Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- p -
- P() : Ellipse2
- p : DiscTile, Quadrangle2, Quadrangle, ScalarPoint2, SphereTile, Tetrahedra, Triangle2, Triangle
- Packing() : DiscTile
- Palette() : Palette
- particles : DiscSystem
- ParticleSet() : ParticleSet
- ParticleSet2() : ParticleSet2
- pentagon : Icosidodecahedron
- Pentagon2() : Pentagon2
- Perimeter() : Box2, Diamond2, Ellipse2, Hexagon2, Octogon2, Pentagon2, Quadrangle2, Triangle2
- perm : SimplexNoise2, SimplexNoise4, SimplexNoise
- Perspective() : Matrix4
- Phi : Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, Icosidodecahedron
- Pi : Math
- Pick() : RandomFast
- PixelToRay() : Camera
- PlanarLength() : Polygonal
- Plane() : Plane
- planenormal : Octahedron
- Point() : Axis2, Axis, BezierCurve, Line2, ScalarPoint2
- PointAtLength() : Polygon2, Polygonal
- PointCurve() : PointCurve
- PointCurve2() : PointCurve2
- points : ParticleSet2, ParticleSet
- Poisson() : AnalyticScalarField, Box2, Box, Circle2, Hexagon2, Octogon2, Pentagon2, Polygon2, RandomFast, Sphere, Tetrahedra, Triangle2
- Polar() : Complex, Vector2, Vector
- poly : Polygons2
- Polygon2() : Polygon2
- Polygonal() : Polygonal
- Polygonize() : AnalyticScalarField, ScalarField2, ScalarField
- PolygonizeLucie() : AnalyticScalarField
- PolygonizeOctree() : AnalyticScalarField
- Polygons2() : Polygons2
- Polynomial() : Polynomial
- Pop() : MeshStack
- PopAll() : MeshStack
- Pow() : Aa, Color, Math, ScalarField2, Vector
- pow : Ia
- Powers() : Math
- PrevIndex() : Mesh
- Prime() : Cubic, Nonic, Octic, Polynomial, Quadric, Quartic, Quintic, Septic, Sextic
- Push() : MeshStack
- Pyramid() : Pyramid