Distributed algorithms for networks (2024-2025)
General information
- This is the webpage for the 2024-2025 iteration of the course
Distributed algorithms of networks (C14), taught in the
Master 2 program
of ENS Lyon.
- Last year's webpage is here.
- This year the lecturers are:
Stephan Thomassé,
Laurent Feuilloley, and
Théo Pierron.
(Nicolas Bousquet participated in the design of the course but is
not teaching this year.)
- The time slots are the follwing: Monday 15:45-17:45 and
Friday 10:15-12:15.
- The final grade will be a weighted average of the grade for
scribe notes and the grade for final exam.
Tentative program
Monday November 18 (S. Thomassé)
- Introduction of the LOCAL model and coloring.
Friday November 22 (S. Thomassé)
Monday November 25 (S. Thomassé)
Friday November 29 (S. Thomassé)
Monday December 2 (S. Thomassé)
Friday December 6 (L. Feuilloley)
Monday December 9 (L. Feuilloley)
Friday December 13 (T. Pierron)
Monday December 16 (L. Feuilloley)
Friday December 20 (L. Feuilloley)
Monday January 6 (L. Feuilloley - might be cancelled)
Friday January 10 (T. Pierron)
Monday January 13 (T. Pierron)
Friday January 17 (T. Pierron)
Monday January 20 (T. Pierron)
Friday January 24 (L. Feuilloley - might be cancelled)
Monday January 27: No class (except if stated otherwise later.)
Friday January 31: Exam
Useful material