Pr. Hamida Seba

University Claude Bernard Lyon 1







Current Projects:

-        COREGRAPHIE (ANR PRC 2021-2025), cooperation with IRIF, LIB and INRIA Paris

Compressing Graphs and Networks for Efficient Computing ( read more …)

-       GLADIS (ANR PRCI 2021-2025), cooperation with SnT/university of Luxembourg.

Graph-based Learning and Analysis for intrusion Detection in Information Systems (read more ...)

-       ROMANCE (2023:2024): FIL (Federation Informatique de Lyon), cooperation with ERIC (Lyon 2)

GRaphes de cOnnaissances, juMeAux Numériques et CybErsécurité.

Completed projects:

-        GRAB (IXXX 2021-2022), cooperation with ARCHEORIENT.

Sampling-based Massive Graph Analysis Algorithms: Application to the Study of Archaeological Remains


-        CyberSecGraph (FIL 2021-2022), cooperation with ERIC.

Graph modeling of log files for attack detections in IoT applications

-        UrbaGraph (2020:2021): Funded by LIRIS, cooperation between GOAL, BD and GEOMOD LIRIS teams

Analysis of urban data: an approach based on graph compression

-        GRAL (2020-2021) : funded by FIL (Federation Informatique de Lyon), cooperation with CREATIS

Large-scale machine learning on graph-type data and application to image processing.

-        GRAM (2019) : PEPS INS2I, cooperation with IRIF

Réduction de GRAphes préservant leurs propriétés pour le traitement de données Massives

Workshop on graph compression and Compact representations (GCCR2019)

-        DATACAP: PHC Tassili (2017-2019) 

Handling Massive Data in Pervasive Wireless sensor Networks


-       CAIR(2015-2018) : Contextual Aggregated Information Retrieval

CAIR is an ANR project that aims to handle context aware aggregative queries (read more …)


-        SEISME(2015): PEPS MOMIES with university of Burgundy(France)

The aim of this project is to define tools for measuring social interactions dynamics in large social graphs.


-        Kite (2012-2015)

The Kite project is a 3 years project starting in September 2012. This project is funded by the IMU Labex (Laboratoire d'excellence en Inteligences des mondes urbains). It is a multidisciplinary project that involves both archaeologists from the Archeorient laboratory and computer scientists form the LIRIS laboratory. The Kite project aims at finding automatically archaeological remains - named kites due to their shape - by searching them in satellite images and recognizing them thanks to graph based pattern recognition tools.

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-        Everblu 2 (2011-2014)

The Everblu project is a 3 years project starting in September 2011. This project is collaboration with ITRON France.  It aims at developing optimized solutions for data gathering for wireless sensor networks mainly smart metering networks.

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-        AOC (2009-2012)

The AOC (Appariement d’Objets Complexes) project is a 4 years project starting in September 2009. This project is funded by the the ANR Contint program. It involved five research teams from  IRIT, PRISM, LIRIS, IRISA and LIESP.

The AOC project aims to study and analyze the structural and computational properties of the graph-based representations used by different communities for various applications (eg, databases, semantic web, information retrieval, multimedia). It uses  the abstract mathematical nature of graph operations to provide a unifying framework for handling graphs in the different areas mentioned above.

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