my Research Publications:
LIRIS Publications: from
2003 to now
or my HAL publications
- A
unified topological-physical model for adaptive refinement
E. Flechon, F. Zara, G. Damiand, F. Jaillet. Presented at VRIPHYS 2014, Bremen (D), sept. 2014. - Méthode
des Masses Tenseurs : un outil efficace en simulation
bio-mécanique ?
X. Faure, F. Zara, F. Jaillet. Presented at Séminaire Biomécanique du Labex PRIMES, Bron (F), April 2014.
2013, et il pleut toujours sur la
- Automated
Detection of Apnea/Hypopnea Events in Healthy Children
Polysomnograms: Preliminary Results
C.M. Held, L. Causa, R. Chamorro, M. Garrido,C. Algarín,P. Peirano, F. Jaillet. Presented at 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka (JP), Jul. 2013. - A
generic topological framework for physical simulation
E. Flechon, F. Zara, G. Damiand, F. Jaillet. Proc. of WSCG 2013 , Plzen (CZ), June 2013. - Multi-criteria
adaptation of physical simulations
F. Caillaud, X. Faure, F. Zara, F. Jaillet, JM. Moreau.. Proc. of VRIPHYS 2013, Work in Progress Session, Lille (F), Dic. 2013.
2012, tous les chemins mènent à Rome...
- An
Accurate Skull Stripping Method Based on Simplex Meshes and
Histogram Analysis for Magnetic Resonance Images
F. Galdames, F. Jaillet, C.A. Pérez. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (IF 2.100), accepted Fev. 2012
- From
Triangulation to Simplex Mesh, and Vice-Versa, a Simple and
Efficient Conversion
F. Galdames, F. Jaillet. Presented at GRAPP 2012, Rome (I), Feb. 2012. - Implicit
Tensor-Mass solver on the GPU
+ poster (3,4Mo)
X. Faure, F. Zara, F. Jaillet, JM. Moreau. Presented at SCA 2012, Lausanne (CH), Jul. 2012. - An
Implicit Tensor-Mass solver on the GPU for soft bodies
X. Faure, F. Zara, F. Jaillet, JM. Moreau. Proceedings of VRIPHYS 2012, Darmstadt (D), Dic. 2012. - Detección
Automática de Patrones Respiratorios en Registros
Polisomnográficos de Niños.
L. Causa C.M. Held, F.Jaillet, R. Chamorro, M. Garrido, C. Algarín, P. Peirano. 3rd Chilean Meeting on Biomedical Engineering, Viña del Mar (CL). Sept. 2012. - Automated
Detection of Sleep Breathing Patterns in Children.
L. Causa, C.M. Held, F. Jaillet, R. Chamorro, M. Garrido, C. Algarín, P. Peirano. International Paediatric Sleep Association Congress 2012, Manchester (UK), Dic. 2012.
HDR : "Modélisation géométrique et simulation bio-mécanique des
tissus mous"
(3,7Mo) or abstract
(LIRIS WebSite).
Defended on 30 june 2011, jury :
Mme FAUDOT Dominique, LE2I, Dijon (Rapporteur)
M. CROSNIER André, LIRMM, Montpellier (Rapporteur)
M. DANIEL Marc, LSIS, Aix-Marseille (Président)
M. PAYAN Yohan, TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble (Rapporteur)
M. SHARIAT Behzad, LIRIS, Lyon (Examinateur)
2011, l'université Lyon1 a 40 ans...
- Registration
Renal SPECT and 2.5D US IMAGES.
F. Galdames, C.A. Pérez, P.A. Estévez, C.M. Held, F. Jaillet, G. Lobo, G. Donoso, C. Coll. Published in Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (IF 5 years 1.220), accepted Jan. 2011.
- Acquisition
multi-modale en temps réel pour le suivi du mouvement
X. Faure, F. Jaillet, F. Zara, JM. Moreau.
Presented at ORASIS 2011, Praz-sur-Arly, (F) 2011.
Related video : mp4 (85Mo)
MMX, Coming soon, but not too
soon...before next Star Wars episode?
- Finite
of a static fluid-solid interaction problem (proof reading)
R. Araya, G.R. Barrenechea, F. Jaillet, R. Rodríguez
Published in IMA Journal Of Numerical Analysis (IF 1.405), accepted Sept. 2009, published online 2010, paper 2011.
2009, Vincent's work finally being
- Integrating
Tensile Parameters in Hexahedral Mass-Spring System for
V. Baudet, M. Beuve, F. Jaillet, B. Shariat, F. Zara
Proceeding of WSCG'09, Plzen (CZ), Fev. 2009 (26,1% acceptation ratio)
2007, et ça continue... :
- New
System Integrating Elasticity Parameters in 2D.
V Baudet, M. Beuve, F. Jaillet, B. Shariat, F. Zara. 2007. Research Report RR-LIRIS-2007-003, Fev. 2007
- Integrating Tensile Parameters in 3D Mass-Spring System. V. Baudet, M. Beuve, F. Jaillet, B. Shariat, F. Zara. Research Report RR-LIRIS-2007-004, Fev. 2007
- short version:
Integrating Tensile Parameters in 3D Mass-Spring System in Surgetica, Chambéry (F), Sept. 2007,
pp 413-418, ISBN 978-2-84023-526-2
- Registration
SPECT and 2.5D US images .
F.J. Galdames, C.A. Pérez, P.A. Estévez, C.M. Held, F. Jaillet, G.
Lobo, G. Donoso, C. Coll.
Chambéry (F), Sept. 2007, pp 169-175, ISBN
- Adaptive mesh and finite element analysis of coupled fluid/structure: application to brain deformations. R. Araya, G.R. Barrenechea, F.J. Galdames, F. Jaillet, R. Rodríguez. Surgetica, Chambéry (F), Sept. 2007, pp 117-121
2006, un año en Concepción (CL) :
- Discrete
integration of rheology
F. Jaillet, 2nd Workshop on Computer Assisted Diagnosis and Surgery, Santiago (CL), March 2006.
- Mathematical
Discrete Modeling and Simulating Soft Tissue Deformations
F. Jaillet, ICAM 2006, Santiago (CL), March 2006.
2005, paseando en Chile:
- Simulation
Lung Behaviour with Finite Elements : Influence of
Bio-Mechanical Parameters. P.-F. Villard, M. Beuve, B.
Shariat, V. Baudet and F. Jaillet
Presented at MediViz IEEE IV05, London (GB), july 2005. - Segmentation
et modélisation 3D par un ensemble de superellipsoïdes. L.
Chevalier, F. Jaillet and A. Baskurt
Publied in Revue Internationale d'Ingénierie Numérique, vol1(3), pp311-336, 2005.
- Resolution
problems in realistic-lug-inflating simulation with Finite
Element Method. P.-F.
Villard, M. Beuve, B. Shariat, V. Baudet and F. Jaillet
Presented at 10th HCPBM, Oropa (I), june 2005. ==> poster
2004, mas o menos tranquilo, ¡cachai!
- Lung mesh
generation to simulate breathing motion with a FEM
P.F. Villard, M. Beuve, B. Shariat, V. Baudet, F. Jaillet
Presented at MediVis-IEEE IV04, London (GB), july 2004.
- Tracking
motion using physically based modelling of organs
M. Amrani, M. Beuve, F. Jaillet, B. Shariat
Published in Radiotherapy and Oncology (Green Journal), Elsevier, vol. 73 (Supplement 2), 2004, pp S73-S76.
2003, zou !
- Towards
accurate tumours tracking in lungs
V. Baudet and P.F. Villard and M. Beuve and F. Jaillet and B. Shariat
Presented at MediVis-IEEE IV03, London (GB), july 2003.
- Segmentation
Modeling of 3D Objects
L. Chevalier, F. Jaillet and A. Baskurt
Presented at WSCG03, Plzen (CZ), february 2003. vol 11(1).
- Physically
based modeling with particle systems
M. Amrani, M. Beuve, F. Jaillet and B. Shariat
Presented at CE 2003, july 2003.
- Approach
to simulate tumour displacements in lungs with mass spring
V. Baudet, F. Jaillet, B. Shariat, P.F. Villard, M. Beuve, et al.
Presented at 9th HCPBM03, Lyon (F), oct 2003. ==> poster
- Lung
motion modelling to simulate dosimetry during cancer treatment
P.F. Villard, V. Baudet, M. Beuve, F. Jaillet, B. Shariat, et al.
Presented at 9th HCPBM03, Lyon (F), oct 2003. ==> poster
- Fitting a
3D particle system model to a non dense dataset, in medical
V. Baudet, F. Jaillet and B. Shariat
Published in Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 2003, vol 1, pp 065-074.
- Modelling
and Simulating Organs Deformations: Integration of Physiological
F. Jaillet. Presented at Workshop on Image Guided Surgery and Diagnosis, Santiago (CL), nov 2003.
2002, tout simplement : !
- Fitting a
3D particle system model to a non dense dataset, in medical
V. Baudet, F. Jaillet and B. Shariat
Presented at ICGG02, Kiev (Ukr), july 2002, vol 1, pp 210-220.
2001, any odyssey?
- Codage de formes 3D par
des superquadriques
Laurent CHEVALIER, Fabrice JAILLET and Atilla BASKURT
Accepted at CORESA2001, Dijon (F), nov 2001.
- 3D shape coding with superquadrics
Laurent CHEVALIER, Fabrice JAILLET and Atilla BASKURT
Presented at IEEE ICIP2001, Thessaloniki (G), oct 2001.
- Description et reconstruction
rapide de surfaces
Laurent CHEVALIER, Fabrice JAILLET and Atilla BASKURT
Presented at COOPANIM'2001, Villeurbanne (F), june 2001.
- Smooth reconstruction of
branching objects with B-splines
Fabrice JAILLET, Behzad SHARIAT and Denis VANDORPE
Published in RCFAO, vol 16, sept 2001.
- Simulation Of Deformable
Organs With A Hybrid Approach
Morade AMRANI, Fabrice JAILLET, Mahmoud MELKEMI and Behzad SHARIAT
Published in RCFAO, vol 16, sept 2001.
year 2K, no bug! !
- Deformable
objects modelling and animation: application to organ's
interactions simulation .
Morade AMRANI, Fabrice JAILLET, Serge PONTIER, Behzad SHARIAT and
ICGG 2000, Johannesburg
(SA), pp 164-168, july 2000.
- Deformable
objects modeling and animation: application to organ's
interactions simulation. Morade
Journal for Geometry and Graphics, vol 4 (2000), No 2, pp 181-188
- Adaptive
sampling and coding using skeleton and curvature
Fabrice JAILLET, Yacine GHAMRI DOUDANE, Mahmoud MELKEMI and Atilla BASKURT. Presented at IEEE ICIP2000, Vancouver (CAN), vol 2, pp 899-902, sept 2000.
- Description
rapide de surfaces
Laurent CHEVALIER, Fabrice JAILLET and Atilla BASKURT
CORESA2000, Poitiers (F), oct 2000.
1999, PhD : "Contribution à la reconstruction et à l'animation d'objets déformables définis à partir de données structurées en sections"
My PhD report : (postscript
1,8 Mo) or (pdf 3 Mo)
My PhD abstract
Presented on February 5th 1999 , Jury :
Serge MIGUET, LIRIS, Lyon 2
Chris MOORE, MWMP, Chrisite Hospital, Manchester(UK)
Marc NEVEU, Le2i, Dijon (Rapporteur)
Claude PUECH, Grenoble (Rapporteur)
Behzad SHARIAT, LIRIS (ex-LIGIM), Lyon1 (Directeur de Thèse)
Denis VANDORPE, LIRIS (ex-LIGIM), Lyon1 (Président)
More animations: 715Ko 950Ko 1427Ko
1998 !
- Deformable
object reconstruction with particle systems
Fabrice JAILLET, Behzad SHARIAT and Denis VANDORPE
Published in Computers & Graphics, vol 22(2-3), pp. 189-194, march 1998
- Volume
object modeling and animation with particle-based system
Presented at 8th ICECGDG, Austin (TX), pp 215-219, august 1998
1997, en pleine forme !
- Deformable
Modeling with a Particle-Based System for Medical Applications
Fabrice JAILLET, Behzad SHARIAT and Denis VANDORPE
Presented at WSCG'97, Plzen (CZ), pp. 192-201, february 1997.
- Periodic
B-Spline Surface Skinning Of Anatomic Shapes
Fabrice JAILLET, Behzad SHARIAT and Denis VANDORPE
Presented at CCCG'97, Kingston (CAN), pp. 199-210, august 1997.
- 3D
surface modeling from planar sections
Fabrice JAILLET, Behzad SHARIAT and Denis VANDORPE . Presented at Optical 3D Measurement Techniques {IV}, Zurich (CH), pp. 430-435, october 1997.
- Modélisation
à l'aide de particules
Presented at 5iemes Journées AFIG, Rennes (F), pp. 217-226, december 1997.
- A short animation: 619 K
1996 !
- Volume
Reconstruction Method
LIGIM Internal Report for the European INFOCUS Project, oct.1996
1995, DEA : "Reconstruction Automatique de Surface à partir d'une Image 3D"
- Reconstruction
Surface à partir d'une Image 3D
Master Thesis, INSA/UCBL, june 1995