Signed Distance Fields 1.0
This is the complete list of members for SDFPolygonExtruded, including all inherited members.
addReccursiveCalls(int) | SDFNode | static |
Append(const Vector2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Area() const | Polygon2 | protected |
BID(const Vector &) const | SDFNode | virtual |
box | SDFNode | protected |
Center() const | Polygon2 | protected |
Centroid() const | Polygon2 | protected |
ComputeCostBID(const Vector &) | SDFNode | virtual |
ComputeCostSigned(const Vector &) | SDFPrimitive | virtual |
Copy() const | SDFPolygonExtruded | virtual |
cost | SDFNode | protected |
Draw(QGraphicsScene &, const QPen &=QPen(), const QBrush &=QBrush()) const | Polygon2 | protected |
e | SDFPolygonExtruded | protected |
EarClip() const | Polygon2 | protected |
Edge(int) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Epsilon | SDFNode | protectedstatic |
Expand(const double &) | Polygon2 | protected |
SDFEuclidean::GetBox() const | SDFNode | |
Polygon2::GetBox() const | Polygon2 | protected |
GetColor(const Vector &) const | SDFNode | virtual |
GetCostShader(PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const | SDFPrimitive | virtual |
GetGradientShader(PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *=nullptr) const | SDFNode | virtual |
GetMaterialShader(PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const | SDFPrimitive | virtual |
GetQt() const | Polygon2 | protected |
GetShader(PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *=nullptr) const | SDFNode | virtual |
Gradient(const Vector &) const | SDFNode | virtual |
Hausdorff(const Polygon2 &, bool=false) const | Polygon2 | protected |
SDFEuclidean::Inside(const Vector &) const | SDFNode | virtual |
Polygon2::Inside(const Vector2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2::Inside(const QVector< Polygon2 > &, const Vector2 &) | Polygon2 | protectedstatic |
Intersect(const Circle2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
IntersectSegment(const Segment2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
IsConvex() const | Polygon2 | protected |
K() const | SDFNode | virtual |
K(const Box &) const | SDFNode | virtual |
k | SDFNode | protected |
Length() const | Polygon2 | protected |
Memory() const | SDFPolygonExtruded | virtual |
Nodes() const | SDFNode | virtual |
NormalAtLength(const double &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
PointAtLength(const double &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Poisson(const double &, int, bool=false, Random &=Random::R239) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2() | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(Vector2 *, int) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &, const Vector2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const QVector< Vector > &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const QVector< Vector2 > &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const QVector< Vector2 > &, const QVector< int > &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Triangle2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Box2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Hexagon2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Pentagon2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Quadrangle2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Polygonal &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Octogon2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const IrregularOctogon2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Polygon2(const Ellipse2 &, int=72) | Polygon2 | protected |
q | Polygon2 | protected |
R(const Vector2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
R(const Line2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
R(const QVector< Polygon2 > &, const Vector2 &) | Polygon2 | protectedstatic |
RandomInside(Random &=Random::R239) const | Polygon2 | protected |
RC(const Vector2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
ReccursiveCalls() | SDFNode | static |
reccursiveCalls | SDFNode | protectedstatic |
Resampled(const double &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
ResetReccursiveCalls() | SDFNode | static |
Rotate(const Matrix2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Rotated(const Matrix2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Scale(const double &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Scaled(const Vector2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
SDFEuclidean() | SDFEuclidean | explicit |
SDFNode() | SDFNode | explicit |
SDFPolygonExtruded(const Polygon2 &, const double &) | SDFPolygonExtruded | explicit |
SDFPrimitive() | SDFPrimitive | explicit |
setShaderMaterial(ShaderMaterial *) | SDFPrimitive | |
Signed(const Vector &) const | SDFPolygonExtruded | virtual |
Polygon2::Signed(const Vector2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Size() const | Polygon2 | protected |
SpherePieces() | SDFNode | static |
Stalactite(const Vector &p, const double &h, const double &r, bool noise=true, Random &random=Random::R239, const double &largeur=0.25, const double &espacement=0.61) | SDFNode | static |
Subdivide(int, QVector< Vector2 > &, QVector< int > &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Transformed(const Frame2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Translate(const Vector2 &) | Polygon2 | protected |
Translated(const Vector2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Vertex(int) | Polygon2 | protected |
Vertex(int) const | Polygon2 | protected |
Vertices() | Polygon2 | protected |
Vertices() const | Polygon2 | protected |
Where(const Circle2 &) const | Polygon2 | protected |
~SDFEuclidean() | SDFEuclidean | virtual |
~SDFNode() | SDFNode | virtual |
~SDFPolygonExtruded() | SDFPolygonExtruded | virtual |
~SDFPrimitive() | SDFPrimitive | virtual |