- Séminaire MMCS (ICJ), February 18th
- MIA 2025,January 13th-15th
- Mini workshop talk, INRIA GraphDeco, Sophia Antipolis, December 2th 2024
- Journée scientifique autour de l’optimisation, le rôle de l'optimisation pour le GDR IG-RV, Paris, October 4th 2024.
- Séminaire "Mathématiques et applications : recherche et interactions", Strasbourg, Sept 26th 2024.
- SciML workshop, invited talk, Strasbourg, July 8th 2024.
- CVPR Workshop DLGC, keynote talk, Seattle, June 18th 2024.
- Congrès CANUM 2024, conférence pleinière, May 28th.
- Journée SIGMA-MODE, Paris, January, 30th 2024.
- GAIA-DATA Seminar, Grenoble, December 2023.
- Keynote Journée Vision 3D et apprentissage, Paris, June 2023.
- Workshop Interpolation of Measures, Paris, January 2023
- WINS Seminar (24/10/2022), Dartmouth college
- Wigraph event (06/07/2022), online (symposium on geometry processing)
- Exposé invité aux Journées Statistiques - session spéciale IA (SFDS)(13/06/22)
- Exposé au séminaire du LIB (Dijon) (9/12/2021)
- Exposé invité aux journées du GT Géométrie Discrète et Morphologie Mathématique (16/11/2021)
- Talk at the DGDCV Conference, (02/04/2021)
- Talk at the Toronto Geometry Colloquium, Learning to encode, analyze and improve 3D shapes video (16/12/20)
- Talk at the Center for Graphics & Geometry Computing Seminar (Technion, Tel-Aviv) Shape Analysis: From local to non-local information and learning (16/11/20)
- Keynote talk at the STAG 2020 conference (Italy) Self Similarity for Shape Analysis and Synthesis(13/11/20)
- Talk at the MIT Graphics seminar (28/10/20)
- Exposé invité aux journées virtuelles du GTMG 2020, July 1st 2020
- Cours à l'Université Ouverte (Univ Lyon), 3 Février 2020
- Exposé au Séminaire du Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions, 31 Janvier 2020
- Exposé à la Maison des Mathématiques et de l'Informatique (Lyon), 12 Décembre 2019
- Keynote talk at Visual 3D, October1-2 2019
- Cours à l'Université Ouverte (Lyon), 3 Février 2019
- Seminar at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis - Team Datashape, October 11th 2018
- Course at the GraphSIP Summer School. Slides
- Presentation of our LPF paper at Symposium on Geometry Processing, July 9th, 2018
- Presentation at Curves and Surfaces, July 2nd, 2018
- Seminar at LIX, June 20th 2018
- Seminar at CNR-IMATI, Genova, Italy, 25 May 2018
- Talk at Oberwolfach workshop "Nonlinear Data: Theory and Algorithms", Oberwolfach, Germany, 23-27 April 2018
- Presentation of the Super-Resolution paper at Eurographics 2018, Delft, April 17th 2018
- Exposé aux journées Nationales du gdr-im 2018 (Ecole Polytechnique 3-5 avril 2018)
- Présentation au think tank d'Imaginove EDF 31/01
- SMAI-SIGMA meeting (Jussieu, 15 Novembre)
- Journées des 10 ans de l'institut Farman (ENS Paris-Saclay, 27 Septembre)
- SIGMA Workshop 2016, November 2016
- Séminaire de Géométrie Algorithmique et Combinatoire, June 9th, 2016
- Talk at the SMATI seminar (Mines-Télécom-Paris 5), June 4th 2015
- Colloquium du LAMFA, Amiens, 2 Avril 2015
- Présentation pour un public de lycéens pour l'association "Math en Jeans", 27 Mars 2015
- Présentation au projet inter-laboratoire "Optimisation Géométrique", Institut Camille Jordan, 20 Mars 2015
- Présentation pour des lycéens dans le cadre de l'association "Plaisir Maths" à l'Institut Camille Jordan, 25 Juin 2014
- Présentation au Lycée Paul Eluard, Saint-Denis (93), Les Mathématiques pour le traitement d'images et de surfaces 3D, May 22nd, 2014
- Talk at Eurographics 2014, April 8th 2014
- Talk at GTMG 2014, March 26th 2014
- Talk at Journées de Géométrie Algorithmique, December 16-19, 2013
- Talk at Technicolor, July 5th, 2013
- Talk at LIMA conference, January 31st, 2013
- Talk at ENS Lyon, "EDP, Modélisation mathématique et calcul scientifique" seminar, December 18th 2012
- Talk at the SIGMA 2012 Workshop, November 2012
- GéoMod Seminar, October 2012
- Presentation at Symposium on Geometry Processing 2012 for a Computer Graphics Forum paper: Scale Space Meshing of Raw Data Point Sets, July 2012
- LJK seminar (Grenoble), 2012, March 29th
- IMAGINE seminar (Ecole des Ponts), 2012, March 16th
- GREYC seminar (Caen), 2012, February 23rd
- Talk at New Trends in Applied Geometry 2012, February 2012, Milan
- Conference at Mathematics and Image Analysis 2012 (MIA 2012), January 2012
- Remote sensing meeting seminar (Keck Institute for Space Studies, Caltech), November 18th 2011.
- Presentation at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Scale space for point clouds and applications, May 23rd 2011.
- Presentation at Heidelberg University, April 21st 2011.
- Presentation at GTMG 2011 2011, March 30-31
- Présentation at the Paris VI image seminar, Scale Space for Point Clouds and Applications. 29 Mars 2011.
- Presentation at "Géométrie complexe et riemannienne": Flots géométriques, CIRM, February 28th - March, 4th, 2011
- Presentation at Oberwolfach Workshop, Trends in Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing. Title of the talk: Scale Space for Point Clouds, January 30th - February 5th, 2011.
- Presentation at Paris 5 University, Groupe de travail Modélisation numérique et Images, January 14th, 2011.
- Oral presentation at the Symposium on Geometry Processing, Lyon, July 5-7, 2010
- Oral presentation at the 7th Curves and Surfaces conference, Avignon, June 24-30, 2010
- Oral presentation at the 3DPVT 2010 conference, Paris, May 2010
- Oral presentation at the "Image, EDP et Géométrie" (Image, PDE and Geometry) conference, Institut Fourier, March 19, 2010
Oral presentation at the Journées de Géométrie Algorithmique 2010 (algorithmic geometry days), CIRM (Marseille), 8-12 Mars 2010.
The Level Set Tree on Meshes: Application to the Mesh Segmentation Problem
- Oral presentation at the Workshop Recent Advances on Topological and Geometric Data Analysis Institut des Systemes Complexes (Paris, France), July 8-10 2009
- Oral presentation at the 4th congress of SMAI (May 23-29, 2009), summary of the talk

2020 - Toronto Geometry Colloquium
(Poster by Scott Carmichael)
(Poster by Scott Carmichael)

2012 - MIA conference

27/09/2018 - Habilitation defense