
Here is the manuscript of my PhD thesis
Here is a list of my publications:
- TS-Reconfiguration of dominating sets in circle and circular-arc graphs, in 2021, with Nicolas Bousquet , submitted to the conference WADS 2021
- Linear transformations between dominating sets in the TAR-model, in 2020, with Nicolas Bousquet and Paul Ouvrard , presented to the conference ISAAC 2020
- Approximating shortest connected graph transformation for trees, in 2020, with Nicolas Bousquet , presented to the conference SOFSEM 2020
- Eternal dominating sets on digraphs and orientations of graphs, in 2018, with Guillaume Bagan and Hamamache Kheddouci , published in Discrete Applied Mathematics
- HAL version
Here is a list of my work in progress:
- Asymptotical results on simultaneous edge coloring, with Guillem Perarnau
- Complexity of the TS-Reconfiguration problem in H-free graphs, with Nicolas Bousquet