2022-2027: I am the coordinator of the ANR project ACCELERER-AI: Adaptive Co-Construction of Ethics for LifElong tRrustworthy AI.
2020-2024: I am involved in the AI Chair REMEMBER: Learning Reasoning, Memory and Behavior
led at INSA-Lyon by Christian Wolf.
2017-2019: COMODYS
project is about the coordination of a mobile robots fleet for the multi-view analysis of complex scenes (monitoring, emergency assistance, medical applications, etc). I was the coordinator of this project funded by the FIL.
2014-2017: CROME
project is about the coordination of a mobile robots fleet for the multi-view analysis of complex scenes (monitoring, emergency assistance, medical applications, etc).
This project funded by an INSA BQR Grant (2014-2015) and a LIRIS transversal project (2016-2017)) involves researchers from CITI Lab and LIRIS. I am involved in the working group concerning the navigation and coordination of the fleet.
2010-2012: CAROTTE Project: The context of this work is the CAROTTE challenge (Cartography by a robot of a territory), funded by the NRA (French National Research Agency) and the DGA (Defense Procurement Agency) (ANR-09-CORD-103). GREYC-MAD is member of the Robots_Malins consortium which takes part in this challenge. In this challenge, one or more robots have to map some unknown indoor area, to return within 30 minutes, to recognize and localize objects from a list of items that may be in the exploration area, and to do some opportunistic tasks as pushing a ball which position is unknown. Especially, I am working on multi-robot exploration strategies and decentralized decision makers.
2009-2010: AMORCES Project: I was involved in the AMORCES (Algorithmes et MOdèles pour un Robot
Collaboratif Eloquent et Social) NRA (French National Research Agency) project (ANR-07-ROBO-0004). This project studies decisional and operational human-robot interaction and in particular, the impact of verbal and non-verbal communication on the achievement of collaborative tasks between a robot and its human partner. Especially, I worked on Planning and Learning in Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction.
2005-2009: Smart Surface Project: I was involved in the Smart Surface NRA (French National Research Agency) project (Smart Surface Project). I worked on designing and implementing decentralized and robust control laws that will drive hundreds of actuators to control object motion. In this framework, I developped multiagent reinforcement learning algorithms for cooperative and adaptative agents.