generic cell.
void | Resize (const Box &, int, int, int) |
| Resize the voxel with the given parameters.
void | VertexInteger (const Vector &, int &, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a vertex inside a cell.
void | VertexIntegerVolume (const Box &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the integer coordinates of the vertices of a box embedding an input box.
void | CellInteger (const Vector &, int &, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a vertex inside a cell.
void | CellInteger (const Vector &, int &, int &, int &, double &, double &, double &) const |
| Compute the point on the lattice given an input point.
void | CellIntegerVolume (const Box &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the integer coordinates of the cells of the array embedding an input box.
void | OutStream (QDataStream &) const |
| Write data to a data stream.
void | InStream (QDataStream &) |
| Read data to a data stream.
int | Memory () const |
| Compute the size of the array.
constexpr int | VertexIndex (int, int, int) const |
| Compute the index of a given vertex.
constexpr bool | InsideVertexIndex (int, int, int) const |
| Check if the indexes are within range.
constexpr bool | InsideCellIndex (int, int, int) const |
| Check if the indexes are within range.
void | InverseVertexIndex (int, int &, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a given vertex.
constexpr int | CellIndex (int, int, int) const |
| Compute the index of a given cell.
void | InverseCellIndex (int, int &, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a given cell.
| Box () |
| Empty.
| Box (const double &) |
| Create a cube centered at the origin and of given half side length.
| Box (const Vector &) |
| Create an empty box given one vertex.
| Box (const Vector &, const Vector &) |
| Create a box given two opposite corners.
| Box (const Vector &, const double &) |
| Create a box given a center point and the half side length.
| Box (const Vector &, const double &, const double &, const double &) |
| Create a box given a center point and its width, length, and height.
| Box (const double &, const double &, const double &) |
| Create a box given its sizes.
| Box (const Vector *, int) |
| Creates the bounding box of a set of points.
| Box (const QVector< Vector > &) |
| Creates the bounding box of a set of points.
| Box (const Box &, const Box &) |
| Create a box embedding two boxes.
| Box (const Box &, const Frame &) |
| Creates an axis aligned bounding box from a box and a frame.
| Box (const Box &, const FrameScaled &) |
| Creates an axis aligned bounding box from a box and a frame.
| Box (const Box &, const Matrix &) |
| Creates an axis aligned bounding box from a box and a transformation matrix.
| ~Box () |
| Empty.
Vector & | operator[] (int) |
| Returns either end vertex of the box.
Vector | operator[] (int) const |
| Overloaded.
Vector | Center () const |
| Returns the center of the box.
Vector | Vertex (int) const |
| Returns the k-th vertex of the box.
Segment | Edge (int) const |
| Compute the k-th edge segment of the box.
Plane | Face (int) const |
| Compute the k-th plane of the box.
Vector | Size () const |
| Compute the size (width, length and height) of a box.
Vector | Diagonal () const |
| Returns the diagonal of the box.
double | Radius () const |
| Returns the radius of the box, i.e. the length of the half diagonal of the box.
double | R (const Vector &) const |
| Computes the squared Euclidean distance between the box and a point.
double | Signed (const Vector &) const |
| Computes the signed distance between the box and a point.
Vector | Normal (const Vector &) const |
| Computes the normal vector between a point and a box.
double | R (const Box &) const |
| Compute the squared Euclidean distance between two boxes.
double | RInfinity (const Box &) const |
| Compute the maximum distance between two boxes.
int | Intersect (const Ray &) const |
| Check the intersection between a box and a ray.
int | Intersect (const Ray &, double &, double &) const |
| Computes the intersection between a box and a ray.
int | Intersect (const Ray &, double &) const |
| Compute the first positive intersection between the box and a ray.
int | Intersect (const Ray &, double &, double &, Vector &, Vector &) const |
| Compute the intersection between an axis aligned box and a ray.
int | Intersect (const Ray &, double &, Vector &) const |
| Compute the first positive intersection between the box and a ray.
int | Intersect (const Vector &, const Vector &) const |
| Check if a segment intersects an axis aligned box.
bool | Intersect (const Box &) const |
| Check if the box intersects another box.
bool | Inside (const Box &) const |
| Check if an argument box is inside the box.
bool | Inside (const Vector &) const |
| Check if a point is inside the box.
Box | Intersection (const Box &) const |
| Computes the intersection between two boxes.
int | Difference (const Box &, Box *) const |
| Computes the difference between two boxes.
bool | Empty () const |
| Check if a box is empty.
double | Volume () const |
| Compute the volume of a box.
double | Area () const |
| Compute the surface area of a box.
void | SetCubic () |
| Creates the tightest embedding cube from an arbitrarilly shaped box.
void | SetInscribedCubic () |
| Creates the biggest cube iscribed in the box.
Box | Cube () const |
| Return the tightest embedding cube from an arbitrarilly shaped box.
void | Extend (const double &) |
| Extend the limits of the box by a given distance.
Box | Extended (const double &) const |
| Extend the limits of the box by a given distance.
void | Extend (const Vector &) |
| Extend the limits of the box given a point.
Box | Extended (const Vector &) const |
| Extend the limits of the box by a given vector range.
void | SetParallelepipedic (const double &, int &, int &, int &) |
| Creates a parallelepipedic box whose dimensions are integer multiples of a given input reference size.
void | SetParallelepipedic (int, int &, int &, int &) |
| Inflates a box so that its dimensions should be a fraction of its maximum side length.
Box | Sub (int) const |
| Computes the sub-box in the n-th octant.
int | Octant (const Vector &) const |
| Compute the octant index of a vertex with respect to the box center.
void | Translate (const Vector &) |
| Translates a box.
Box | Translated (const Vector &) const |
| Translated box.
void | Scale (const double &) |
| Scales a box.
void | Scale (const Vector &) |
| Scales a box.
Box | Scaled (const Vector &) const |
| Scales a box and return the scaled box.
Box | Offsetted (const Vector &) const |
| Offets a box.
Box | Centered () const |
| Compute the box translated to origin.
Box | Cut (const Vector &, const Vector &) const |
| Compute the minimal box embedding the box cut by half space.
int | IntegerAxis () const |
| Compute the axis which has the greater length.
Vector | RandomInside (Random &=Random::R239) const |
| Generate a random vector inside the box.
Vector | RandomSurface (Random &=Random::R239) const |
| Generate a random vector on the surface of the box.
QVector< Vector > | Poisson (const double &, int, Random &=Random::R239) const |
| Compute a Poisson sphere distribution inside a box.
static constexpr const double | epsilon = 1.0e-5 |
| Epsilon value used to check intersections and some round off errors and for ray intersection tests.
static const Box | Infinity |
| Largest box.
static const Box | Null |
| Null box, equivalent to:
static const Box | Unit |
| Unit box.
static const int | edge [24] |
| Edge vertex indexes.
static const Vector | normal [6] |
| Face normals.
A core three dimensional lattice structure.
An array is a three-dimensional box virtually decomposed into cells.