INFOMGPGame Physics
Study: comparative essay
Objective: To assess research papers and present findings.
Description: Each pair of students reads three research papers dealing with a similar problem in the field of game physics. Each pair of students writes an essay (2000 words +/- 5%) on the topic and discusses how the three different approaches solve the problem. In the essay you have to describe the techniques and compare them in terms of pros and cons, advantages and limitations. Show what the possible applications are for the different techniques. Make sure you describe the techniques in enough depth. Each pair of students also presents orally the comparative study in a 30 min talk (25 min of presentation followed by 5 min of questions).
Papers are selected by the students themselves (you can start from the list of conferences and journals in the literature section or from the list of tasks in the assignment section). At most one paper is allowed to be a technical publication, i.e. not published as a research paper (e.g. technical report, poster or textbook). Each pair of students must submit their choice to the lecturer for approval asap and no later than Wednesday, 7 May 2014 at 18:00. For that, you must send an email containing:
- Your names and student numbers
- A title (e.g. stating the context and problem to solve)
- The three papers' references: title, authors, journal/proceedings, year, ...
- The three papers' links to the publisher's page (or authors' page) where the pdfs can be downloaded
- The three papers' abstracts
Your proposal will then be examined. It can be either accepted as it is, or I will ask you to revise it (e.g. if some papers are not eligible). To avoid that multiple pairs of students propose the same papers, I will publish below the proposals that I have received and approved. Before submitting yours be sure that none of your three papers is already taken by another pair of students.
Attendance to the presentation sessions is mandatory for everyone. Absence without justification will have a negative effect on the study grade, therefore you need to send an email stating the reason of your absence before any session you might miss. You can download the template file for the study presentation including directives and advice here. Do not forget to test your presentation in the lecture room you will present, especially if you have videos and you want to use the computer in the room. You can download the template file for the essay including directives and advice here.
Forum: A forum has been created for the course. The students can access it at http://infomgp.boards.net/. You first have to create an account and register to the forum (link at the top left). Then you will have access to its content and the ability to post. The forum can be used to ease the creation of the groups (look for a group or look for members).
Advice: Start as soon as possible!
Grading: The essay counts for half of the study grade and the presentation for the other half. Grading of the presentations will partly be done by your fellow students, partly by the teacher. You can access the evaluation form for study presentation here.
Deliverables: 24 hours before each presentation session, the speakers must submit their essay by email (pdf or Word format).
Examples: Here are some of the topics presented last year (this is to give you an idea of possible types of literature study, try to come up with your own ideas). Simulation of hair movement - Procedural brittle fracturing - Balance controllers - Collision detection for deformable objects - Knot tying simulation