INFOMGPGame Physics
The Internet and libraries are full of references to physics for games, and are not difficult to find. Nevertheless you will find below a selection of resources that might come handy for the course.
- Books
- Game Physics
- Game Physics Engine Development by Ian Millington, published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007
- Game Physics by David H. Eberly, published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003
- Physics for Game Developers by David M. Bourg, published by O'Reilly Media, 2001
- Related fields
- Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments by Gino van den Bergen, published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2004
- Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers by Wendy Stahler, published by New Riders Games, 2004
- Fundamentals of Physics Extended, 9th Ed. by David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker, published by John Wiley & Sons, 2011
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 4th Ed. by Willam S. Janna, published by CRC Press, 2010
- The Finite Element for Fluid Dynamics, 6th Ed. by O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor and P. Nithiarasu, published by Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005
- Research
- Survey papers and tutorials
- SPH Fluids in Computer Graphics. Ihmsen, Orthmann, Solenthaler, Kolb and Teschner. Eurographics STAR, 2014.
- A Survey on Position-Based Simulation Methods in Computer Graphics. Bender, Müller, Otaduy, Teschner and Macklin. Computer Graphics Forum, 2014.
- Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics. Bender, Erleben, Trinkle and Coumans. Eurographics STAR, 2012.
- Interactive Character Animation Using Simulated Physics. Geijtenbeek and Pronost. Computer Graphics Forum, 2012.
- Principles of Animation Physics. Alejandro L. Garcia. SIGGRAPH course notes, 2012 (slides).
- Physically Based Deformable Models in Computer Graphics. Nealen, Muller, Keiser, Boxerman and Carlson. Eurographics STAR, 2005.
- Practical Physics for Articulated Characters. Kokkevis. Game Developers Conference, 2004.
- Physically Based Modeling: Principles and Practice. Witkin and Baraff. SIGGRAPH course notes, 1997.
- FEM Simulation of 3D Deformable Solids: A practitioner's guide to theory, discretization and model reduction. Sifakis and Barbic. SIGGRAPH course notes, 2012.
- Fluid Simulation. Bridson and Muller-Fischer. SIGGRAPH course notes, 1997.
- Plausible motion simulation for Computer Graphics Animation. Barzel, Hughes and Wood. Computer Animation and Simulation, 1996.
- An Introduction to Physically Based Modeling Witkin, Baraff and Kass. SIGGRAPH course notes, 1995.
- Conferences
- SIGGRAPH (2012, 2013, 2014)
- SIGGRAPH Asia (2012, 2013, 2014)
- EUROGRAPHICS (2013, 2014)
- ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation - SCA (2012, 2013, 2014)
- Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games - I3D (2013, 2014)
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - ICRA (2013, 2014)
- ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling - SSPM (2012, 2013, 2014)
- Graphics Interface (2013, 2014)
- Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (2012, 2013, 2014)
- Computer Graphics International - CGI (2013, 2014)
- Computer Animation and Social Agents - CASA (2012, 2013, 2014)
- Motion in Games - MIG (2012, 2013)
- International Symposium on Visual Computing - ISVC (2013, 2014)
- Game Developers Conference - GDC (2014)
- Journals
- Journal of Computational Physics
- ACM Transaction on Graphics
- Computer Graphics Forum
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
- IEEE Visualization and Computer Graphics
- The Visual Computer
- Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
- Journal of Scientific Computing
- People and Labs
- Ron Fedkiw at Stanford University, Department of Computer Science
- Jessica K. Hodgins, Nancy Pollard and Adrien Treuille at Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Graphics Lab
- Karen Liu at Georgia Institute of Technology, Graphics Lab
- Alla Safonova at University of Pennsylvania, The Center for Human Modeling and Simulation
- Robert Bridson at University of British Columbia, Scientific Computing Laboratory
- Ming C. Lin at University of North Carolina, Department of Computer Science
- Michiel van de Panne at University of British Columbia, Department of Computer Science
- Zoran Popovic at University of Washington, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Jovan Popovic at Advanced Technology Labs - Adobe
- Petros Faloutsos at York University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Demetri Terzopoulos at University of California Los Angeles, Computer Graphics & Vision Laboratory
- Victor Zordan at Computer University of California Riverside, Department of Science and Engineering
- Aaron Hertzmann at University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science
- University courses
- Outside Utrecht University
- Animation Physics (University of British Columbia)
- Physically-Based Modeling, Simulation and Animation (University of North Carolina)
- Physically Based Animation (University of Pennsylvania)
- Mathematical Methods for Fluids, Solids and Interfaces (Stanford University)
- The Animation of Natural Phenomena (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Physically Based Character Animation (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Math and Physics for Games I (Johnson County Community College)
- Related to Game Physics at Utrecht University
- Software (physics engines)
- Open source
- Bullet (SDK doc, manual, forum)
- Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)
- Tokamak
- Newton Game Dynamics
- PhysBam (doc)
- Closed source
- Miscellaneous resources
- Very complete and clear website on physics principles
- Generic educational website on physics
- Information on mathematics and physics in 3D programming
- FAQ on matrix and quaternion
- Generic mathematics website
- Christopher Batty's website on physics-based animation containing a collection of research papers
- Chris Hecker's website on physics
- GafferonGames's website on game physics