Maya 1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CMatrix4FloatMatrix representation for the GPU
 CMayaAnimatedFrameSimple animation frame node
 CMayaCameraSetA set of cameras
 CMayaGeometryA simple triangle mesh representation
 CMayaGeometryAllSet of instances along with their frame lists
 CMayaGeometrySetThe MayaGeometrySet class provides a geometric instance linked to several frames
 CMayaGeometryStackA framework for creating an object incrementally
 CMayaGpuThis class implements a mesh whose structure is optimized for the GPU
 CMayaGpuAllThis class implements a set of mesh instances optimized for the GPU
 CMayaGpuSetThis class implements a geometric instance linked to a set of frames
 CMayaGraphWidgetThis class implemements a simple widget for controlling 2D functions
 CMayaInstanceThis class implements geometric instances
 CMayaInstanceAllThis class implements a set of instances along with their frame lists
 CMayaInstanceSetThis class implements a geometric instance linked to several frames
 CMayaMaterialSet of materials handled by the Maya framework
 CMayaPlaneA simple plane with lines for locating objects in the MayaWidget
 CMayaResourcesResource objects are a collection of geometric shapes associated to a name
 CMayaSceneStackThis class implements a scene construction framework based on MayaResources
 CMayaShaderA helper class for loading and creating program shaders
 CMayaStatisticsStatistics about objects and instances
 CMayaTimeFrameKey frame in an animation
 CMayaWidgetA core widget for displaying objects
 CSphereTracingWidgetSDF rendering widget based on sphere-tracing
 CTerrainRaytracingWidgetHeightfield rendering widget based on sphere-tracing
 CVectorFloatVector representation for the GPU
 CVectorFloat2Vector representation for the GPU