Before my PhD I studied in ENS Cachan (now
ENS Paris Saclay
and in particular at the
MPRI master program.
During my studies I did various internships and research visits:
6 months visit to
Ola Svensson
(EPFL, Switzerland) in
spring/summer 2015. Research on approximation algorithms for
4 months visit to
Jukka Suomela (Aalto university,
Finland) in autumn/winter
2014. Research on local distributed load balancing. This visit
lead to the paper Locally
Optimal Load Balancing presented at DISC 2015.
4 months master internship/thesis with
Fraigniaud (IRIF, Université Paris Diderot). Research on
derandomization of distributed algorithms. This internship lead to
the publication of Randomized Local
Network Computing at SPAA 2015, with a
journal version
in ACM TOPC in 2021.