English version

Guillaume Damiand

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Topological Map: Minimal Encoding of 3d Segmented Images

Bertrand Y., Damiand G., Fiorio C.
Proc. of 3rd Workshop on Graph-Based Representation in Pattern Recognition (GBR)
pages 64-73, May 2001, Ischia, Italy

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Abstract: In this paper we define formally and completely the 3d topological map introduced in BertrandAl00: a model which encodes totally and minimally all the topological information of a 3d image. In particular, we focus on the problem of disconnections induced by the constructive definition based on several levels of maps. This multilevel representation is more or less a graph pyramid in sense that each level can be compute from the previous one in term of merge operations. Furthermore, algorithms extracting these maps from a segmented image have been given in BertrandAl00 and have been implemented and tested in practical applications.

BibTex references

      author = {Bertrand, Y. and Damiand, G. and Fiorio, C.},
      title = {Topological Map: Minimal Encoding of 3d Segmented Images},
      booktitle = {Proc. of 3rd Workshop on Graph-Based Representation in Pattern Recognition (GBR)},
      pages = {64-73},
      month = {May},
      year = {2001},
      address = {Ischia, Italy}


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