Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- h -
- half : Octahedron
- HalfCell() : Array2
- HalfPi : Math
- Hash() : WormNoise
- hashTable : Noise2, Noise
- Hausdorff() : Polygon2
- Height() : Box2, Hexagon2, Lens2, Lens, Rectangles2, Rectangles
- height : Camera, Pyramid
- HemiSphere() : HemiSphere
- HemiSphereDisc() : HemiSphereDisc
- Hermite() : Cubic, CubicCurve2, CubicCurve, Matrix4, Quintic, Septic
- Hessian() : AnalyticScalarField2, AnalyticScalarField, ScalarField2, ScalarField
- Hexagon2() : Hexagon2
- Hexagonal() : Hexagonal
- HexagonAlpha2() : HexagonAlpha2
- HexagonArray2() : HexagonArray2
- HighGradient() : Algebraic
- Hit() : Dla2
- Hsl() : Hsl
- Hull() : Convex2, Mesh