David Coeurjolly
David Coeurjolly
Ph.D. / HDR
{Axis Plotter}
David Coeurjolly
Corrected Laplace-Beltrami operators for digital surfaces
Differentiable Owen Scrambling
Delaunay property and proximity results of the L-algorithm for digital plane probing
Quad-Optimized Low-Discrepancy Sequences
Generator Matrices by Solving Integer Linear Programs
Neural Inpainting of Folded Fabrics with Interactive Editing
A methodology for the 3D characterization of surfaces using X-ray computed tomography: Application to additively manufactured parts
Non-Euclidean Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling
Construction of Fast and Accurate 2D Bijective Rigid Transformation
Digital Calculus Frameworks and Comparative Evaluation of their Laplace-Beltrami operators
Example-Based Sampling with Diffusion Models
Convexity preserving deformations of digital sets: Characterization of removable and insertable pixels
Lightweight Curvature Estimation on Point Clouds with Randomized Corrected Curvature Measures
Inpainting Holes In Folded Fabric Meshes
Joint optimization of distortion and cut location for mesh parameterization using an Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional
Generator Matrices by Solving Integer Linear Programs
A New Lattice-based Plane-probing Algorithm
A Simple Discrete Calculus for Digital Surfaces
Algorithms for pixelwise shape deformations preserving digital convexity
MatBuilder: Mastering Sampling Uniformity Over Projections
Cascaded Sobol' Sampling
Hierarchical mesh-to-points as-rigid-as-possible registration
Digital Geometry
Stable and efficient differential estimators on oriented point clouds
Stripped halfedge data structure for parallel computation of arrangements of segments
Digital surface regularization with guarantees
Ground Metric Learning on Graphs
Interpolated corrected curvature measures for polygonal surfaces
Code Replicability in Computer Graphics
Sliced Optimal Transport Sampling
Robust Normal Vector Estimation in 3D Point Clouds through Iterative Principal Component Analysis
Blue-noise sampling for human retinal cone spatial distribution modeling
Efficient Distance Transformation for Path-based Metrics
Convexity Preserving Contraction of Digital Sets
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
Ground Metric Learning on Graphs
A Low-Discrepancy Sampler that Distributes Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space
SPOT: Sliced Partial Optimal Transport
Analysis of Sample Correlations for Monte Carlo Rendering
Combining voxel and normal predictions for multi-view 3D sketching
Towards human retinal cones spatial distribution modeling
Efficient Distance Transformation for Path-based Metrics
Fourier Analysis of Correlated Monte Carlo Importance Sampling
Laplace–Beltrami Operator on Digital Surfaces
Mumford‐Shah Mesh Processing using the Ambrosio‐Tortorelli Functional
Mumford-Shah Mesh Processing using the Ambrosio-Tortorelli Functional
Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid
Preface: Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
Regularization of Voxel Art
Sequences with Low-Discrepancy Blue-Noise 2-D Projections
Heat kernel Laplace-Beltrami operator on digital surfaces
Characterization of bijective digitized rotations on the hexagonal grid
Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
Digital surface regularization by normal vector field alignment
Optimal transport-based dictionary learning and its application to euclid-like point spread function representation
Robust and Convergent Curvature and Normal Estimators with Digital Integral Invariants
Laplace-Beltrami operator on Digital Curves
Piecewise smooth reconstruction of normal vector field on digital data
Interactive Curvature Tensor Visualization on Digital Surfaces
Heat kernel Laplace-Beltrami operator on digital surfaces
Characterization of bijective discretized rotations by Gaussian integers
Low-Discrepancy Blue Noise Sampling
Topologie et conductivité effective des mousses: Application aux mousses métalliques dans un réacteur gaz/solide.
Scale-space Feature Extraction on Digital Surfaces
Feature Extraction on Digital Snow Microstructures
Variance Analysis for Monte Carlo Integration
Variance Analysis for Monte Carlo Integration: A Representation-Theoretic Perspective
Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 2013
2D Subquadratic Separable Distance Transformation for Path-Based Norms
Parameter-free and Multigrid Convergent Digital Curvature Estimators
Fast Tile-Based Adaptive Sampling with User-Specified Fourier Spectra
Multigrid Convergent Principal Curvature Estimators in Digital Geometry
Digital Flow for Shape Decomposition: Application to 3-D Microtomographic Images of Snow
Extraction of Connected Region Boundary in Multidimensional Images
Convergence asymptotique du tenseur de courbure en géométrie discrète
Globally Optimal Cortical Surface Matching With Exact Landmark Correspondence
Integral based Curvature Estimators in Digital Geometry
Thickness Diagram for Shape Analysis
Decoration of plastic objects using multi view-dependent textures
Texture creation with colorimetric compensation for 3D objects decoration
Fast and Accurate Approximation of Digital Shape Thickness Distribution in Arbitrary Dimension
Multigrid convergence of discrete geometric estimators
Separable Distance Transformation and its Applications
Volumetric Analysis of Digital Objects Using Distance Transformation: Performance Issues and Extensions
Volumetric Analysis of Digital Objects Using Distance Transformation: Performance Issues and Extensions
A Generic and Parallel Algorithm for 2D Digital Curve Polygonal Approximation
Measure of Straight Lines for Digital Contour Analysis
Separable algorithms for distance transformations on irregular grids
Fast and Accurate Approximation of the Euclidean Opening Function in Arbitrary Dimension
Volumetric analysis of digital objects using distance transformation: performance issues and applications
First Results on Medial Axis Extraction on Two-Dimensional Irregular Isothetic Grids
Hierarchical Discrete Medial Axis for Sphere-Tree Construction
Measure of Straight Lines and its Applications in Digital Geometry
Quasi-Affine Transformation in 3-D: Theory and Algorithms
Quasi-Affine Transformation in Higher Dimension
Special Issue DGCI 2008
A Novel Algorithm for Distance Transformation on Irregular Isothetic Grids
Special Issue DGCI 2008
Gift-Wrapping based Preimage Computation Algorithm
The Mojette Transform: Theory and Applications
A Generic and Parallel Algorithm for 2D Image Discrete Contour Reconstruction
14th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry
Optimal Separable Algorithms to Compute the Reverse Euclidean Distance Transformation and Discrete Medial Axis in Arbitrary Dimension
A Comparative Evaluation of Length Estimators of Digital Curves