Maya 1.0
▼CFrame [external] | |
▼CFrameScaled [external] | |
CMayaAnimatedFrame | Simple animation frame node |
CMatrix4Float | Matrix representation for the GPU |
CMayaCameraSet | A set of cameras |
▼CMayaGeometry | A simple triangle mesh representation |
CMayaGeometrySet | The MayaGeometrySet class provides a geometric instance linked to several frames |
▼CMayaGeometryStack | A framework for creating an object incrementally |
CMayaSceneStack | This class implements a scene construction framework based on MayaResources |
CMayaGeometryAll | Set of instances along with their frame lists |
▼CMayaGpu | This class implements a mesh whose structure is optimized for the GPU |
CMayaGpuSet | This class implements a geometric instance linked to a set of frames |
CMayaGpuAll | This class implements a set of mesh instances optimized for the GPU |
CMayaGraphWidget | This class implemements a simple widget for controlling 2D functions |
▼CMayaInstance | This class implements geometric instances |
CMayaInstanceSet | This class implements a geometric instance linked to several frames |
CMayaInstanceAll | This class implements a set of instances along with their frame lists |
CMayaMaterial | Set of materials handled by the Maya framework |
CMayaPlane | A simple plane with lines for locating objects in the MayaWidget |
CMayaResources | Resource objects are a collection of geometric shapes associated to a name |
CMayaShader | A helper class for loading and creating program shaders |
CMayaStatistics | Statistics about objects and instances |
CMayaTimeFrame | Key frame in an animation |
CMayaWidget | A core widget for displaying objects |
CSphereTracingWidget | SDF rendering widget based on sphere-tracing |
CTerrainRaytracingWidget | Heightfield rendering widget based on sphere-tracing |
CVectorFloat | Vector representation for the GPU |
CVectorFloat2 | Vector representation for the GPU |