Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- c : Algebraic, Annulus2, BezierCurve, BezierPatch, Bubble, Circle2, Circle, Color, Cubic, Cuboctahedron, Dodecahedron, Ellipse2, Ellipsoid, HemiSphere, Hexagon2, Icosahedron, Icosidodecahedron, KTope, Linear, Nonic, Octic, Octogon2, Palette, Pentagon2, Plane, Polynomial, Quadric, QuadricSurface, Quartic, Quintic, Ray2, Ray, RayStep, Rectangles2, Rectangles, RhombicDodecahedron, Sector2, Sector, Septic, Sextic, SmoothVertex2, SmoothVertex, Sphere, Spheroid, Taper, Twist2, Vec2I, Vec3I, Vector2, Vector
- cah : Camera
- carray : MeshColor
- cav : Camera
- celldiagonal : Array2, Array
- center : Octahedron, Pyramid
- circle : Dla2, EdenGrowth2, Scales
- closed : FrameCurve, PointCurve2, PointCurve
- colors : MeshColor
- conelength : Cone, ConeSphere, NewCone
- cu : CubicSet
- cubic : SmoothSegment, SmoothVertex
- curve : CubicCurve2Set, CubicCurveSet, QuadricCurve2Set, QuadricCurveSet
- cut : Scales
- cvalue : Aa