| SDFSmoothUnion (SDFNode *, SDFNode *, const double &) |
| Create a smooth union.
| SDFSmoothUnion (SDFNode *, SDFNode *, SDFNode *, const double &) |
| Create a smooth union.
| SDFSmoothUnion (SDFNode *, SDFNode *, SDFNode *, SDFNode *, const double &) |
| Create a smooth union.
virtual | ~SDFSmoothUnion () |
| Destructor.
virtual double | Signed (const Vector &) const |
| Compute the signed distance.
virtual Vector | Gradient (const Vector &) const |
| Compute the gradient of the field.
QString | GetShader (PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const |
| Compute the GLSL code to render the node.
QString | GetCostShader (PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const |
| Compute the GLSL code to compute the cost of a call to sdf.
QString | GetGradientShader (PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const |
| Compute the GLSL code to compute the gradient the sdf.
virtual int | Memory () const |
| Return the size of a sub-tree.
virtual SDFNode * | Copy () const |
| Deep copy.
| SDFUnion (SDFNode *, SDFNode *) |
| Create a union node.
| SDFUnion (SDFNode *, SDFNode *, SDFNode *) |
| Create a union hierarchy ((A ∪ B) ∪ C).
| SDFUnion (SDFNode *, SDFNode *, SDFNode *, SDFNode *) |
| Create a union hierarchy ((A ∪ B) ∪ (C ∪ D)).
| SDFUnion (const QVector< SDFNode * > &) |
| Creates a union operator node given an array of nodes.
virtual | ~SDFUnion () |
| Destructor.
double | BID (const Vector &) const |
| Compute a lower bound of the signed distance.
virtual void | ComputeCostBID (const Vector &) |
| Compute the number of reccursive calls to BID() and Signed().
virtual Color | GetColor (const Vector &) const |
| Compute the color.
QString | GetShader (PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const |
| Compute the GLSL code to render the node.
QString | GetCostShader (PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const |
| Compute the GLSL code to compute the cost of a call to sdf.
QString | GetGradientShader (PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const |
| Compute the GLSL code to compute the gradient the sdf.
QString | GetMaterialShader (PrimitiveManager *, std::list< QString > *, bool *) const |
| Compute the GLSL code to compute the material the sdf at a given point 'p' with a given normal 'n'.
| SDFBinary (SDFNode *, SDFNode *) |
| Create a binary node.
virtual | ~SDFBinary () |
| Recursively destroy the sub-trees.
virtual double | K (const Box &) const |
| Return the local Lipschitz constant.
virtual void | ComputeCostSigned (const Vector &) |
| Compute the number of reccursive calls to Signed().
int | Nodes () const |
| Compute the number of nodes in the sub-tree.
| SDFNode () |
| Create a generic node.
virtual | ~SDFNode () |
| Destructor.
virtual bool | Inside (const Vector &) const |
| Check if a point is inside or outside.
virtual double | K () const |
| Return the Lipschitz constant of the node.
Box | GetBox () const |
| Return the bounding box of the node.
static double | Signed (const double &, const double &) |
| Compute the union, i.e. the minimum of two distance field values.
static SDFNode * | QuadricCurve (const double &, const QuadricCurveSet &) |
| This function creates a quadric Bézier curve controled by an array of control knots.
static SDFNode * | RevolutionQuadricTubeSet (const Vector &, const Vector &, const double &, const QuadricCurve2Set &) |
| Creates a surface of revolution.
static SDFNode * | RevolutionQuadricTubeSet (const double &, const QuadricCurve2Set &) |
| Creates a surface of revolution.
static void | ResetReccursiveCalls () |
| Reset the reccursive call property of the tree.
static int | ReccursiveCalls () |
| Returns the number of reccursive calls to Value() and BID().
static void | addReccursiveCalls (int) |
| Add a nulber to the nbreccursiveCalls.
static SDFNode * | Stalactite (const Vector &p, const double &h, const double &r, bool noise=true, Random &random=Random::R239, const double &largeur=0.25, const double &espacement=0.61) |
| Procedural parameterized stalactite.
static SDFNode * | SpherePieces () |
| Sphere carved, placed on a cylinder. Nice scene for testing sharp features reconstruction.
static constexpr double | Epsilon = 0.01 |
| Small constant used for bounding volumes.
static int | reccursiveCalls = 0 |
| Recursive calls to BID or Value.