Core 1.0
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
 Core geometric classesCore geometric classes include several core classes such as Box, Axis, Cylinder, Cone, Plane and many others that are useful in many graphic applications
 %Color classesColor classes include several color manipulation classes such as Color, Palette
 Generic core classes.Generic core classes include System, Hashing and other classes
 Planar geometric classesPlanar core geometric classes are a subset of core classes that implement objects in the plane
 Geometric structuresGeometric structures implement several simple generic structures such as two-dimensionnal arrays of vectors or reals
 Extended geometric classesExtended classes group several more specific classes such as Tetrahedra, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron
 Core math classes.Core math classes include several classes such as Vector, Quadric, Cubic and higher order polynomials and many others that are useful in many graphic applications