| ScalarField2 () |
| Empty.
| ScalarField2 (const Array2 &, const double &=0.0) |
| Create the field structure. More...
| ScalarField2 (const Box2 &, int, int, const double &=0.0) |
| Create the field structure. More...
| ScalarField2 (const Box2 &, int, int, const QVector< double > &) |
| Create the field structure. More...
| ScalarField2 (const Box2 &, const QImage &, const double &=0.0, const double &=256.0 *256.0 - 1.0, bool=true) |
| Create a field structure from an image. More...
| ScalarField2 (const QImage &, const double &=1.0, const double &=1.0, bool=true) |
| Create a field structure from an image. More...
| ScalarField2 (const QString &, double=0.0, double=1.0) |
| Create a field structure from an image. More...
| ~ScalarField2 () |
| Empty.
Array2 | GetArray () const |
| Return the array representing the grid domain.
void | GetRange (double &, double &) const |
| Get the range of the field. More...
double | Integral () const |
| Get the integral of the scalar field. More...
double | Sum () const |
| Compute the sum of the elements in the scalar field. More...
double | Average () const |
| Compute the average value of the elements in the scalar field. More...
double | ScaledNorm () const |
| Compute the norm of the scalar field. More...
Histogram | GetHistogram (int) const |
| Compute the histogram of the scalar field. More...
Histogram | GetHistogram (int, double, double) const |
| Compute the histogram of the scalar field. More...
QVector< std::pair< double, int > > | OldHistogram (int) const |
| Compute a histogram. More...
QVector< std::pair< double, int > > | CumulativeHistogram (int) const |
| Compute a cumulative histogram. More...
QVector< std::pair< double, double > > | CumulativeNormedHistogram (int) const |
| Compute a normalized cumulative histogram. More...
virtual Vector2 | Gradient (int, int) const |
| Compute the gradient at a given array vertex. More...
virtual Matrix2 | Hessian (int, int) const |
| Compute the hessian at a given array vertex. More...
virtual double | Value (int, int) const |
| Return the field gradient at a given array vertex. More...
virtual double | K () const |
| Compute the Lipschitz constant of the elevation function. More...
void | CutEpsilon (const double &=1e-6) |
| Set all values in the field that are lower than epsilon to true zero. More...
double | at (int, int) const |
| Return the field value at a given array vertex. More...
double | at (const QPoint &) const |
| Return the field value at a given array vertex. More...
double & | operator() (int, int) |
| Return the field value at a given array vertex. More...
double & | operator() (const QPoint &) |
| Return the field value at a given array vertex. More...
double | at (int) const |
| Return the data in the field. More...
double & | operator[] (int) |
| Return the data in the field. More...
double | StandardDeviation () const |
| Compute the standard deviation. More...
double | StandardDeviation (const double &) const |
| Compute the standard deviation. More...
ScalarField2 & | operator+= (const ScalarField2 &) |
| Sum two scalar fields. More...
ScalarField2 & | operator*= (const double &) |
| Scale the values of a scalar field. More...
QImage | CreateImage (bool=true) const |
| Create an image from the field. More...
QImage | CreateImage (const AnalyticPalette &, bool=false, bool=false) const |
| Create an image from the field using a palette. More...
QImage | CreateImage (const double &, const double &, const AnalyticPalette &, bool=false) const |
| Create an image from the field using a palette. More...
QImage | CreateImage (const Palette &) const |
| Create an image from the field using a palette. More...
QImage | CreateImage (const double &, const double &, const GenericPalette &, bool=false) const |
| Create an image from the field using a palette. More...
QImage | CreateImage (const GenericPalette &) const |
| Create an image from the field using a palette. More...
QImage | CreateImage (const double &, const double &, bool=true) const |
| Create an image from the field. More...
bool | ExportPGM (const QString &) const |
| Export the scalarfield as a PGM file in 16 bits. More...
bool | ExportPGM (const QString &, const double &, const double &) const |
| Export the scalarfield as a PGM file in 16 bits. More...
ScalarField2 | SetResolution (int, int, bool=false) const |
| Change the resolution of the scalar field. More...
ScalarField2 | Sample (const Box2 &, int, int, bool=false) const |
| Resample a rectangular region in the scalar field. More...
ScalarField2 | Crop (const QPoint &, const QPoint &) const |
| Crops a rectangular region in the scalar field. More...
ScalarField2 | DownSample (int) const |
| Lower the resolution of the scalarfield. More...
ScalarField2 | UpSample (int, bool=false) const |
| Upsampling of the scalarfield. More...
virtual double | Value (const Vector2 &) const |
| Get the field value with world coordinate system. More...
virtual double | Triangular (const Vector2 &) const |
| Get the field value with world coordinate system. More...
virtual double | BiCubic (const Vector2 &) const |
| Get the field value with world coordinate system. More...
virtual double | BiCubicValue (const Vector2 &) const |
| Compute the bicubic interpolation. More...
ScalarField2 | SummedAreaTable () const |
| Compute the summed area table of a scalar field.
void | Fill (const double &) |
| Sets the entire field with a constant value. More...
void | Subdivide () |
| Subdivide the scalar field. More...
void | Smooth (const Vector2 &, double) |
| Smooth the scalar field within a given region. More...
void | Flatten (const Vector2 &, const double &, const double &=0.25) |
| Flatten the scalar field. More...
void | Multiply (const Vector2 &, const double &, const double &=1.0) |
| Multiply the scalar field by a scaling factor locally (not equivalent to Flatten()) More...
void | Level (const Vector2 &, const double &, const double &) |
| Level the scalar field. More...
void | Gaussian (const Vector2 &, const double &, const double &) |
| Add material with gaussian distribution. More...
void | Add (const Vector2 &, const double &) |
| Add a value to the scalar field with diffusion. More...
ScalarField2 | MedianFilter () const |
| Compute the median filtered scalar field. More...
void | Smooth () |
| Smooth the scalar field using a discrete gaussian kernel. More...
void | Smooth (int) |
| Applies several smoothing steps to the scalar field. More...
void | Blur () |
| Blurs the scalar field. More...
void | Blur (int) |
| Applies several blurring steps to the scalar field. More...
void | SmoothSmall () |
| Small smoothing of the scalar field using a discrete gaussian kernel. More...
void | MedianFilter () |
| Filter field with median filter.
ScalarField2 | GaussianBlur (int) const |
| Perform a Gaussian blur. More...
ScalarField2 | GaussianBlur (const double &) const |
| Perform a Gaussian blur. More...
void | Translate (const Vector2 &) |
| Translate the domain of the scalar field. More...
void | Scale (const Vector2 &) |
| Scale the domain of the scalar field. More...
void | Scale (const double &) |
| Scale the scalar field. More...
void | Normalize () |
| Normalize the values of a scalar field to unit interval. More...
void | Unitize () |
| Linearly scale the values of a scalar field to unit interval. More...
void | Clamp (const double &, const double &) |
| Clamp the values of a scalar field. More...
void | Add (const double &) |
| Add a constant to the values the scalar field. More...
void | Mul (const double &) |
| Multiplication. More...
void | Mul (const ScalarField2 &) |
| Multiplication. More...
void | Sub (const ScalarField2 &) |
| Subtraction. More...
void | Add (const ScalarField2 &) |
| Addition. More...
void | Pow (const double &) |
| Power. More...
void | Atan () |
| Compute the arctangent of the values of a scalar field, may be usefull for converting slope to angles. More...
void | Step (const double &, const double &) |
| Perform a linear step over the values of a scalar field. More...
void | SetRange (const double &, const double &) |
| Scales the scalar field to a given range interval. More...
void | Binarize (const double &) |
| Transform the field into a binary (0, 1 values) field using a threshold. More...
void | Invert () |
| Inversion (take the opposite of each field value)
void | Negate () |
| Negate (invert 0 and 1 values of a binary field)
void | SmoothStep (const double &, const double &, bool=false) |
| Perform a smooth step over the values of a scalar field. More...
void | Abs () |
| Compute the absolute value of a scalar field.
void | Lerp (const ScalarField2 &, const ScalarField2 &, const double &) |
| Linear interpolation between two scalar fields. More...
void | AdaptiveBilateralFiltering (double, double) |
| Adaptive bilateral filtering. More...
void | AdaptiveBilateralFiltering (int, double) |
| Adaptive bilateral filtering. More...
ScalarField2 | Convolution (double[], int) |
| Convolution of the field using a kernel. More...
void | MorphDilate () |
| Dilate the binary field using a D4 structuring element.
void | MorphErode () |
| Erode the binary field using a D4 structuring element.
void | MorphRemoveEnds () |
| Remove the ends of lines by authorizing at least 3 pixels.
void | MorphHitAndMiss (double[], int) |
| Perform a hit and miss operation on the field. More...
void | MorphThin (double[], int) |
| Thinning by using a kernel. More...
ScalarField2 | MorphSkeleton (int) |
| Compute the skeleton using successive erosion/dilatations. More...
ScalarField2 | MorphSkeletonConnected (int) |
| Compute the skeleton using thinning. More...
VectorField2 | Gradient () const |
| Compute the gradient field.
ScalarField2 | GradientNorm () const |
| Compute the gradient norm scalar field.
ScalarField2 | Ln () const |
| Compute the logarithm of the scalar field.
ScalarField2 | Sqrt () const |
| Compute the square root of the scalar field. More...
ScalarField2 | Cbrt () const |
| Compute the quartic root of the scalar field. More...
ScalarField2 | Qurt () const |
| Compute the quartic root of the scalar field. More...
void | Sqrted () |
| Compute the square root of the scalar field. More...
virtual ScalarField2 | Laplacian () const |
| Compute the Laplacian field. More...
virtual double | Laplacian (int, int) const |
| Compute the Laplacian at a given sample. More...
QVector< ScalarPoint2 > | GetScalarPoints () const |
| Create the set of scalar points.
FloatArray | GetAsFloats () const |
| Compute and return an array of 4 byte floats.
Vector2 | Dichotomy (Vector2, Vector2, double, double, double, const double &, const double &) const |
| Compute the intersection between a segment and the scalar field. More...
int | Memory () const |
| Compute the memory size of a scalarfield.
void | MapInPlace (const std::function< double(double)> &) |
| Applies a function to the scalar field. More...
ScalarField2 | Map (const std::function< double(double)> &) const |
| Applies a function to the scalar field. More...
ScalarField2 | Map (const std::function< double(const ScalarField2 &, int, int)> &) const |
| Applies a function to the scalar field. More...
void | SignalError (const ScalarField2 &, double &, double &) const |
| Compute PSNR and RMSE between two fields. More...
void | SignalError (const ScalarField2 &, double &, double &, double &) const |
| Compute PSNR, MSE and RMSE between two fields. More...
ScalarField2 | MaxFilter (int) const |
| Compute the max filtered scalar field. More...
ScalarField2 | MinFilter (int) const |
| Compute the min filtered scalar field. More...
Mesh2 | Polygonize () const |
| Polygonize the scalar field into a surface mesh using the marching square algorithm. More...
SegmentSet2 | LineSegments (const double &, bool=false) const |
| Compute the iso-contour of the scalar field. More...
| Array2 () |
| Empty array, with empty box.
| Array2 (const Box2 &, int, int) |
| Create the array structure. More...
| Array2 (const Box2 &, int) |
| Create the array structure. More...
Array2 | DownSample (int) const |
| Downsample the array. More...
Array2 | UpSample (int) const |
| Upsample the array. More...
| ~Array2 () |
| Empty.
int | VertexSize () const |
| Return the size of the vertex array.
int | GetSizeX () const |
| Get the vertex size of the array for x axis.
int | GetSizeY () const |
| Get the vertex size of the array for y axis.
int | VertexBorderSize () const |
| Return the size of the vertex array.
int | CellSize () const |
| Return the size of the cell array.
int | CellSizeX () const |
| Get the cell size of the array for x axis.
int | CellSizeY () const |
| Get the cell size of the array for y axis.
QSize | GetQtSize () const |
| Return the Qt size of the vertex array.
Box2 | Cell (int) const |
| Return the geometry of the cell. More...
Box2 | Cell (int, int) const |
| Return the geometry of the cell. More...
void | HalfCell (int, int, bool, Triangle2 &, Triangle2 &) const |
| Return the geometry of the cell. More...
Vector2 | CellCenter (int, int) const |
| Return the center of the cell. More...
void | Scale (const Vector2 &) |
| Scales the array structure. More...
void | Scale (const double &) |
| Scales the array structure. More...
Box2 | GetBox () const |
| Get the box of the array.
Box2 | UnitCell () const |
| Return the geometry of a generic cell. More...
Vector2 | CellDiagonal () const |
| Return the cell diagonal vector.
double | CellArea () const |
| Return the area of a cell. More...
Vector2 | ArrayVertex (int, int) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a point on the grid. More...
Vector2 | ArrayVertex (const QPoint &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a point on the grid. More...
QVector< Vector2 > | ArrayVertexes (const QVector< QPoint > &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a set of points on the grid. More...
Vector2 | Size () const |
| Return the size of the array.
QRect | AreaInteger () const |
| Return the range of integer values for the domain.
QImage | ImageGrid (const Box2 &, const double &) const |
| Create a texture with a regular grid. More...
void | Draw (QGraphicsScene &, const QPen &=QPen(), const QBrush &=QBrush()) const |
| Draw the cells of the grid. More...
void | Subdivide () |
| Change the resolution. More...
bool | IsEmpty () const |
| Detect if the array is empty, i.e., any dimension equal to zero.
QPoint | VertexBorder (int) const |
| Compute the k-th point on the boundary of the domain. More...
int | VertexBorderIndex (int, int) const |
| Compute the index of a point on the boundary of the domain. More...
void | VertexInteger (const Vector2 &, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a vertex inside a cell. More...
QPoint | VertexInteger (const Vector2 &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a vertex inside a cell. More...
QPoint | VertexInteger (const Vector2 &, double &, double &) const |
| Compute the point on the grid given an input point. More...
QRect | VertexIntegerArea (const Box2 &) const |
| Compute the integer coordinates of the vertices embedding a box. More...
QRect | VertexIntegerArea (const Circle2 &) const |
| Compute the integer coordinates of the vertices embedding a circle. More...
QRect | VertexIntegerArea (const QRect &) const |
| Compute the integer coordinates span of the vertices embedding a rectangle. More...
void | CellInteger (const Vector2 &, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a vertex inside a cell. More...
void | CellInteger (const Vector2 &, int &, int &, double &, double &) const |
| Compute the point on the grid given an input point. More...
QPoint | CellInteger (const Vector2 &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a vertex inside a cell. More...
QPoint | CellInteger (const Vector2 &, double &, double &) const |
| Compute the point on the grid given an input point. More...
QRect | CellIntegerArea (const Box2 &) const |
| Compute the integer coordinates of the cells of the array embedding an input box. More...
QRect | CellIntegerArea (const Circle2 &) const |
| Compute the integer coordinates of the cells of the array embedding an input circle. More...
void | Translate (const Vector2 &) |
| Translate the array. More...
Vector2 | Center () const |
| Return the center of the array.
constexpr bool | InsideVertexIndex (int, int) const |
| Check if the indexes are within range. More...
constexpr bool | OutsideVertexIndex (int, int) const |
| Check if the indexes are outside or on the border. More...
constexpr bool | InsideVertexIndex (const QPoint &) const |
| Check if the indexes are within range. More...
constexpr bool | InsideVertexIndex (int, int, int) const |
| Check if the indexes are within k-range. More...
bool | Inside (const Vector2 &) const |
| Check if a point is in the rectangular domain. More...
constexpr bool | BorderVertexIndex (int, int) const |
| Check if the indexes are on the border. More...
constexpr bool | BorderVertexIndex (const QPoint &) const |
| Check if the indexes are on the border. More...
constexpr int | VertexIndex (int, int) const |
| Compute the index of a given cell. More...
constexpr int | VertexIndex (const QPoint &) const |
| Compute the index of a given cell. More...
QPoint | Next (const QPoint &, int) const |
| Compute the point next to another one. More...
QImage | CreateEmptyImage () const |
| Create an image with the same size as the array. More...
QString | Statistics () const |
| Get statistics.
void | ClampVertexIndex (int &, int &) const |
| Clamp vertex indexes to the size of the array. More...
Matrix | Local (int, int) const |
| Compute the local neighborhood in the one-ring aroung a point. More...
void | CopyEdges (ScalarField2 &) const |
| Copy the values of the edges to a new field. More...
constexpr void | InverseVertexIndex (int, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a given cell. More...
constexpr QPoint | InverseVertexIndex (int) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a given cell. More...
constexpr int | CellIndex (int, int) const |
| Compute the index of a given cell. More...
constexpr int | CellIndex (const QPoint &) const |
| Compute the index of a given cell. More...
constexpr bool | InsideCellIndex (int, int) const |
| Check if the indexes are within range. More...
constexpr bool | InsideCellIndex (const QPoint &) const |
| Check if the indexes are within range. More...
void | InverseCellIndex (int, int &, int &) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a given cell. More...
| Box2 () |
| Empty.
| Box2 (const double &) |
| Create a square box centered at the origin and of given half side length. More...
| Box2 (const double &, const double &) |
| Create a box centered at the origin and of given dimensions. More...
| Box2 (const Vector2 &) |
| Create a box from a single vertex. More...
| Box2 (const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &) |
| Create a box. More...
| Box2 (const Vector2 &, const double &) |
| Creates a box. More...
| Box2 (const Box &) |
| Create a box in the plane given a box. More...
| Box2 (const Box2 &, const Box2 &) |
| Create a box embedding two boxes. More...
| Box2 (const Box2 &, const Matrix2 &) |
| Creates an axis aligned bounding box from a box and a transformation matrix. More...
| Box2 (const Box2 &, const Frame2 &) |
| Creates an axis aligned bounding box from a box and a frame. More...
| Box2 (const QVector< Vector2 > &) |
| Compute the bounding box of a set of points. More...
| Box2 (const QSize &) |
| Create a box from a Qt size. More...
Vector2 & | operator[] (int) |
| Returns either end vertex of the box.
Vector2 | operator[] (int) const |
| Overloaded.
Vector2 | Size () const |
| Compute the size (width and height) of a box.
double | Width () const |
| Compute the width of a box. More...
double | Height () const |
| Compute the height of a box. More...
Vector2 | Diagonal () const |
| Returns the diagonal of the box.
double | Radius () const |
| Returns the radius of the box, i.e. the length of the half diagonal of the box.
double | Area () const |
| Compute the surface area of a box.
double | Perimeter () const |
| Compute the perimeter of the box.
Vector2 | Center () const |
| Returns the center of the box.
Vector2 | Vertex (int) const |
| Returns the k-th vertex of the box. More...
Vector2 | Vertex (int, int, int, int) const |
| Compute the coordinates of a grid aligned point. More...
Box2 | Sub (int) const |
| Computes the sub-box in the n-th quadrant. More...
double | R (const Vector2 &) const |
| Compute the squared distance between the box and a point. More...
double | Signed (const Vector2 &) const |
| Computes the signed distance between the box and a point. More...
double | R (const Box2 &) const |
| Compute the squared Euclidean distance between two boxes. More...
void | Translate (const Vector2 &) |
| Translates a box. More...
void | Scale (const Vector2 &) |
| Scales a box. More...
void | Scale (const double &) |
| Scales a box. More...
Box2 | Translated (const Vector2 &) const |
| Translated box. More...
Box2 | Scaled (const double &) const |
| Scales a box and return the scaled box. More...
Box2 | Scaled (const Vector2 &) const |
| Scales a box and return the scaled box. More...
Box2 | Scaled (const QSize &) const |
| Scales a box according to a Qt size. More...
Box2 | ScaledTo (const double &) const |
| Scale the box so that the largest side should equal the argument value. More...
Box2 | Rotated (const double &) const |
| Compute the box embedding the rotated box. More...
Box2 | Rotated (const Matrix2 &) const |
| Compute the box embedding the rotated box. More...
Box2 | Centered () const |
| Compute the box translated to origin. More...
void | SetCubic () |
| Creates the tightest embedding cube from an arbitrarilly shaped box. More...
void | SetInscribedCubic () |
| Creates the biggest cube inscribed in the box. More...
Box2 | Cube () const |
| Return the tightest embedding cube from an arbitrarilly shaped box. More...
void | Extend (const double &) |
| Extend the limits of the box by a given distance. More...
void | Extend (const Vector2 &) |
| Extend the limits of the box given a point. More...
Box2 | Extended (const double &) const |
| Extend the limits of the box by a given distance. More...
void | SetParallelepipedic (int, int &, int &) |
| Inflates a box so that its dimensions should be a fraction of its maximum side length. More...
void | SetParallelepipedic (const double &, int &, int &) |
| Creates a parallelepipedic box whose dimensions are integer multiples of a given input reference size. More...
bool | Inside (const Vector2 &) const |
| Test if a point is inside the box. More...
bool | Inside (const Vector2 &, const double &) const |
| Test if a point lies withing a given range of the box. More...
bool | Intersect (const Box2 &) const |
| Check if the box intersects another box. More...
double | OverlapArea (const Box2 &) const |
| Computes the overlapping area of two boxes. More...
Box2 | Intersection (const Box2 &) const |
| Computes the intersection between two boxes. More...
Box | ToBox (const double &, const double &) const |
| Convert a planar Box2 to a Box. More...
int | Quadrant (const Vector2 &) const |
| Computes quadrant index of a vertex with respect to the box center. More...
bool | Intersect (const Ray2 &, double &, double &) const |
| Computes the intersection between a box and a ray. More...
bool | Intersect (const Ray2 &) const |
| Computes the intersection between a box and a ray. More...
bool | Intersect (const Line2 &, double &, double &) const |
| Computes the intersection between a box and a line. More...
bool | Intersect (const Segment2 &, double &, double &) const |
| Compute the intersection between a box and a segment. More...
bool | Intersect (const Line2 &) const |
| Check the intersection between a box and a line. More...
bool | Intersect (const Segment2 &) const |
| Check the intersection between a box and a segment. More...
void | Draw (QGraphicsScene &, const QPen &=QPen(), const QBrush &=QBrush()) const |
| Draw a rectangle. More...
Vector2 | RandomInside (Random &=Random::R239) const |
| Generate a random vector inside the box. More...
Vector2 | RandomOn (Random &=Random::R239) const |
| Generate a random vector on the perimeter of the box. More...
QRectF | GetQtRect () const |
| Create the Qt rectangle.
QRect | TileRange (const Box2 &) const |
| Compute the range of index for tiling the argument box so that it covers the box. More...
Box2 | Tile (int, int) const |
| Return the tiled the box using integer coordinates. More...
Box2 | Tile (const QRect &) const |
| Return the tiled the box using integer coordinates. More...
QVector< Vector2 > | Poisson (const double &, int, Random &=Random::R239) const |
| Compute a Poisson disc distribution inside a box. More...