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Comparison of Local and Global Region Merging in the Topological MapProc. of 12th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4958, pages 420-431, April 2008, Buffalo, NY, USA Abstract: Topological maps are a model which represents 2D or 3D image subdivisions. The aim of this structure is to provide an image representation which allows topological and geometrical features to be used by image processing operations. Algorithm of region merging is an useful tool in image segmentation and image processing. This paper presents two algorithms of region merging in 3D topological maps: one local which modifies locally the map around merged regions, and another one global which runs through all the elements of the map. We study their complexities and present experimental results to compare both approaches. Keywords: Combinatorial maps; Intervoxel boundaries; Region merging; Image segmentation. BibTex references@InProceedings{DD08, author = {Dupas, A. and Damiand, G.}, title = {Comparison of Local and Global Region Merging in the Topological Map}, booktitle = {Proc. of 12th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA)}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer Berlin/Heidelberg}, volume = {4958}, pages = {420-431}, month = {April}, year = {2008}, address = {Buffalo, NY, USA}, keywords = {Combinatorial maps; Intervoxel boundaries; Region merging; Image segmentation.}, url = {} } Image |