Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- i -
- Ia() : Ia
- Icosahedron() : Icosahedron
- Icosidodecahedron() : Icosidodecahedron
- ImageGrid() : Array2
- Impulse() : Math
- Index() : BezierCubicPatch, BezierPatch, QuadricSurface
- index() : Mesh2
- Indexes() : Mesh2
- IndexSize() : Mesh2
- InfiniteArray() : InfiniteArray
- InfinityNorm() : Matrix2, Matrix
- InRange() : Math
- Inscribed() : Triangle2, Triangle
- InscribedRadius() : Octogon2, Pentagon2, Triangle2, Triangle
- Insert() : ArrayIndex2, ArrayIndex, DynamicArrayIndex
- Inside() : AnalyticScalarField2, AnalyticScalarField, Annulus2, Array2, Box2, Box, BoxSet2, BoxSphere, Bubble, Capsule2, Capsule, Circle2, Cone, ConeSphere, Convex2, CubicCurve2Set, Cuboctahedron, Cylinder, DiscSet2, Dodecahedron, Ellipse2, HemiSphere, Hexagon2, HexagonArray2, Icosahedron, Icosidodecahedron, KTope, Lens2, Lens, Mesh, NewCone, Octahedron, Octogon2, OrientedBox, Pentagon2, Plane, Polygon2, Polygons2, Pyramid, Quadrangle2, QuadricCurve2Set, RhombicDodecahedron, Slab, SmoothVertex, Sphere, SphereSet, Tetrahedra, Torus, Triangle2, Tubular, TwinDisc2, Voxel
- InsideCellIndex() : Array2, Array, HexagonArray2
- InsideFrustum() : Camera
- InsideRange() : Circle2
- InsideVertexIndex() : Array2, Array, HexagonArray2
- InStream() : Array
- Int31() : Random
- Integer() : Hashing, Math, Random, RandomFast
- IntegerAxis() : Box
- IntegerSign() : Math
- Integral() : ScalarField2, ScalarField, ScalarHexagonField2
- InternalRadius() : Bubble, Tubular
- Interpolation() : Cubic
- Intersect() : Algebraic, Annulus2, Box2, Box, BoxSphere, Capsule2, Capsule, Circle2, Circle, Cone, Convex2, CubicCurve2, CubicCurve2Set, Cylinder, DiscSet2, DiscTile, Dodecahedron, Hexagon2, Ia, Icosahedron, Icosidodecahedron, KTope, Mesh2, Mesh, NewCone, OrientedBox2, OrientedBox, ParticleSet2, ParticleSet, Pentagon2, Plane, Polygon2, QuadricCurve2, QuadricCurve2Set, RayStep, Rectangles2, Segment2, Segment, Slab, Sphere, SphereSet, Spheroid, Tetrahedra, Torus, Triangle2, Triangle
- IntersectEdge() : Triangle2
- IntersectHigh() : Algebraic
- Intersection() : Box2, Box, Convex2, Ia, Line2, Plane, Segment2, Sphere
- Intersections() : Mesh, QuadricCurve2Set
- IntersectLinear() : Algebraic
- IntersectOpen() : Segment2
- IntersectQuadratic() : Algebraic
- IntersectSegment() : Polygon2
- IntersectVertex() : Triangle2
- Inverse() : Frame2, Frame, FrameScaled2, FrameScaled, Matrix2, Matrix4, Matrix, Quaternion, Vector2, Vector
- InverseArcLength() : CubicCurve2, CubicCurve
- InverseBilinear() : Quadrangle2
- InverseCellIndex() : Array2, Array
- InverseTransform() : Frame2, Frame, FrameScaled2, FrameScaled, Mesh, Ray2, Ray, Taper, Twist2, Twist
- InverseTransformDirection() : Frame2, Frame, FrameScaled2, FrameScaled
- InverseTransformed() : RayStep, Segment, Sphere
- InverseVertexIndex() : Array2, Array, HexagonArray2
- Invert() : ScalarField2
- IsClosed() : FrameCurve, PointCurve2, PointCurve
- IsConvex() : Polygon2
- IsEmpty() : Array2, Array, DiscSet2, HexagonArray2, SegmentSet2, SphereSet
- IsFinite() : Math
- IsLeftOrOn() : Line2
- IsNumber() : Math
- IsRightOrOn() : Line2
- IsSmooth() : Mesh
- IsVertex() : Voxel