Associate Professor-Habilitation to Supervise Research
Head of Digital Campus VCIel

Université Lumière Lyon 2
Bâtiment C - Bureau 115
5, Avenue Pierre Mendès-France
69676 Bron Cedex FRANCE
Tel: +(33) 4 78 77 44 80 // Fax : +(33) 4 78 77 23 38

[Research] [Projects] [Activities] [Publications] [Teachings] [Career]


My research focuses on the dynamic adaptation of interactive systems. My main interests in this field focus on Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), especially in the field of serious games dedicated to people with disabilities. In this context, I develop generic models and tools in order to (1) analyse learner behaviour to assist, on the one hand teachers/trainers in monitoring students' activities and progress, and on the other the learner in learning through reflexive activities based on the visualization of traces. (2) extract knowledge from interaction traces in order to update the domain knowledge and/or learner profiles. (3) adapt the learning scenario to the context (defined by the triplet : user, platform and interaction situation).

Adaptation, behaviour analysis, knowledge extraction, interaction traces, Technology-Enhanced Learning, serious games, e-learning, disability.

PhD Students :

  • Mohamed Tadlaoui (2014 -... - Cotutelle, Tlemcen - Algeria): Towards an adaptive and semantic learning environment in social networks. Co-supervisor: Sebastian George.
  • Joseph Garnier (2014 -... - CIFRE, Artefacts Studio-): Social interactions in perception and expression emotional for Non-Player-Characters. Co-supervisor: Jean-Charles Marty.
  • Aarij Mahmood Hussaan (2009-2012 - FUI Project CLES): Generating adaptive learning scenarios in serious games - Application for a serious game dedicated to people with cognitive disabilities. Co-supervisor: Alain Mille.
  • Olivier Champalle (2009-2014 CIFRE-EDF) Capitalize and share observation and analysis knowledge to assist trainers in professional training with simulation Case of training and skills maintain of Nuclear Power Plant control room staff. Co-supervisor: Alain Mille.
Post-doc :

  • Abir Béatrice Karami (2012-2014 Projet FUI Robot Populi) : Adaptive compagnon robot. Co-supervisor : Benoit Encelle.
  • Patrice Bouvier (Février 2012 - juillet 2013 - Projet QueJANT) : Analysis of behaviour of players in a Social Game from their interaction traces. Co-supervisor : Elise Lavoué.


  • BeInG (Be In Game) Project (2014-2017) :The objective of this project is to develop models and tools for video game designers in order to design Non-Player-Characters able to express emotions appropriate to the situation and taking into account the social relations.
  • Robot Populi Project (2012-2014) : This project aims at the realization of an advanced robotics platform with an adaptive behaviour for innovative interactive applications (games, calendar, assistance, etc.). Our goal in this project is to develop a software architecture that allows the robot to adapt its behaviour to users. We also look to the integration, in the robot system, emotional reactions adapted to the situation for a more natural interaction and, therefore, more easily accepted.
  • QueJANT Project (2012-2013) : This project focuses on the analysis of behaviour of players in a Social Game from their interaction traces. It is funded by the Rhône Alpes region.
  • CLES Project (Cognitive Linguistic Elements Stimulations) (2009-2012) : This project focus on development of a adaptive serious game dedicated to people with cognitive disabilities.
  • Projet ITHACA (Interactive Traces for Human Awareness in Collaborative Annotation) (2007-2011) : This project is funded by the ANR. It is part of a dynamic of innovative research related to the field of synchronous collaborative activities enhanced by the use of reflexive traces of interactions between users and the tool.
  • Projet DEEP (2006-2007) in partnership with two laboratories Cedric and two companies of computer games QUANTIC DREAM et SpirOps. We have defined an emotional model of NPC (Non-Player Character) of serious games. This model take into account the emotions, personality and experience in the interaction between artificial agents and/or artificial agents and human agent.
  • Projet Autisme (2002-2006) in partnership with the psychiatric service of La Rochelle Hospital and L3i - University of La Rochelle. The goal of project is to implement software and hardware system that could help children with autism during the rehabilitation process.

Scientific Activities



PhD and Habilitation



