Pr. Hamida Seba

University Claude Bernard Lyon 1








I am a professor in computer science at University Claude Bernard  Lyon 1. I got my Ph.D. degree from University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC, France) in 2003 and my habilitation to direct research from University Lyon 1 in 2014. My research focuses on graph based representations and algorithms and their applications in networking, matchmaking, pattern recognition and Information discovery and analysis, graph learning and massive data.

I am co-leader of the Graphs, algOrithms and AppLications research group of the LIRIS research laboratory.

I am head of the department of computer science IUT Lyon 1, Bourg en Bresse

Contact Information:

Département d'informatique
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1,

IUT Lyon1, Bourg en Bresse, 
71, rue Peter FINK
01000 Bourg en Bresse, France
Phone: (33) 4 74 45 50 52
Fax: (33) 4 74 45 50 51










Université Claude Bernard Lyon1



Laboratoire LIRIS CNRS-UMR5205

Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Bâtiment Nautibus

23-25 avenus Pierre de Coubertin

69622 Villeurbanne cedex

Phone: (33) 4 72 43 17 65