Click here and here for a complete list.
mpLBP: A point-based representation for surface pattern description Elia Moscoso Thompson, Silvia Biasotti, Julie Digne, Raphaëlle Chaine Computers & Graphics, vol. 86, pp. 81-92, 2020 mpLBP: An Extension of the Local Binary Pattern to Surfaces based on an Efficient Coding of the Point Neighbours Elia Moscoso Thompson, Silvia Biasotti, Julie Digne, Raphaëlle Chaine Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 5 may 2019, Gênes (Italy), 8pages. |
Wavejets: A Local Frequency Framework for Shape Details Amplification Yohann Béarzi, Julie Digne and Raphaëlle Chaine Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 37, #2, pp. 13-24. Eurographics 2018, in Delft Honorable mention of the Gunter Enderle award at Eurographics 2018 |
Sparse Geometric Representation Through
Local Shape Probing Julie Digne, Sébastien Valette, Raphaëlle Chaine, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2017 |
Super-resolution of Point Set Surfaces
using Local Similarities A. Hamdi-Cherif, J. Digne, R. Chaine, to appear in Computer Graphics Forum 2017 |
Fine Scale Image Registration in
Large-Scale Urban LIDAR Point Sets Maximilien Guislain, Julie Digne, Raphaëlle Chaine, Gilles Monnier, to appear in Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2016 |
Detecting and Correcting Shadows in
Urban Point Clouds and Image Collections, Maximilien Guislain, Julie Digne, Raphaëlle Chaine, Dimitri Kudelski, Pascal Lefebvre-Albaret, Proceedings International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV2016, Stanford, October 2016 |
Temporally Coherent Sculpture of
Composite Objects Artur. P. Sampaio, Raphaëlle Chaine, Creto A.Vidal, Joaquim B. Cavalcante-Neto to appear in Elsevier Computer & Graphics Forum, Special Issue of Shape Modeling International (SMI 2016), Geometry Summit in Berlin, June 2016 |
Identifying Perceptually Salient
Features on 2D Shapes L. Larsson, G. Morin, A. Begault, R. Chaine, J. Abiva, E. Hubert, M. Hurdal, M. Li, B. Paniaga, G. Tran, M.P. Cani Chapter of the book Research in Shape Modeling Kathryn Leonard, Sibel Tari Editors Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated ©2015 January 2015, ISBN:3319163477 9783319163475 Related event : Women in Shape (WiSh) : Modeling Boundaries of Objects in 2- and 3-Dimensions (in cooperation with AWM), Los Angeles, July 2013. M.P. Cani and myself were the team leaders of a group who worked on Representing and editing self-similar details on 3D shapes. This paper extends the proposal of the workshop. |
Self-similarity for accurate compression
of point sampled surfaces Julie Digne, Raphaëlle Chaine, Sébastien Valette in Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley, Vol. 33, Number 2, p.155-164, Proceedings Eurographics 2014 DOI 10.1111/cgf.12305 |
Sculpting multi-dimensional nested
structures L. Stanculescu, R. Chaine, M-P. Cani, K. Singh Computer & Graphics Proceedings of Shape Modeling International (SMI2013), Bornemouth, UK, 2013 |
Simplification and Streaming of GIS
Terrain for Web Clients F. Cellier, P-M. Gandoin, R. Chaine, A. Barbier Accary, S. Akkouche. ACM Press ACM International Web3D Conference, Los Angeles, 2012 |
Effective Shapes Generation for Bayesian
CAD Model Reconstruction A. Bey, R. Chaine, R. Marc, G. Thibault Eurographics Digital Library Proceedings of 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR), Cagliari, 2012 |
Sculpting Meshes with Self-Adaptive
Topologyy Lucian Stanculescu, Raphaelle Chaine, Marie-Paule Cani, Computers & Graphics 35(3), Elsevier Proceedings of Shape Modeling International (SMI2011), Herzliya, Israel, 2011 |
Progressive Lossless Mesh Compression
Via Incremental Parametric Refinement Sébastien Valette, Raphaëlle Chaine, Rémy Prost. Computer Graphics Forum, no. 5, pp. 1301–1310, Proceedings of Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP2009), Berlin, July, 2009 |
Dynamic Delaunay
Tetrahedralisation of a Deforming Surface Jean-Baptiste Debard, Romain Balp, Raphaëlle Chaine The Visual Computer, 2007 |
Efficient spherical
harmonics representation of 3D objects. M. Mousa, R. Chaine, S. Akkouche and E. Galin PG07, 15th Pacific Graphics conference, Maui, USA, 2007 pp. 248-257 |
A Streaming Algorithm
for Surface Reconstruction Rémi Allègre, Raphaëlle Chaine, and Samir Akkouche Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2007 |
Connectivity Compression Using Convection Reconstruction Raphaëlle Chaine, Pierre-Marie Gandoin and Céline Roudet In ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (ACM SPM) 2007 An extended version of this paper appeared in Reconstruction Algorithms as a Suitable Basis for Mesh Connectivity Compression Raphaëlle Chaine, Pierre-Marie Gandoin and Céline Roudet IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 3 |
A Dynamic Surface
Reconstruction Framework for Large Unstructured Point Sets Rémi Allègre, Raphaëlle Chaine, and Samir Akkouche IEEE/Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2006 An extended version of this paper appeared in Computers & Graphics, vol. 31, issue 2. |
Representation of 3D Point-Based Surfaces Using the Spherical Harmonics. M. Mousa, R. Chaine, and S. Akkouche ICCVG'06, International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics 2006 Journal of Machine Graphics and Vision MGV |
Direct Spherical
Harmonics Transform of a Triangulated Mesh M. Mousa, R. Chaine, and S. Akkouche Journal of Graphics Tools 2006 Volume 11, Issue 2, pages 17-26. |
The HybridTree: Mixing
skeletal implicit surfaces, triangle meshes, and point sets in a free-form modeling system Rémi Allègre, Eric Galin, Raphaëlle Chaine, and Samir Akkouche Graphical Models Volume 68, Issue 1, Pages 42-64, January 2006. SMI'04 special issue. |
Representation of 3D Models using Spherical Harmonics M. Mousa, R. Chaine, and S. Akkouche The 14-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision Volume 14, Pages 193-200, January 2006, Czech Republic. |
Dynamic Surface Reconstruction Rémi Allègre, Raphaëlle Chaine, and Samir Akkouche Shape Modeling International 2005 |
A geometric convection approach of 3D
reconstruction Raphaëlle Chaine ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Proceedings of the Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry processing, SGP2003, pp. 218-229, June 2003 |
(in french)
- LIFAP9 puis LIFAPC Algorithmique, Programmation et Complexité (automne 2017)- LIF9 Algorithmique, programmation et complexité (printemps 2003-2007, automne 2008-2016) - Licence Informatique (L3)-
- Licence Informatique (L2) - LIF5 Algorithmique et programmation procédurale (de 2004 à 2008)
- Master
Informatique Professionnel (M2) - Modèles
mathématiques en traitement d'images (depuis 2004)
- Master Informatique Recherche (M2) - Géométrie discrète et géométrie algorithmique
- Master Informatique (M1) (anciennement Maîtrise d'Informatique) - Programmation générique (C++)
- Gamagora M2PRO CIM programmation : UE4 Outils
mathématiques et modélisation géométriques (partie Outils
mathématiques, maillages)
- à l'UFR d'Informatique de l'Université Claude Bernard de Lyon :
- Unix (TP)
- Algorithmique
et programmation
en C (Cours, TD
et TP)
IUP Miage et Réseaux - Algorithmique,
et complexité (Cours,
et TP)
Licence Informatique - Maillages
3D (Cours
et TP)
DESS CCI Productique, option Bureau d'Etudes - Permis
de Conduire Informatique
Deug Tronc commun - à l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon
- Introduction
à la géométrie Algorithmique
- Programmation
en C++ (paradigme
de programmation objet et programmation
générique) (Cours,
Maîtrise Informatique - Programmation
en C (Cours et TD)
IUP MIAGE, Licence Informatique - Traitement
d'Images / Vision
par ordinateur (Cours et TD)
Licence Informatique, Licence Professionnelle - Algorithmique
Deug Math-Info - Découverte
de l'informatique
et de la programmation (JAVA) (TP)
Tronc commun de deug
- Septembre 2013: Professeur des
Universités, Département Informatique,
Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 (Professor)
et membre du laboratoire LIRIS (Research activity)
- Septembre 2003: Maître
de Conférences à l'Université de Lyon,
Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 (Associate professor)
et membre du laboratoire LIRIS (Research activity)
- 2000-2003
Maître de Conférences à
l'Université de Nice (Associate professor)
- 2000-2003 Membre du
laboratoire I3S et de l'équipe PRISME
(maintenant Geometrica)
de l'lNRIA Sophia-Antipolis (Research activity)
- 1999-2000 ATER au LIGIM - Université Claude Bernard de Lyon (Lecturer)
- Décembre 2011: Habilitation à
diriger des recherches, spécialité
Informatique (Professorial
Thesis in Computer Science),
"Triangulations pertinentes pour les formes 3D"
- Décembre 1996-Janvier 2000: Thèse de doctorat à
Claude Bernard de Lyon, spécialité
Informatique (PhD
in Computer Science)
"Segmentation d'ensembles non organisés de points 3-D d'une surface, Propagation anisotrope basée sur les graphes"
- 1996: Préparation
à l'agrégation de Mathématiques
- 1995: DEA
de Sciences Cognitives (Paris VI-EHESS-Polytechnique) (Master's
degree in Computer Science), Mention Bien,
Problème du binding, cohérence temporelle fine
- 1995: Ingénieur
de l'Ecole Centrale
- tronc commun de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon
- année de spécialisation à l'Ecole Centrale de Paris (option Mathématiques Appliquées)
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