| Color (const double &=0.0) |
| Creates a greyscale color.
| Color (unsigned long) |
| Creates a color given a compact color representation.
| Color (const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &=1.0) |
| Creates a color given each of these components.
| Color (const Vector &, const double &=1.0) |
| Creates a color.
| Color (int, int, int, int=255) |
| Create a color given integer components.
| Color (const QColor &) |
| Create a color from Qt representation.
| Color (const QRgb &) |
| Create a color from Qt representation.
| ~Color () |
| Empty.
Color | Pow (const double &=2.2) const |
| Apply gamma correction.
Color & | operator+= (const Color &) |
| Overloaded operator.
Color | Scale (const Color &) const |
| Scale.
Color & | operator*= (const double &) |
| Destructive scalar multiply.
Color | Clamp (const Color &=Color::Black, const Color &=Color::White) const |
| Clamp a color between two bounds.
double | Luminance () const |
| Compute the luminance.
unsigned long | Cast () const |
| Returns a compact color format of the RGB-alpha system value of the color.
constexpr double & | operator[] (int) |
| Returns the ith channel of the spectrum.
constexpr double | operator[] (int) const |
| Returns a copy of the ith channel of the spectrum.
QColor | GetQt () const |
| Create a Qt color from a color.
static Color | Min (const Color &, const Color &) |
| Returns the minimum value of each component.
static Color | Max (const Color &, const Color &) |
| Returns the maximum value of each component.
static Color | Lerp (const double &, const Color &, const Color &) |
| Linear interpolation between two colors.
static Color | Get (const QVector< Color > &, const double &t) |
| Compute a color in a discretized array of colors.
static QColor | LerpQt (const QColor &, const QColor &, const double &, int) |
| Interpolate two Qt colors in the prescribed space.
static Color | BiCubic (const double &, const double &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &=Color::Black, const Color &=Color::Black, const Color &=Color::Black, const Color &=Color::Black) |
| Bi-cubic interpolation between four values, given partial derivatives.
static Color | Bilinear (const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const Color &, const double &, const double &) |
| Bi-linear interpolation between four colors.
static const Color | Grey (const double &) |
| Grey.
Color | operator+ (const Color &u, const Color &v) |
| Overloaded sum operator.
Color | operator- (const Color &u, const Color &v) |
| Overloaded difference operator.
Color | operator* (const Color &u, const double &a) |
| Overloaded product by a scalar operator.
Color | operator* (const double &a, const Color &c) |
| Overloaded product by a scalar operator.
Color | operator/ (const Color &c, const double &a) |
| Overloaded division by a scalar operator.
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Color &c) |
| Overloaded output-stream operator.
Color with alpha channel in RGB space.
Colors are represented using double.
Several constructors exist, two of them may be confusing:
double c[4]
Array of color components, with an alpha channel.
Definition color.h:17
Color(const double &=0.0)
Creates a greyscale color.
Definition color.h:133