Lyon graph meetings

The graph meetings aim at gathering people interested in graphs in the Lyon area.

We have physical meetings regularly, alternating between LIP (ENS Lyon) and LIRIS (University of Lyon). The usual format is: two 40 minute talks, on the board, with a lot of interaction.

Useful information

Announcements: The meetings are announced on the mailing list graphesalyon[at]
To join the list, write to Nicolas Bousquet (nicolas.bousquet[at]

Contact: For any question about the meetings, contact Laurent: laurent.feuilloley[at], and for urgent matter: 06 72 31 57 **, where ** is 34.



A tentative schedule for the meetings of spring 2024.

→ Next meeting: May 23


Past meetings

23rd graph meeting - April 18 2024
22nd graph meeting - March 14 2024
  • The meeting took place on Thursday March 14, at 10 AM, at the LIRIS, in room 008 (former C5). Théo Pierron chaired.
  • Menu:
    • Small But Unwieldy: A Lower Bound on Adjacency Labels for Small Classes, by Édouard Bonnet.

      Links: the paper.

    • Short and local transformations between (Δ+1)-colorings, by Nicolas Bousquet
      (thanks Nicolas for replacing me at the last minute!).

      Links: the paper.

21st graph meeting - December 7 2023
  • The meeting took place on Thursday December 7, at 2:15 PM, at the LIRIS, in room C1.
  • Menu:
20th graph meeting - November 9 2023
  • The meeting took place on Thursday November 9, at 2 PM, at the LIRIS, at the second floor (chaired by Théo).
  • Menu:
19th graph meeting - October 19 2023
  • The meeting took place on Thursday October 19, at 2:15 PM, at the LIP, in salle du conseil.
  • Menu:
18th graph meeting - September 21 2023
  • The meeting took place on Thursday September 21, at 2PM, at the LIP, in salle M7.
  • Menu:

Academic year 2022-2023

17th graph meeting - July 11 2023
16th graph meeting - June 27 2023
  • The meeting took place on Tuesday June 27, at 10AM, at the LIP, in Room B1.
  • Menu:
15th graph meeting - June 8 2023
14th graph meeting - May 5 2023
13th graph meeting - April 4 2023
12th graph meeting - January 17 2023
11th graph meeting - December 13 2022
  • The meeting took place on Tuesday December 13, at 10AM, at the LIRIS, in Salle visio. This meeting had a very low attendance, hence the speakers will give their talks again later this year.
  • Menu:
10th graph meeting - November 22 2022

Academic year 2021-2022

9th graph meeting - June 16th 2022
8th graph meeting - June 3rd 2022
Seventh graph meeting - May 19th 2022 Sixth graph meeting - December 9th 2021 Fifth graph meeting - November 26th 2021
  • The meeting took place at ENS, at the "Salle du conseil" at 10:30 AM.
  • Schedule:
    • Median and simplex graphs, by Pierre Bergé.
      Links: Median graphs on wikipedia. Two recent papers about the diameter of median graphs: here and there.
    • Model checking for first-order logic with connectivity predicate, by Alexandre Vigny.
      Links: The two papers: here and there.
Forth graph meeting - November 4th 2021 Third graph meeting - October 14th 2021 Second graph meeting - October 1st 2021
  • The meeting took place at LIRIS, in the "Salle visio" (ground level, on the left of the entrance) at 10:30.
  • Schedule:
First graph meeting - September 20th 2021