
Journals / chapters in books

Effective pruning for top-k feature search on the basis of SHAP values. L. Chabrier, A. Crombach, S. Peignier and C. Rigotti. In journal: IEEE Access, vol. 12, 14 pages. 2024.

Predicted Impacts of Booster, Immunity Decline, Vaccination Strategies, and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on COVID-19 Outcomes in France. S. Pageaud, A. Eyraud-Loisel, J.-P. Bertoglio, A. Bienvenue, N. Leboisne, C. Pothier, C. Rigotti, et al. In journal: Vaccines. 10(12), 15 pages. 2022.

Anomaly detection based on sequence indexation and CFOF score approximation. L. Foulon, C. Rigotti, S. Fenet and D. Jouvin. In book: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management (AKDM) Vol. 9. Springer, 14 pages. 2022.

Expected Evolution of COVID-19 Epidemic in France for Several Combinations of Vaccination Strategies and Barrier Measures. S. Pageaud, C. Pothier, C. Rigotti, A. Eyraud-Loisel, et al. In journal: Vaccines. 9(12), 19 pages. 2021.

Evolutionary Subspace Clustering Using Variable Genome Length. S. Peignier, C. Rigotti and G. Beslon. In journal: Computational Intelligence. Wiley. 39 pages. 2020.

Ranking Evolution Maps for Satellite Image Time Series Exploration - Application to Crustal Deformation and Environmental Monitoring. N. Meger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier, T. Nguyen, F. Lodge, L. Gueguen, R. Andreoli, M.-P. Doin and M. Datcu. In journal: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 37 pages. Free online access here. 2019.

A pattern-based method for handling confidence measures while mining satellite displacement field time series. Application to Greenland ice sheet and Alpine glaciers. T. Nguyen, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier, E. Trouve, N. Gourmelen and J.-L. Mugnier. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS). 14 pages. 2018.

Evolving Instrument Based on Symbiont-Host Metaphor: a Commensal Computation. J. Abernot, G. Beslon, S. Hickinbotham, S. Peignier and C. Rigotti. Journal of Creative Music Systems. 2(1), 10 pages. 2017.

Satellite Image Time Series: mathematical models for data mining and missing data restoration. N. Meger, E. Pasolli, C. Rigotti, E. Trouve and F. Melgani. In book: Mathematical Models for Remote Sensing Image Processing. Springer-Verlag. 42 pages. 2017.

Crystal orientation mapping via ion channeling: An alternative to EBSD. C. Langlois, T. Douillard, H. Yuan, N.P. Blanchard, A. Descamps-Mandine, B. Van de Moortele, C. Rigotti and T. Epicier. In journal: Ultramicroscopy. 8 pages, Elsevier. 2015.

Sequential Pattern Mining for Discovering Gene Interactions and their Contextual Information from Biomedical Texts. P. Cellier, T. Charnois, M. Plantevit, C. Rigotti, B. Cremilleux, O. Gandrillon, J. Klema and J.-L. Manguin. Journal of Biomedical Semantics. 6(27), 12 pages. 2015.

Finding Maximal Homogeneous Clique Sets. P.-N. Mougel, C. Rigotti, M. Plantevit and O Gandrillon. In journal: Knowledge and Information Systems. 35(1):1-30, Springer. 2014.

Efficient Spatiotemporal Mining of Satellite Image Time Series for Agricultural Monitoring. A. Julea, N Meger, C. Rigotti, E. Trouve, R. Jolivet, and P. Bolon. In journal: Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining. 5(1), pp. 23-44. 2012.

Unsupervised Spatiotemporal Mining of Satellite Image Time Series using Grouped Frequent Sequential Patterns. A. Julea, N. Meger, P. Bolon, C. Rigotti, M.-P. Doin, C. Lasserre, E. Trouve and V. Lazarescu. In journal: IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 49(4), pp.1417-1430. 2011.

Using a Solver over the String Pattern Domain to Analyse Gene Promoter Sequences. C. Rigotti, I. Mitasiunaite, J. Besson, L. Meyniel, J.-F. Boulicaut and O. Gandrillon. In book: Inductive Databases and Constraint-Based Data Mining. Springer, pp. 407-424, 2010.

From Digital Genetics to Knowledge Discovery: Perspectives in Genetic Network Understanding. G. Beslon, D.P. Parsons, J.M. Pena, C. Rigotti and Y. Sanchez-Dehesa. Intelligent Data Analysis Journal. 14(2), pp. 173-191, 2010.

Fouille de Donnees Sequentielles pour l’Extraction d’Information dans les Textes. T. Charnois, M. Plantevit, C. Rigotti and B. Cremilleux. Revue Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL). Volume 50, numero 3, pp 59-87, 2009.

Combining Sequence and Itemset Mining to Discover Named Entities in Biomedical Texts: A New Type of Pattern. M. Plantevit, T. Charnois, J. Klema, C. Rigotti and B. Cremilleux. International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management. 1(2), pp. 119-148, 2009.

Extracting Signature Motifs from Promoter Sets of Differentially Expressed Genes. I. Mitasiunaite, C. Rigotti, S. Schicklin, L. Meyniel, J.-F. Boulicaut and O. Gandrillon. In journal: In Silico Biology, 8 (0043), pp. 17-39, 2008. html version, pdf minor fix

Extracting Trees of Quantitative Serial Episodes. M. Nanni and C. Rigotti. In book: Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases KDID’06 Revised Selected and Invited Papers. (significant revision of the paper published in the proceedings distributed at the workshop). pp. 170-188, 2007. Springer-Verlag. LNCS 4747. pdf

A Survey on Condensed Representations for Frequent Sets. T. Calders, C. Rigotti and J.-F. Boulicaut. In book: Constraint Based Mining. pp. 64-80, 2006. Springer-Verlag. LNAI 3848. pdf

Automatic Generation of CHR Constraint Solvers. S. Abdennadher and C. Rigotti. Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). 5(4&5), pp. 403-418, 2005.. Cambridge University Press. pdf

Automatic Generation of Rule-Based Constraint Solvers over Finite Domains. S. Abdennadher and C. Rigotti. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL). 5(2), pp. 177-205, 2004. pdf

Integrity Constraints over Association Rules. A. Bykowski, T. Daurel, N. Meger and C. Rigotti. In book: Database Support for Data Mining Applications. pp. 306-323, 2004. Springer-Verlag. LNAI 2682.

Extraction de Motifs Sequentiels Frequents sous Contraintes dans des Donnees Contenant des Repetitions Consecutives. M. Leleu, N. Meger and C. Rigotti. Revue Ingenierie des Systemes d’Information (ISI). Vol. 9, pp. 133-159, 2004. Hermes.

DBC: a Condensed Representation of Frequent Patterns for Efficient Mining. A. Bykowski and C. Rigotti. Information Systems (IS). 28(8), pp. 949-977, 2003. Elsevier Science. pdf

Free-Sets: a Condensed Representation of Boolean Data for the Approximation of Frequency Queries. J.F. Boulicaut, A. Bykowski and C. Rigotti. In journal: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD). 7 (1), pp 5-22, 2003. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pdf

Automatic Generation of Rule-Based Solvers for Intentionally Defined Constraints. S. Abdennadher and C. Rigotti. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT). 11(2), pp. 283-302, 2002.

Etude de Methodes de Recherche Locale pour la Construction de Bipartitions. C. Robardet and C. Rigotti. Revue Extraction des Connaissances et Apprentissage. 16(6), pp. 705-728, 2002. Hermes.

Conferences / workshops

Re_actShap : detection de rebranchements des reseaux de regulation d’expression genique ? l’aide des valeurs SHAP. L. Chabrier, A. Crombach, S. Peignier and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 25ieme Conference Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC), session demonstrations. 8 pages. 2025.

Combining SHAP-driven Co-clustering and Shallow Decision Trees to Explain XGBoost R. Pensa, A. Crombach, S. Peignier and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 27th International Conference Discovery Science (DS). 16 pages. 2024.

Detecting gene regulatory network rewiring as changes in marker regulatory associations using only single-cell gene expression data. L. Chabrier, A. Crombach, S. Peignier and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 12th IEEE Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare Workshop (DMBIH). 9 pages. 2024.

Exploring an unsupervised data mining approach to extract aseismic slip events along the Izmit section of the North Anatolian Fault, based on FLATSIM time series C. Pothier, E. Neyrinck, C. Lasserre, B. Rousset, C. Rigotti, M.-P. Doin and P. Durand. In Proc. of the 6th Symposium on Measurement of Earth surface Deformations with Earth Observation (MDIS). 2 pages. 2024.

Studying Evolution of Hydrothermal Alteration Materials in the Turrialba Volcano through Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images. J. G. Rejas, C. Pothier, C. Rigotti, N. Meger, I. Vasquez, O. C. Rotunno, J. Bonatti and H. Barbosa. In Proc. of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress. 6 pages. 2020.

A pattern-based mining system for exploring Displacement Field Time Series. T. Nguyen, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier, N. Gourmelen and E. Trouve. In Proc. of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), demo paper. 4 pages. 2019.

Approximation du score CFOF de detection d’anomalie dans un arbre d’indexation iSAX : Application au contexte SI de la SNCF. L. Foulon, C. Rigotti, S. Fenet and D. Jouvin. In Proc. of the 19ieme Conference Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC). 12 pages. 2019.

Scoring Message Stream Anomalies in Railway Communication Systems. L. Foulon, S. Fenet, C. Rigotti and D. Jouvin. In Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Learning and Mining with Industrial Data (LMID). 8 pages. 2019.

Weight-based search to find clusters around medians in subspaces. S. Peignier, C. Rigotti, A. Rossi and G. Beslon. In Proc. of the 33rd ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC). 10 pages. 2018.

Finding Complementary and Reliable Patterns in Displacement Field Time Series of Alpine Glaciers. T. Nguyen, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier, E. Trouve and J.-L. Mugnier. In Proc. of the 38th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 4 pages. 2018.

Handling coherence measures of displacement field time series: Application to Greenland ice sheet glaciers. T. Nguyen, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier, E. Trouve and N. Gourmelen. In Proc. of the 9th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp). IEEE. 4 pages. 2017.

EvoMove: Evolutionary-based living musical companion. S. Peignier, J. Abernot, C. Rigotti and G. Beslon. In Proc. of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL). 8 pages. 2017.

Apport de la modelisation geologique 3D dans la cartographie des risques gravitaires de la Croix-Rousse. E. Scholastique, C. Pothier, L. Vinet, C. Rigotti and N. Bouillod. In proc. of the 5ieme Journees Aleas Gravitaires (JAG). 4 pages. 2017.

SITS-P2miner: Pattern-Based Mining of Satellite Image Time Series. T. Nguyen, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier and R. Andreoli. In Proc. of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD’16), demo paper, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2016. 4 pages.

A Commensal Architecture for Evolving Living Instruments. J. Abernot, G. Beslon, S. Hickinbotham, S. Peignier and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 1st Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity, Huddersfield, UK, 2016. 8 pages.

Erosion Monitoring by Satellite Image Analysis and Spatiotemporal Data Mining. C. Pothier, R. Andreoli, N. Meger and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the Journees Nationales de Geotechnique et de Geologie de l’Ingenieur, Nancy, France, 2016, 8 pages.

Swap Randomization of Bases of Sequences for Mining Satellite Image Time Series. N. Meger, C. Rigotti and C. Pothier. In Proc. of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD’15), Porto, Portugal, 2015. 16 pages.

A Swap Randomization Approach for Mining Motion Field Time Series over the Argentiere Glacier. Y. Pericault, C. Pothier, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, F. Vernier, H. T. Pham and E. Trouve. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MULTITEMP’15), Annecy, France, 2015. 4 pages.

Subspace Clustering Using Evolvable Genome Structure. S. Peignier, C. Rigotti, and G. Beslon. In Proc. of the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’15), Madrid, Spain, 2015. 8 pages.

Iterative Summarization of Satellite Image Time Series. F. Lodge, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier and M.-P. Doin. In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’14), Quebec, Canada, 2014. 4 pages.

Monitoring of Tectonic Deformation by Mining Satellite Image Time Series. C. Rigotti, F. Lodge, N. Meger, C. Pothier, R. Jolivet and C. Lasserre. In Proc. of the 19th National Conference Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA’14), Rouen, France. 2014. 6 pages.

Normalized Mutual Information-Based Ranking of Spatio-Temporal Localization Maps. N. Meger, C. Rigotti, L. Gueguen, F. Lodge, C. Pothier, R. Andreoli and M. Datcu. In Proc. of the 8th European Spatial Agency (ESA) - EUSC - JRC Conference on Image Information Mining, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. 2012. pp 11-14.

Finding Collections of k-Clique Percolated Components in Attributed Graphs. P.-N. Mougel, C. Rigotti and O Gandrillon. In Proc. of the 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie. 2012. pp 181-192. Springer LNCS 7302.

Finding Collections of Protein Modules in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks. P.-N. Mougel, C. Rigotti and O. Gandrillon. In Proc. of the 4th Int. Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 2012. pp 216-222.

Mining Pixel Evolutions in Satellite Image Time Series for Agricultural Monitoring. A. Julea, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, E. Trouve, P. Bolon and V. Lazarescu. In Proc. of the 11th Industrial Conference on Data Mining. New-York, USA. 2011. pp 189-203. Springer, LNCS 6870.

Polsar Radarsat-2 Satellite Image Time Series Mining Over the Chamonix Mont-Blanc Test Site. A. Julea, F. Ledo, N. Meger, E. Trouve, Ph. Bolon, C. Rigotti, R. Fallourd, J.-M. Nicolas, G. Vasile, M. Gay, O. Harant, L. Ferro-Famil and F. Lodge. In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’11), Vancouver, Canada, 2011. 4 pages.

Spatio-Temporal Mining of ENVISAT SAR Interferogram Time Series over the Haiyuan Fault in China. N. Meger, R. Jolivet, C. Lasserre, E. Trouve, C. Rigotti, F. Lodge, M.-P. Doin, S. Guillaso, A. Julea and P. Bolon. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MULTITEMP’11), Trento, Italy. 2011. 4 pages.

Extraction sous Contraintes d’Ensembles de Cliques Homogenes. P.-N. Mougel, M. Plantevit, C. Rigotti, O Gandrillon, J-F. Boulicaut. In Proc. of the 11ieme Conference Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC). Brest, France. 2011. 12 pages.

Constraint-Based Mining of Sets of Cliques Sharing Vertex Properties. P.-N. Mougel, M. Plantevit, C. Rigotti, O Gandrillon, J-F. Boulicaut. Workshop on Analysis of Complex NEtworks (ACNE’10) co-located with ECML PKDD 2010. Barcelona, Spain. 14 pages.

Spatio-Temporal Mining of PolSAR Satellite Image Time Series. A. Julea, N. Meger, E. Trouve, P. Bolon, C. Rigotti, R. Fallourd, J.-M. Nicolas, G. Vasile, M. Gay, O. Harant and L. Ferro-Famil. European Space Agency (ESA) Living Planet Symposium. Bergen, Norway. 2010. 6 pages.

Extraction of frequent grouped sequential patterns from Satellite Image Time Series. A. Julea, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, M.-P. Doin, C. Lasserre, E. Trouve, P. Bolon, V. Lazarescu. IEEE Int. Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’10). pp. 3434-3437. Hawaii, USA, 2010.

Parameter Tuning for Differential Mining of String Patterns. J. Besson, C. Rigotti, I. Mitasiunaite and J.-F. Boulicaut. 2nd International Workshop on Domain Driven Data Mining DDDM’08. December 2008, Pisa, Italy. pp. 77-86. IEEE Computer Society Press.

Quantitative Episode Trees. M. Nanni and C. Rigotti. 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases KDID’06. September 2006, Berlin, Germany. 12 pages.

Constraint-Based Mining of Episode Rules and Optimal Window Sizes. N. Meger and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’04). September 2004, Pisa, Italy. pp. 313-324. Springer-Verlag, LNAI 3202. pdf

Mining episode rules in STULONG dataset. N. Meger, C. Leschi, N. Lucas and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the ECML/PKDD2004 Discovery Challenge. September 2004, Pisa, Italy. 12 pages.

Constraint-Based Mining of Sequential Patterns over Datasets with Consecutive Repetitions. M. Leleu, C. Rigotti, J.-F. Boulicaut, and G. Euvrard. In Proc. of the 7th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’03). September 2003, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia. pp. 303-314. Springer-Verlag, LNAI 2838. pdf

Finding Interesting Association Rules Using Confidence Variations. A. Bykowski, T. Daurel, N. Meger and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and. Control Technologies (CCCT03), Orlando, Florida, USA, August 2003. 12 pages.

GO-SPADE: Mining Sequential Patterns over Datasets with Consecutive Repetitions. M. Leleu, C. Rigotti, J.-F. Boulicaut, and G. Euvrard. In Proc. of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM 2003). Leipzig, Germany, July 2003. pp. 293-306. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2734.

Constraint Solver Synthesis using Tabled Resolution for Constraint Logic Programming. S. Abdennadher and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on. Logic Based Program Development and Transformation (LOPSTR’02). Madrid, Spain, September 2002. pp. 32-47. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2664.

Association Maps as Integrity Constraints in Inductive Databases. A. Bykowski, T. Daurel, N. Meger and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the First International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases (KDID’02). Helsinki, Finland, August 2002. 15 pages.

Towards Inductive Constraint Solving. S. Abdennadher and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP’01). Cyprus, November 2001. pp. 31-45, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 2239. ps

A condensed representation to find frequent patterns. A. Bykowski and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 20th ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS’01). Santa Barbara, CA, USA, May 2001. pp. 267-273, ACM Press.

Generation of Propagation Rules for Intentionally Defined Constraints. S. Abdennadher and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 13th IEEE Int. Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2001). Dallas, Texas, USA, November 2001. pp. 236-243, IEEE Computer Society.

Using confluence to generate rule-based constraint solvers. S. Abdennadher and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 3rd ACM Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2001). Firenze, Italy, September 2001. pp. 127-135, ACM Press. ps

Extraction of Association Rules Between Low-Level Descriptors and Semantic Descriptors in an Image Database. E. Ardizzone, T. Daurel, U. Maniscalco and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering (MDDE 2001). Lyon, France, July 2001. 6 pages.

Query driven knowledge discovery via OLAP manipulation. J.F. Boulicaut, P. Marcel and C. Rigotti. In Actes des 17iemes journees Bases de Donnees Avancees (BDA 2001). Agadir, Maroc, October 2001. 13 pages.

Automatic Generation of Propagation Rules for Finite Domains. S. Abdennadher, C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP’00). Singapore, September 2000. pp. 18-34 Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 1894.

Approximation of Frequency Queries by Mean of Free-Sets. J.F. Boulicaut, A. Bykowski and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the 4th European Conf. on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD’00). Lyon, France, September 2000. pp. 75-85 Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No 1910.

Query Driven Knowledge Discovery in Multidimensional Data. J.F. Boulicaut, P. Marcel and C. Rigotti. In Proc. of the ACM Second Int. Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP’99). Kansas City, USA, November 1999. pp. 87-93, ACM Press.

Representing and Reasoning on Content-Based Queries over Image Databases. M.S. Hacid and C. Rigotti. In Proc. 11th Int. Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS’99). Warsaw, Poland. Springer-Verlag, 1999. pp 340-348. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No 1609.

Spreadsheet form generation from rule-based specifications. J.F. Boulicaut, P. Marcel, F. Pinet and C. Rigotti. In Proc. 6th Int. post JICSLP Workshop on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming (DDLP’98).. Manchester, UK, June 1998. pp 59-70.

Rule-Based Restructuring and Summarizing in Multidimensional Databases. M.S. Hacid, P. Marcel and C. Rigotti. In Actes des Journees Francophones de Programmation en Logique et par Contrainte (JFPLC-98). Nantes, Mai 1998. pp. 115-134, Hermes.

Extending Datalog for Ordered Multidimensional Databases. M. S. Hacid, P. Marcel and C. Rigotti. In Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Deductive Database and Logic Programming. Leuven, Belgique: 1997. pp 69-81.

A Rule-Based CQL for 2-Dimensional Tables. M.S. Hacid, P. Marcel and C. Rigotti. In Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Constraint Database Systems (CDB’97). Delphes, Grece. Springer-Verlag, 1997. pp 92-104. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 1191. ps

Abduction et deduction de structures d’objets: une integration multi-paradigmes. J.F. Boulicaut and C. Rigotti. In Actes des 5iemes journees francophones de programmation en logique et programmation par contraintes (JFPLC’96), Clermont-Ferrand, 5-7 Juin 1996. pp. 17-31, Hermes.

Resolution et Classification pour l’Optimisation Semantique de Requetes dans les BDOO Deductives. M.S. Hacid, F. Mansouri and C. Rigotti. In Actes des 11iemes journees Bases de Donnees Avancees (BDA’95). Nancy, 29-31 Aout, 1er Septembre 1995. pp. 323-342.

Combining resolution and classification for semantic query optimization in DOOD. M.S. Hacid and C. Rigotti. In: Proceedings of. the 4th International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databses (DOOD’95). Singapore, December 1995. Springer-Verlag, 1995. pp 447-466. LNCS 1013. ps

Une approche multi-paradigme pour tester la coherence d’applications BDOO. C. Rigotti, M.S. Hacid and J.F. Boulicaut. In: actes des 10iemes journees Bases de Donnees Avancees (BDA’94). Clermont-Ferrand, 30-31 Aout, 1-2 Septembre,1994. p 55-74.

F-Logic Programming and Terminological Constraints. C. Rigotti, M.S. Hacid and J.F. Boulicaut. In Proc. of the post-conference ICLP’94 Workshop on Integration of Declarative Paradigms. Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, 1994, pp 3-12.

Does a Deductive Object-Oriented System produce Object-Oriented Answers? A Hybrid Reasoning Approach. C. Rigotti, M.S Hacid and J. F. Boulicaut. In Actes du 10ieme congres INFORSID’94. Aix-en-Provence, Mai 1994, pp. 99-110.

Vers une typologie des semantiques operationnelles pour les extensions objet de Prolog. C. Rigotti, J.F. Boulicaut and M.S. Hacid. In actes des 3iemes Journees Francophones de Programmation Logique (JFPL’94). Bordeaux, 25-27 Mai 1994, pp. 223-237.

PhD Dissertation

Structure des objets et raisonnements dans les langages de clauses. Application a l’optimisation semantique de requetes. C. Rigotti. PhD dissertation INSA Lyon 1996. pdf (short version)