I am ponctually teaching at the IUT of Bourg en Bresse (Lyon 1 University):
- Operationnal Research
- Modelization of Mathematics
I was teaching assistant at IUT A of University Lille 1. I was teaching computer science for 192 hours in the two first years.
- Database (second year) (48h)
- Modelization (second year, graph theory and language) (32h)
- Project (second year, subject ) (16h)
- Introduction to algorithmic and programmation (in Java, first year) (96h)
During my PhD, I was teaching 64 hours in a year in UFR IMA at University Joseph Fourier of Grenoble.
- Operationnal Research, RICM, September-December 2011 (24h)
- Modelization of computer science structures and applications, INF233, L2 INF, October -December 2011 (37h)
- Operationnal Research, L3 MIAGE, September-December 2010 (15h)
- Introduction to programming in C, INF111, L1 PCC-PHC, October -December 2010 (32h)
- 20 hours counting for organization of Maths en Jeans Conference in 2010
- Introduction to programming in C, INF111, L1 PCC-PHC, September -December 2009 (64h)