Signed Distance Fields 1.0
SDFMeshClamped Member List

This is the complete list of members for SDFMeshClamped, including all inherited members.

AddPentagon(int, int, int, int, int, int)Meshprotected
AddQuadrangle(int, int, int, int)Meshprotected
AddQuadrangle(int, int, int, int, int)Meshprotected
AddSmoothQuadrangle(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)Meshprotected
AddSmoothTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int)Meshprotected
AddTriangle(int, int, int, int)Meshprotected
Append(const Mesh &)Meshprotected
Arrow(const Vector &, const Vector &, const double &, const double &, const double &, int)Meshprotectedstatic
AspectRatios(int=4) constMeshprotected
AverageEdgeLength() constMeshprotected
BaseIndex(int) constMeshprotected
Copy() constSDFMeshClampedvirtual
EdgeCollapse(const double &)Meshprotected
EdgeLengthRange(double &, double &) constMeshprotected
Extrusion(const PointCurve &, const PointCurve2 &)Meshprotectedstatic
Extrusion(const PointCurve &, const QVector< PointCurve2 > &)Meshprotectedstatic
SDFEuclidean::GetBox() constSDFNode
Mesh::GetBox() constMeshprotected
GetNormals() constMeshprotected
GetSphere() constMeshprotected
GetTriangle(int) constMeshprotected
GetTriangles() constMeshprotected
GetVertices() constMeshprotected
Gradient(const Vector &) constSDFNodevirtual
Hull(const QVector< Vector > &)Meshprotectedstatic
SDFEuclidean::Inside(const Vector &) constSDFNodevirtual
Mesh::Inside(const Vector &) constMeshprotected
Intersect(const Ray &, double &, int &) constMeshprotected
Intersections(const Ray &) constMeshprotected
InverseTransform(const FrameScaled &)Meshprotected
IsSmooth(int) constMeshprotected
K() constSDFNodevirtual
K(const Box &) constSDFNodevirtual
Load(const QString &)Meshprotected
Manifold() constMeshprotected
Memory() constSDFMeshClampedvirtual
Mesh(const Mesh2 &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const QVector< Vector > &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const QVector< Vector > &, const QVector< int > &, bool=true)Meshprotected
Mesh(const QVector< Vector > &, const QVector< Vector > &, const QVector< int > &, const QVector< int > &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Capsule &, int, int=2)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Quadrangle &, int, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Quadrangle &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Octahedron &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Box &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Triangle &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Sphere &, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const SphereSet &, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Cylinder &, int, bool=true, bool=true)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Disc &, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Dodecahedron &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Icosahedron &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const QVector< Vector > &, const QVector< Vector > &, const Vector &, const Vector &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Torus &, int, int, int=-1, int=-1)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Cuboctahedron &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Icosidodecahedron &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Hexagonal &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Cone &, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Rectangles &, int, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const Cuboid &)Meshprotected
Mesh(const QuadricSurface &, const Box2 &, int, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const QuadricCurve &, const double &, int, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const CubicCurveSet &, const double &, int, int)Meshprotected
Mesh(const QuadricCurveSet &, const double &, int, int=2)Meshprotected
NextIndex(int) constMeshprotected
Nodes() constSDFNodevirtual
Normal(int) constMeshprotected
NormalIndex(int, int) constMeshprotected
NormalIndexes() constMeshprotected
operator[](int) constMeshprotected
PrevIndex(int) constMeshprotected
R(const Vector &) constMeshprotected
Reserve(int, int, int, int)Meshprotected
Rotate(const Matrix &)Meshprotected
SaveObj(const QString &, const QString &=QString("mesh")) constMeshprotected
Scale(const Vector &)Meshprotected
Scale(const double &)Meshprotected
SDFMesh(const Mesh &)SDFMeshexplicit
SDFMeshClamped(const Mesh &, const double &)SDFMeshClampedexplicit
ShrinkedTriangles(const double &) constMeshprotected
Signed(const Vector &) constSDFMeshClampedvirtual
SmoothingExp(double d1, double d2, double sr)SDFNodeinlinestatic
SmoothingPolynomial(double d1, double d2, double sr)SDFNodeinlinestatic
SmoothingPolynomialCubic(double d1, double d2, double sr)SDFNodeinlinestatic
SmoothingQuilez(double d1, double d2, double sr)SDFNodeinlinestatic
Stalactite(const Vector &p, const double &h, const double &r, bool noise=true, Random &random=Random::R239, const double &largeur=0.25, const double &espacement=0.61)SDFNodestatic
Symmetry(const Plane &)Meshprotected
Transform(const FrameScaled &)Meshprotected
Transformed(const FrameScaled &) constMeshprotected
Translate(const Vector &)Meshprotected
Triangles() constMeshprotected
Vertex(int) constMeshprotected
Vertex(int, int) constMeshprotected
Vertexes() constMeshprotected
VertexIndex(int, int) constMeshprotected
VertexIndexes() constMeshprotected