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DGtal est une bibliothèque logicielle dont la vocation est de faciliter la manipulation d’images en dimension quelconque, l’extraction d’objets discrets volumiques ou surfaciques, ainsi que leur analyse topologique et géométrique.
DGtal a pour vocation de structurer, non seulement les différents développements des membres de l’équipe M2DisCo travaillant sur la thématique « géométrie discrète », mais aussi ceux de toute la communauté internationale de géométrie et de topologie discrète.

Je travaille principalement avec David Coeurjolly.

DGtal is a generic open source library for Digital Geometry programming for which the main objective is to structure different developments from the digital geometry and topology community. The aims are numerous: make easier the appropriation of our tools for a neophyte (new PhD students, researchers from other topics, …), permit better comparisons from new methods with already existing approaches and to construct a federative project. Another objective of DGtal is to simplify the construction of demonstration tools to share new results and potential efficiency of the proposed work.

I work principally with David Coeurjolly.


PNG/PDF false 3D exports with DGtal and Cairo
PNG false 3D export with DGtal and Cairo
PNG false 3D export with DGtal and Cairo
PNG false 3D export with DGtal and Cairo

PNG false 3D export with DGtal and Cairo
PNG false 3D export with DGtal and Cairo