I'm a member of the TWEAK group (formerly SILEX), in the LIRIS research center.
Since February 2021, I am a W3C fellow, involved in the Strategy team on the topic of data interoperability (see also the page about Standardization).
Since January 2022, I am a visiting researcher at Inria, in the Wimmics team.
Research topics
My research is in the field of knowledge engineering, with a specific focus on the dynamics of knowledge, and its sharing between humans and machines. This focus is already important in traditional applications, with a well-defined scope. But it becomes crucial in the context of the web, an open and constantly evolving environment. This work is therefore in the line of the Semantic Web.
More specifically, I am interested in
- interoperability of data, metadata and knowledge, and at web scale;
- explainability of AI systems, made possible in particular by the elicitation of knowledge, its linking into knowledge graphs, and the use of traces (see below);
- interaction traces (between users and systems), considered as knowledge inscriptions offering multiple interpretations, depending on the context;
I review papers on a regular basis for the following journals and conferences: Knowledge-Based Systems, WWW, ISWC, ESWC, Semantics, IUI, IC (french conference on Knowledge Engineering).
My full list of publications is available here.
See also my habilitation thesis.
Past experiences
- Sep 2020 – Dec 2021: secondment at ERCIM, in the european project MOSAICrOWN
- Apr 2018: general co-chair of The Web Conference 2018
- Sep 2008 – Aug 2009: invited professor at University College Dublin.
- MOSAICrOWN (2019-2021)
- Repid (2019-2020)
- Hubble (2014-2019)
- Episteme (2014-2017)
- Learning Café (2013-2016)
- Spectacle en ligne(s) (2013-2014)
- eGonomy (2012-2014)
- Kolflow (2011-2014)
- Cinecast (2010-2012)
- ACAV (2009-2011)
- Ithaca (2008-2011)
- Cinelab (2007-2008)
Current PhD students
- Sarra Ouelhadj (with Stéphanie Jean-Daubias): Defining a sustainable workflow for semantically enriching territorial Open Data (in partnership with Métropole de Lyon)
- Julian Bruyat (with Frédériqie Laforest and Lionel Médini): From Property Graphs to Knowledge Graphs
- Fatma Derbel (with Amélie Cordier): Authentification and certification in e-learning using interaction traces
Former PhD students
- Charbel Obeid (with Inaya Lahoud and Hicham El Khoury): Towards a recommender system for higher education counseling
- Maxime Chabert (dir. Christine Solnon): Assisting the configuration of an ERP application, using knowledge engineering and constraint programming. (in partnership with Infologic)
- Blandine Ginon (dir. Stéphanie Jean-Daubias): Generic Models and Tools to Set Up Epiphytic Assistance Systems
- Rakebul Hasan (dir. Fabien Gandon): Predicting Query Performance and Explaining Results to Assist Linked Data Consumption