Signed Distance Fields 1.0
A hierarchical representation of implicit surfaces using signed distance functions primitives and operators. More...
Classes | |
class | SDFSmoothUnionSphereLOD |
LOD Union operator. More... | |
class | SDF3DNoise |
Add a 3D noise around a surface. More... | |
class | SDF3DNoiseNoLOD |
Create a 3D noise around a surface. More... | |
class | SDF3DNoisePrimitive |
Create a 3D noise around a surface. More... | |
class | SDFBEIS |
Bounding volume implicit surface operator. More... | |
class | SDFBinary |
Binary nodes. More... | |
class | SDFBlob |
Blob node. More... | |
class | SDFBoundingBox |
Bounding box node. More... | |
class | SDFBoundingSphere |
Bounding sphere node. More... | |
class | SDFBox |
Box primitive. More... | |
class | SDFBoxOpt |
Box primitive, optimized for distance computation. More... | |
class | SDFBubble |
Bubble primitive. More... | |
class | SDFCage |
Cage primitive. More... | |
class | SDFCapsule |
Capsules. More... | |
class | SDFCircle2 |
Circle primitive. More... | |
class | SDFCircleArc |
Circle arc primitive. More... | |
class | SDFClone |
Cloning operator. More... | |
class | SDFCloneDirectionOverlapX |
Cloning operator in an infinit line. More... | |
class | SDFCloneDirectionX |
Cloning operator in an infinit line. More... | |
class | SDFCloneDirectionXY |
Cloning operator in an infinit line. More... | |
class | SDFCloneRevolution |
Cloning operator. More... | |
class | SDFColor |
Color primitive. More... | |
class | SDFCone |
Cone primitive. More... | |
class | SDFContact |
Contact operator. More... | |
class | SDFConvex |
Convex polyhedra. More... | |
class | SDFConvexSmooth |
Smooth convex primitives. More... | |
class | SDFCubicCurve |
True signed distance field for a cubic curve. ,. More... | |
class | SDFCuboctahedron |
Cuboctahedron primitive. More... | |
class | SDFCylinder |
Cylinder primitive. More... | |
class | SDFCylinderCage |
Cage with cylinders. More... | |
class | SDFCylinderNoise |
Cylinder primitive with noise. More... | |
class | SDFDifference |
Difference operator. More... | |
class | SDFDifferenceShell |
Difference operator. More... | |
class | SDFDisc |
Disc primitive. More... | |
class | SDFDodecahedron |
Dodecahedron primitive. More... | |
class | SDFRhombicDodecahedron |
RhombicDodecahedron primitive. More... | |
class | SDFEgg |
Egg primitive. More... | |
class | Ellipsoid |
Ellipsoid primitive. | |
class | SDFEuclidean |
Generic primitives. ,. More... | |
class | SDFExtrudedEllipse |
True signed distance field for a planar polygon extruded vertically. ,. More... | |
class | SDFPolygonExtruded |
True signed distance field for a planar polygon extruded vertically. ,. More... | |
class | SDFExtrusionCubic |
Extrusion operator along a curve. More... | |
class | SDFExtrusionNoise |
Extrusion operator with star-shaped noise. More... | |
class | SDFExtrusionQuadric |
Extrusion operator along a curve. More... | |
class | SDFFrame |
Frame node. More... | |
class | SDFFrame2 |
Frame node. More... | |
class | SDFFrames |
Frames node. More... | |
class | SDFVirtualHeightField |
A virtual heightfield. More... | |
class | SDFHeightField |
Heightfields. More... | |
class | SDFHemiSphere |
True signed distance field for a hemi-sphere. More... | |
class | SDFHemiSphereDisc |
True signed distance field for a hemi-sphere. More... | |
class | SDFHexagonal |
Signed distance field for a planar hexagonal prism. More... | |
class | SDFHyperDisc |
Hyper disc primitive. More... | |
class | SDFHyperEdge |
Hyper edge primitive. More... | |
class | SDFHyperEllipsoid |
Hyper-ellipsoid primitive. More... | |
class | SDFHyperSphere |
Hyper sphere primitive. More... | |
class | SDFHyperTorus |
Hyper edge primitive. More... | |
class | SDFIcosahedron |
Icosahedron primitive. More... | |
class | SDFIcosidodecahedron |
Icosidodecahedron primitive. More... | |
class | SDFInstance |
Cloning operator. More... | |
class | SDFInterpolation |
interpolation operator. Interpole two IS in an optimized way. Play with the final normal to add details in a simplified surface More... | |
class | SDFIntersection |
Intersection operator. More... | |
class | SDFIntersectionShell |
Intersection operator. More... | |
class | SDFLens |
A scale defined as the difference between two spheres. More... | |
class | SDFLink |
Link primitive. More... | |
class | SDFLod |
interpolation operator. Interpole two IS depending on the distance to the origin More... | |
class | SDFMesh |
Mesh primitive. More... | |
class | SDFMeshClamped |
Mesh primitive with a clamped distance. More... | |
class | SDFMorph |
Morphing, i.e, interpolation operator. More... | |
class | SDFNode |
Base signed distance node. More... | |
class | SDFNode2 |
Base planar signed distance node. ,. More... | |
class | SDFEuclidean2 |
Generic primitives. , ,. More... | |
class | SDFNoise |
Noise field. More... | |
class | SDFOctahedron |
Octahedron primitive. More... | |
class | SDFPlanarSymmetry |
Planar symmetry operator. More... | |
class | SDFPlane |
Plane primitive, in fact halt-space. , More... | |
class | SDFPlane2 |
Plane primitive, in fact half-space. , More... | |
class | SDFPrimitive |
Generic primitives. More... | |
class | SDFPrimitive2 |
Generic planar primitives. ,. More... | |
class | SDFPyramid |
Pyramid primitive. More... | |
class | SDFQuadricCurve |
True signed distance field for a quadric curve. ,. More... | |
class | SDFQuadricCurve2 |
True signed distance field for a quadric curve. ,. More... | |
class | SDFQuadricCylinder |
Signed distance field for cylinder with a quadric varying radius. More... | |
class | SDFQuadricCylinder2 |
Signed distance field for cylinder with a quadric varying radius. More... | |
class | SDFQuadricSweptSphere |
Signed distance field for a swept sphere of varying radius along a quadric curve. More... | |
class | SDFQuadricTube |
True signed distance field for a quadric tube. More... | |
class | SDFRBlend |
Blending operator using R-functions. More... | |
class | SDFRectangle |
A rounded rectangle primitive. More... | |
class | SDFRevolutionSymmetry |
Revolution symmetry operator. More... | |
class | SDFRotate |
Rotation node. ,. More... | |
class | SDFRotational |
Rotational primitives. More... | |
class | SDFRound |
Rounding operator. More... | |
class | SDFUnionR |
Union operator using R-Functions. More... | |
class | SDFScale |
Scaling node. More... | |
class | SDFScales |
A scale defined as the difference between two spheres. More... | |
class | SDFSector |
Sector primitive. More... | |
class | SDFSegment |
Segment primitive. More... | |
class | SDFSegmentNoiseRadial |
Bumped segment obtained by a turbulence-based radial perturbation of the radius. More... | |
class | SDFSlab |
Slab primitive. More... | |
class | SDFSmoothDifference |
Smooth difference operator. More... | |
class | SDFSmoothIntersection |
Smooth intersection operator. More... | |
class | SDFSmoothUnion |
Smooth union operator. More... | |
class | SDFSmoothUnionExp |
Smooth union with exponential blend. More... | |
class | SDFSphere |
Sphere primitive. More... | |
class | SDFSphereCage |
Sphere cage primitive. More... | |
class | SDFSphereNoiseRadial |
Bumped sphere obtained by a turbulence-based radial perturbation of the radius. More... | |
class | SDFSpheroid |
Spheroid primitive, it is a special case of ellipsoid.. More... | |
class | SDFTerrain |
a sampled terrain More... | |
class | SDFTerrainLoD |
a sampled terrain More... | |
class | SDFTerrainLoDContinuous |
a sampled terrain More... | |
class | SDFTerrainLoDContinuousBEIS |
a sampled terrain More... | |
class | SDFTestHeightfieldBinaire |
a heightfield define only by tow height value and a profile (to crate falaise) More... | |
class | SDFTetra |
A tetrahedron. More... | |
class | SDFTorus |
Torus. More... | |
class | SDFTranslate |
Translation operator. More... | |
class | SDFTriangle |
Rounded triangle primitive. More... | |
class | SDFTriplanar |
Tri-planar displacement. More... | |
class | SDFTubular |
Tube primitive. More... | |
class | SDFTurbulence |
Add a turbulence field. More... | |
class | SDFUnary |
Unary nodes. More... | |
class | SDFUniformScale |
Uniform scale operator. More... | |
class | SDFUniformSphere |
Difference operator. More... | |
class | SDFUnion |
Union operator. More... | |
class | SDFUnionLOD |
LOD Union operator. More... | |
class | SDFVerticalCylinder |
Vertical cylinder primitive. More... | |
class | SDFVolume |
Bounding volume operator. More... | |
class | SDFVoronoi |
Voronoi 3D distance field in a sphere. This implementation uses a distance to the nearest border of the voronoi cells. More... | |
class | SDFVoxel |
Voxel primitive. More... | |
class | SDFVoxelize |
Voxelization node. More... | |
class | SDFWarpTurbulence |
Create a warping based on a turbulence. More... | |
A hierarchical representation of implicit surfaces using signed distance functions primitives and operators.