About me

I currently work as a temporary researcher (ATER) at the G-SCOP laboratory, and as a temporary teacher at the university of Grenoble Alpes . I teach computer science, and my research field is graph theory, although I'm interested in combinatorics in general, algorithmics, reconfiguration, and bioinformatics.
The last three years, I was a PhD student at the LIRIS laboratory, and a teacher at the university of Lyon . My PhD was about graph domination and reconfiguration problems, and it was under the supervision of Nicolas Bousquet and Hamamache Kheddouci . The manuscript is available on the Publications page, and a video of the defense is available on the Presentations page.
My journey to get to this PhD was a bit unusual. After high school, I joined the engineering school INSA Lyon. After two general years, I chose the speciality "Bioinformatics and modelisation", where I learned more about biology, computer science, mathematics, statistics and bioinformatics. The last year, I joined a double degree program with the university of Lyon and graduated from both the engineering degree, and a master degree in ecology and evolution, including a six months research internship in population genetics. I then continued with a first year of master degree in general mathematics in the university of Lyon, including a teaching internship in high school, then a second year master degree in theoretical computer science at ENS Lyon, from which I graduated, including a six months internship in graph theory.
During my PhD, I studied a wide range of problems. The first problem I got intersted in was graph packing, a combinatorial graph theory problem. Then, I studied the eternal domination problem, which is close to reconfiguration problems, with some complexity analysis. I also got interested in the reconfiguration of graphs with the same degree sequence, which has applications in chemistry, and for which we used generalizations of bioinformatics results. During a six months stay at the polytechnical university of catalogna with the GAPCOMB team, I worked on asymptotical results on simultaneous edge colorings, in the field of probabilistic graph theory. More recently, I worked on the reconfiguration of dominating sets under the token addition-removal rule, with a lot of algorithmic results, and under the token-sliding rule, with a lot of complexity results.
Even though I am mostly intersted in theoretical computer science now, I still enjoy very much exploring problems from other areas and I gladly use my knowledge in biology and bioinformatics to solve computer science problems, or use computer science to solve biology problems. I also gladly work in with collegues. If you are interested to work with me on something do not hesitate to contact me, my contact informations are below.