
Here is a link to the video of my PhD defense and here are the slides
Here are the videos of the talks I gave:
- Linear transformations between dominating sets in the TAR-model, in 2020, at the international conference ISAAC 2020 and the national conference JGA 2020:
- Approximating shortest connected graph transformation for trees, in 2019, at the international conference SOFSEM 2020 and the national conference JGA 2019:
- Eternal domination in digraphs and orientations of graphs, in 2018, at the international conferences ICGT 2018 and BGW 2019, and the national conference JGA 2018:
If necessary, here is a link to the video, the password is petersen
Here is the link to the video, the password is still petersen
The link to the video is here, with the password petersen