Core 1.0
Core geometric classes include several core classes such as Box, Axis, Cylinder, Cone, Plane and many others that are useful in many graphic applications. More...
Classes | |
class | Axis |
A core axis class. More... | |
class | Axis2 |
A core axis class. More... | |
class | Box |
An axis aligned box. More... | |
class | BoxEmpty |
An axis aligned box, same as Box, but hollow. More... | |
class | BoxSphere |
Axis aligned box sphere. More... | |
class | Bubble |
Bubbles. More... | |
class | Camera |
A simple camera. More... | |
class | Capsule |
A line-swept-sphere. More... | |
class | Circle |
Circles. More... | |
class | Cone |
Cones defined as truncated cones. More... | |
class | ConeSphere |
Cone-Spheres, defined as rounded truncated cones. More... | |
class | NewCone |
Cone. More... | |
class | CubicCurve |
Cubic curves. More... | |
class | QuadricCurve |
Quadric curves. More... | |
class | CubicCurveSet |
Piecewise cubic curves. More... | |
class | QuadricCurveSet |
Piecewise quadric curves. More... | |
class | Cylinder |
A cylinder characterized by its end vertices and radius. More... | |
class | Disc |
A disc in three dimensions. More... | |
class | DiscSet2 |
A simple set of discs. More... | |
class | Frame |
Solid transformations. More... | |
class | OrientedBox |
An oriented box. More... | |
class | FrameCurve |
Piecewize frame curves. More... | |
class | Line |
A line defined by two points. More... | |
class | Plane |
A plane defined by its analytic equation. More... | |
class | PointCurve |
Piecewise point curve. More... | |
class | PointCurve2 |
Piecewise point curve in the plane. More... | |
class | Ray |
A ray characterized by its origin an unit direction vector. More... | |
class | Segment |
A segment defined by its end vertices. More... | |
class | Slab |
A simple slab class. More... | |
class | Sphere |
Spheres. More... | |
class | SphereSet |
A simple set of spheres. More... | |
class | Torus |
A simple torus. More... | |
class | Triangle |
Base minimum storage triangle class. More... | |
class | Tubular |
A tube, i.e., a pierced cylinder. More... | |
class | VectorSet |
A simple set of vectors. More... | |
Core geometric classes include several core classes such as Box, Axis, Cylinder, Cone, Plane and many others that are useful in many graphic applications.
Most of the time, those classes have been implemented so as to save memory. For example, the Sphere class only stores the center and the radius, but does not store the squared radius although this value is often needed in many algorithms such as intersection with a ray, or point membership classification. The very reason for this is that in that case only one multiply is needed to compute the squared radius.
Some exceptions to this rule include the implementation of the class Axis, which is used for implementing many other classes such as the Cone or the Cylinder. This class not only stores the end points of the axis, but also the normalized axis vector and the length of the axis. See the details of the Axis class for further details.