KOGAR project: Knowledge Gardening in the Web of Data

KOGAR is a French-Norwegian project sponsored by the Partnership Hubert Curien Aurora for 2013. The main objective of this project KOGAR (Knowledge Gardening in the Web of Data) is to support the process of integration and alignment of heterogeneous, but related information sources within the area of cultural heritage. This project aims at proposing a novel communication protocol to support the process of semantic mappings in order to ease the interconnection between a large number of semantic data providers. The performance of this protocol will be evaluated and will be compared.
Keywords: Semantic Web, Linked Open Data, Peer-to-Peer, Cultural Heritage, Knowledge Gardening, Web of Data
For more details about the KOGAR project, download the project proposal.
Consortium members
On the Norwegian side (NTNU):
On the French side (LIRIS):
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the coordinator:

Related publications
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ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5441/002/edbt.2014.61},
} - An Integrated Approach for Large-Scale Relation Extraction from the Web
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