Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
Core geometric classes | Core geometric classes include several core classes such as Box, Axis, Cylinder, Cone, Plane and many others that are useful in many graphic applications |
%Color classes | Color classes include several color manipulation classes such as Color, Palette |
Generic core classes. | Generic core classes include System, Hashing and other classes |
Planar geometric classes | Planar core geometric classes are a subset of core classes that implement objects in the plane |
Geometric structures | Geometric structures implement several simple generic structures such as two-dimensionnal arrays of vectors or reals |
Extended geometric classes | Extended classes group several more specific classes such as Tetrahedra, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron |
Core math classes. | Core math classes include several classes such as Vector, Quadric, Cubic and higher order polynomials and many others that are useful in many graphic applications |