Sébastien Zeitoun
I am a PhD student at LIRIS, University of Lyon, since September 2023. I am supervised by Nicolas Bousquet and Laurent Feuilloley.
I work on graphs and distributed algorithms.
Publications and preprints
- Reductions in local certification, with Louis Esperet.
Arxiv link.
- A subquadratic certification scheme for P5-free graphs, with Nicolas Bousquet. published in Theorical Computer Science
Arxiv link.
- Renaming in distributed certification, with Nicolas Bousquet, Louis Esperet, Laurent Feuilloley.
Arxiv link.
- Local certification of forbidden subgraphs, with Nicolas Bousquet, Linda Cook, Laurent Feuilloley, Théo Pierron.
Arxiv link.
- Brief Announcement: Global certification via perfect hashing, with Nicolas Bousquet, Laurent Feuilloley. accepted at PODC2024
Arxiv link.
- Local certification of local properties: tight bounds, trade-offs and new parameters, with Nicolas Bousquet, Laurent Feuilloley. accepted at STACS2024
Arxiv link.
You might have heard me talking about:
- [slides] Local certification of forbidden subgraphs, JGA 2024, Dijon
- [slides] Local certification of forbidden subgraphs, Séminaire de Mathématiques discrètes, Laboratoire G-SCOP, Grenoble
- [slides] Global certification via perfect hashing, PODC 2024, Nantes
- [slides] Local certification of local properties : tight bounds, trade-offs and new
parameters, STACS 2024, Clermont-Ferrand
- [slides] Local certification of local properties : tight bounds, trade-offs and new
parameters, JGA 2023, Villeurbanne
I teach computer science in IUT Lyon 1.
- Développement en Java (TP)
- Développement en C (TP, Projet)
- Développement en Java (TP)
- Réseaux (Cours-TD, TP)
I am passionate about classical music and especially piano that I practice a lot (see here and here for beautiful interpretations of two of my favourites pieces). I also enjoy hinking, climbing and taking photos in the Alps and Pyrenees (see here for my personal photo website).