Correlative joint definition for motion analysis and animation

Nicolas Pronost Anders Sandholm Daniel Thalmann
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Virtual Reality Lab Virtual Reality Lab Virtual Reality Lab

Virtual humans as well as mechanical systems can easily be modeled and animated with correlative joints.

Abstract :

In this paper we address the problem of creating accurate joint models from real motions while allowing scalability. We propose an automatic method to model, scale and simulate non-idealized joints from the external motion of markers. We demonstrate the method on the human knee joint modeling for musculoskeletal analysis and for character animation. The resulting joints, called correlative joints, are character and motion independent and rely on linear combinations of degrees of freedom calculated from multiple regression laws. We show that by using such models, inverse kinematics solvers find better solutions when tracking motions and solving constraints. Importing correlative joints into new models involves only minimal requirements on landmarks locations and no costly additional computations.

Keywords :

Virtual Human - Motion Analysis and Modeling - Biomechanics - Animation

Paper :
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Correlative joint definition for motion analysis and animation, which will be published in final form on the Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds journal website.

BibTeX :

author = {N. Pronost and A. Sandholm and D. Thalmann},
title = {Correlative joint definition for motion analysis and animation},
journal = {Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, CASA 2010 Special Issue},
volume = {21},
issue = {3-4},
pages = {183-192},
year = {2010}

Video :