Core 1.0
Vector Class Reference

Vectors in three dimensions. More...

#include <evector.h>

Public Member Functions

 Vector ()
 Vector (const double &)
 Create a vector with the same coordinates.
 Vector (const double &, const double &, const double &)
 Create a vector with argument coordinates.
constexpr double & operator[] (int)
 Gets the i-th coordinate of vector.
constexpr double operator[] (int) const
 Returns the i-th coordinate of vector.
Vector operator+ () const
Vector operator- () const
Vectoroperator+= (const Vector &)
 Destructive addition.
Vectoroperator-= (const Vector &)
 Destructive subtraction.
Vectoroperator*= (const Vector &)
 Destructively scale a vector by another vector.
Vectoroperator/= (const Vector &)
 Destructively divide the components of a vector by another vector.
Vectoroperator*= (const double &)
 Destructive scalar multiply.
Vectoroperator/= (const double &)
 Destructive division by a scalar.
double Max () const
 Compute the maximum component of a vector.
int MaxIndex () const
 Compute the index of the maximum component of a vector.
int MinIndex () const
 Compute the index of the minimum component of a vector.
Vector Pow (const double &) const
 Raise the components to a power.
QString ToGLSL () const
 Return QString of the form 'vec3(x, y, z)' that write the vector in GLSL.
Vector Orthogonal () const
 Returns a vector orthogonal to the argument vector.
void RandomOrthonormal (Vector &, Vector &) const
 Computes two random orthonormal vectors to the argument vector.
void Orthonormal (Vector &, Vector &) const
 Given a vector, creates two vectors xand y that form an orthogonal basis.
int Octant (const Vector &) const
 Computes octant index of a vector with respect to the vector object.
Vector Scaled (const Vector &) const
 Scale a vector.
Vector Inverse () const
 Inverse of a vector.
Vector Sort () const
 Sort the terms of the vector into ascending order.
QString ToString (int=6) const
 Create a QString form a vector.
double Angle (const Vector &) const
 Compute the angle between two vectors.
Vector Fract () const
 Compute the fractional part of the coordinates.
Vector Floor () const
 Compute the numerator part of the coordinates.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool Equal (const Vector &, const Vector &, const double &=0.0001)
 Test if two vectors are almost equal.
static Vector Min (const Vector &, const Vector &)
 Return a vector with coordinates set to the minimum coordinates of the two argument vectors.
static Vector Max (const Vector &, const Vector &)
 Return a vector with coordinates set to the maximum coordinates of the two argument vectors.
static void SetMinMax (const Vector &, Vector &, Vector &)
 Update the minimum and maximum values given a vector.
static Vector Mod (const Vector &, const Vector &)
 Modulo of two Vectors.
static bool Coplanar (const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const double &=1.0e-6)
 Check if three vectors are coplanar.
static bool Coplanar (const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const double &=1.0e-6)
 Check if four points are coplanar.
static Vector Bilinear (const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const double &, const double &)
 Bi-linear interpolation between four vectors.
static Vector Trilinear (const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const Vector &, const double &, const double &, const double &)
 Trilinear interpolation between eight vectors.
static double Slope (const Vector &, const Vector &)
 Compute the vertical slope between two vectors.
static Vector FromString (QString)
 Creates a vector from a QString.
static Vector Polar (const double &, const double &)
 Creates a vector given polar coordinates.
static Vector Solve (const Vector &, const Vector &, const double &, const double &)
 Compute the point on a segment such that the linear function satisfies f(a)=va and f(b)=vb.

Static Public Attributes

static const Vector Null = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 Null vector.
static const Vector X = Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
static const Vector Y = Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
static const Vector Z = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

Protected Attributes

double c [3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }


bool operator> (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Compare two vectors.
bool operator< (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Compare two vectors.
bool operator>= (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
bool operator<= (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
Vector operator+ (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Adds up two vectors.
Vector operator- (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Difference between two vectors.
constexpr double operator* (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Scalar product.
Vector operator* (const Vector &u, double a)
 Right multiply by a scalar.
Vector operator* (const double &a, const Vector &v)
 Left multiply by a scalar.
Vector operator/ (const Vector &u, double a)
 Left multiply by a scalar.
Vector operator/ (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Cross product.
bool operator== (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Strong equality test.
bool operator!= (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Strong difference test.
double Norm (const Vector &u)
 Compute the Euclidean norm of a vector.
double SquaredNorm (const Vector &u)
 Compute the squared Euclidean norm of a vector.
double NormInfinity (const Vector &u)
 Compute the norm infinity of a vector.
void Normalize (Vector &u)
 Normalize a vector, computing the inverse of its norm and scaling the components.
Vector Normalized (const Vector &u)
 Return a normalized vector.
double Sine (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Returns the positive sine of two vectors.
double Cosine (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Returns the positive cosine of two vectors.
Vector Abs (const Vector &u)
 Computes the absolute value of a vector.
void Swap (Vector &a, Vector &b)
 Swap two vectors.
void Swap (Vector *&a, Vector *&b)
 Swap two pointers to (arrays) vectors.
int Aligned (const Vector &u, const Vector &v)
 Check if two vectors are aligned.
Vector Clamp (const Vector &x, const Vector &a, const Vector &b)
 Clamp a vector between two bounds.
Vector Lerp (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const double &t)
 Linear interpolation between two vectors.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Vector &u)
 Overloaded output-stream operator.

Detailed Description

Vectors in three dimensions.

Most binary operators have been overloaded as expected, destructive operators, such as addition and subtraction have been implemented and behave as one could expect.

How do I compute the cross product of two vectors?
Simply use the overloaded Vector::operator/, for instance

Vector c=a/b; // Cross product
Definition evector.h:25
double c[3]
Definition evector.h:22

computes the cross product of a and b.

How do I compute the sine of the angle between two vectors?
Simply use the Sine(const Vector&, const Vector&) function, which internally computes the norm of the cross product divided by the norm of the argument vectors.

double s=Sine(a,b); // Equivalent to Norm(a/b)/(Norm(a)*Norm(b));
friend double Sine(const Vector &, const Vector &)
Returns the positive sine of two vectors.
Definition evector.cpp:111

How can I get access to the x, y and z components of a vector?
Use v[0], v[1] and v[2] to get access to the x, y and z components of a vector v respectively.

How do I compute the normal of a triangle?
Let a,b,c the vertices of the triangle, simply compute the cross product

Vector n=(a-b)/(a-c); // Cross product

or use the member function of the Triangle class:

Vector n=Triangle(a,b,c).Normal(); // Compute the normal
Base minimum storage triangle class.
Definition triangle.h:17
Vector Normal() const
Compute the normal vector of the triangle.
Definition triangle.cpp:64

How can I sort the three elements in a vector?
Use Vector::Sort() as follows:

Vector s=Vector(2.0,3.0,-1.0).Sort(); // Sort components in ascending order

How do I perform bi-linear interpolation on vectors?
Use Vector::Bilinear() with four vectors and bilinear coordinates. Alternatively, some geometric classes implement bilinear interpolation, such as Quadrangle::Vertex().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Vector() [1/2]

Vector::Vector ( const double & a)

Create a vector with the same coordinates.


◆ Vector() [2/2]

Vector::Vector ( const double & a,
const double & b,
const double & c )

Create a vector with argument coordinates.


Member Function Documentation

◆ Angle()

double Vector::Angle ( const Vector & b) const

Compute the angle between two vectors.

The two input vectors implitly define a frame

bArgument vector forming the angle.

◆ Bilinear()

Vector Vector::Bilinear ( const Vector & a00,
const Vector & a10,
const Vector & a11,
const Vector & a01,
const double & u,
const double & v )

Bi-linear interpolation between four vectors.

The values are given in trigonometric order.

a00,a10,a11,a01Interpolated vectors.
u,vInterpolation coefficients.
See also

◆ Coplanar() [1/2]

bool Vector::Coplanar ( const Vector & a,
const Vector & b,
const Vector & c,
const double & epsilon = 1.0e-6 )

Check if three vectors are coplanar.

Simply compute the cross product of a and b, and the dot product with c. Compare the result with a given tolerance.

epsilonTolerance parameter.

◆ Coplanar() [2/2]

bool Vector::Coplanar ( const Vector & a,
const Vector & b,
const Vector & c,
const Vector & d,
const double & epsilon = 1.0e-6 )

Check if four points are coplanar.

a,b,c,dFour points.
epsilonTolerance parameter.

◆ Equal()

bool Vector::Equal ( const Vector & a,
const Vector & b,
const double & epsilon = 0.0001 )

Test if two vectors are almost equal.

This function computes the difference between the two argument vectors, then the norm infinity of this difference and check the result againt the epsilon threshold value. This is a convenience function which is the same as:

Vector a,b; // Two vectors
double e; // Epsilon value
bool e=NormInfinity(Abs(b-a))<e?true:false;
friend double NormInfinity(const Vector &)
Compute the norm infinity of a vector.
Definition evector.h:405
friend Vector Abs(const Vector &)
Computes the absolute value of a vector.
Definition evector.h:523

◆ Floor()

Vector Vector::Floor ( ) const

Compute the numerator part of the coordinates.

See also

◆ Fract()

Vector Vector::Fract ( ) const

Compute the fractional part of the coordinates.

See also

◆ FromString()

Vector Vector::FromString ( QString n)

Creates a vector from a QString.


◆ Inverse()

Vector Vector::Inverse ( ) const

Inverse of a vector.

This function inverses the components of the vector. This is the same as:

Vector v=Vector(1.0/u[0],1.0/u[1],1.0/u[2]);

◆ Max()

double Vector::Max ( ) const

Compute the maximum component of a vector.

Note that this function is not the same as NormInfinity which computes the maximum of the absolute values of components. The codes are equivalent:

Vector a(-1.0,-3.0,2.0);
double s=NormInfinity(a);
double t=Max(Abs(a));
double Max() const
Compute the maximum component of a vector.
Definition evector.h:433
See also

◆ MaxIndex()

int Vector::MaxIndex ( ) const

Compute the index of the maximum component of a vector.

Vector a(-1.0,-3.0,2.0);
int i=MaxIndex(Abs(a)); // Should be 1
int MaxIndex() const
Compute the index of the maximum component of a vector.
Definition evector.h:457

This function can be used to find the most stretched axis of a bounding box, for instance to cut the box in the middle of this stretched axis:

Box box;
int axis = box.Diagonal().MaxIndex();
An axis aligned box.
Definition box.h:21
Vector Diagonal() const
Returns the diagonal of the box.
Definition box.h:196
See also

◆ MinIndex()

int Vector::MinIndex ( ) const

Compute the index of the minimum component of a vector.

Vector a(-1.0,4.0,2.0);
int i = MinIndex(a); // Should be 0
int MinIndex() const
Compute the index of the minimum component of a vector.
Definition evector.h:493
See also

◆ Mod()

Vector Vector::Mod ( const Vector & a,
const Vector & b )

Modulo of two Vectors.

a,bArgument vectors.

◆ Octant()

int Vector::Octant ( const Vector & p) const

Computes octant index of a vector with respect to the vector object.

See also
Box::Octant(const Vector&)

◆ operator*=()

Vector & Vector::operator*= ( const Vector & u)

Destructively scale a vector by another vector.

This is the same as Scale:

Vector u(2.0,-1.0,1.0);
u=u.Scaled(Vector(3.0,1.0,2.0)); // u*=Vector(3.0,1.0,2.0);

◆ Orthogonal()

Vector Vector::Orthogonal ( ) const

Returns a vector orthogonal to the argument vector.

The returned orthogonal vector is not computed randomly. First, we find the two coordinates of the argument vector with maximum absolute value. The orthogonal vector is defined by swapping those two coordinates and changing one sign, whereas the third coordinate is set to 0.

The returned orthogonal vector lies in the plane orthogonal to the first vector.

◆ Orthonormal()

void Vector::Orthonormal ( Vector & x,
Vector & y ) const

Given a vector, creates two vectors xand y that form an orthogonal basis.

This algorithm pickes the minor axis in order to reduce numerical instability

x,yReturned vectors such that (x,y,n) form an orthonormal basis (provided n is normalized).

◆ Polar()

Vector Vector::Polar ( const double & t,
const double & p )

Creates a vector given polar coordinates.


◆ Pow()

Vector Vector::Pow ( const double & e) const

Raise the components to a power.


◆ RandomOrthonormal()

void Vector::RandomOrthonormal ( Vector & i,
Vector & j ) const

Computes two random orthonormal vectors to the argument vector.

This function is expensive as it requires the computation of normalized vectors and the evaluation of a random number.

i,jOrthonormal vectors.

◆ Scaled()

Vector Vector::Scaled ( const Vector & a) const

Scale a vector.

aScaling vector.

◆ SetMinMax()

void Vector::SetMinMax ( const Vector & x,
Vector & a,
Vector & b )

Update the minimum and maximum values given a vector.

xInput vector.
a,bLower and upper vectors that will be updated.

◆ Slope()

double Vector::Slope ( const Vector & a,
const Vector & b )

Compute the vertical slope between two vectors.

This is a convenience function.

a,bArgument vectors.

◆ Solve()

Vector Vector::Solve ( const Vector & a,
const Vector & b,
const double & va,
const double & vb )

Compute the point on a segment such that the linear function satisfies f(a)=va and f(b)=vb.

This function can be used as a first approximation for computing the intersection between a segment and an implicit surface.

See also
Linear::Solve(const double& a, const double& b, const Vector&, const Vector&);

◆ ToGLSL()

QString Vector::ToGLSL ( ) const

Return QString of the form 'vec3(x, y, z)' that write the vector in GLSL.

Hubert-Brierre Pierre

◆ ToString()

QString Vector::ToString ( int n = 6) const

Create a QString form a vector.

The implementation currently uses:

return QString("Vector(%1,%2,%3)").arg(c[0],0,'f',n).arg(c[1],0,'f',n).arg(c[2],0,'f',n);

Another possible implementation could have been:

return "Vector("+QString::number(c[0],n)+","+QString::number(c[1],n)+","+QString::number(c[2],n)+")";
nNumber of digits.

◆ Trilinear()

Vector Vector::Trilinear ( const Vector & a,
const Vector & b,
const Vector & c,
const Vector & d,
const Vector & e,
const Vector & f,
const Vector & g,
const Vector & h,
const double & u,
const double & v,
const double & w )

Trilinear interpolation between eight vectors.

See also
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,hInterpolated values.
u,v,wInterpolation coefficients.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ Abs

Vector Abs ( const Vector & u)

Computes the absolute value of a vector.


◆ Aligned

int Aligned ( const Vector & u,
const Vector & v )

Check if two vectors are aligned.

Computes the cosine of the two vectors, and checks for unity.


◆ Clamp

Vector Clamp ( const Vector & x,
const Vector & a,
const Vector & b )

Clamp a vector between two bounds.

xInput vector
a,bVector bounds.

◆ Cosine

double Cosine ( const Vector & u,
const Vector & v )

Returns the positive cosine of two vectors.

Basically computes the dot product of the normalized vectors.


◆ Lerp

Vector Lerp ( const Vector & a,
const Vector & b,
const double & t )

Linear interpolation between two vectors.

a,bInterpolated points.

◆ Norm

double Norm ( const Vector & u)

Compute the Euclidean norm of a vector.

This function involves a square root computation, it is in general more efficient to rely on the squared norm of a vector instead.

See also

◆ Normalize

void Normalize ( Vector & u)

Normalize a vector, computing the inverse of its norm and scaling the components.

This function does not check if the vector is null, which might resulting in errors.

◆ Normalized

Vector Normalized ( const Vector & u)

Return a normalized vector.

Compute the inverse of its norm and scale the components.

This function does not check if the vector is null.


◆ NormInfinity

double NormInfinity ( const Vector & u)

Compute the norm infinity of a vector.

See also

◆ operator<<

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & s,
const Vector & u )

Overloaded output-stream operator.


◆ Sine

double Sine ( const Vector & u,
const Vector & v )

Returns the positive sine of two vectors.

Computes the cross product of the vectors and normalizes the result.


◆ SquaredNorm

double SquaredNorm ( const Vector & u)

Compute the squared Euclidean norm of a vector.

See also

◆ Swap [1/2]

void Swap ( Vector & a,
Vector & b )

Swap two vectors.


◆ Swap [2/2]

void Swap ( Vector *& a,
Vector *& b )

Swap two pointers to (arrays) vectors.
